
fān chuán yùn dònɡ
  • sailing;yachting
  1. 提供的活动项目有帆船运动和山地骑车。

    The activities on offer include sailing and mountain biking .

  2. 是她最先使我体会到了帆船运动的乐趣。

    It was she who first introduced the pleasures of sailing to me .

  3. 儿时他最大的爱好是帆船运动、游泳和骑自行车。

    His favourite childhood pursuits were sailing , swimming and cycling .

  4. 如果她当时不得不放弃骑自行车的话,她或许就从事她很有优势的帆船运动了。

    If she had had to give up riding she might have taken up sailing competitively

  5. 海峡群岛是英国和法国的帆船运动爱好者夏日最爱去的地方。

    The Channel Islands are a favourite summer haunt for UK and French yachtsmen alike .

  6. 帆船运动根本就不便宜。

    Sailing is not exactly cheap .

  7. 一两年前,我有一阵子曾迷上了在芬兰海域中进行帆船运动。

    A year or two ago I found myself indulging in a spot of yachting in Finnish waters

  8. 他曾经开玩笑说:"帆船运动是消耗能量最少的运动!"

    He once joked , " Sailing is the sport that takes the least energy ! "

  9. 好.我可报道帆船运动。

    Ok . I can report on the sport of sailing .

  10. 约翰:或许你可以做个有关帆船运动的周末报道。

    John : Maybe you can do a weekend report about sailing .

  11. 苏珊:这个星期五,我们的第一个报道是有关帆船运动的。

    Susan : This Friday , our first report is on sailing .

  12. 苏珊:因为我周末报道是关于帆船运动的。

    Susan : Because my weekend report is on sailing .

  13. 我与杰克这个周五正要做有关帆船运动的节目。

    Jake and I are reporting on sailing this friday .

  14. 去钓鱼、远足、慢跑、做帆船运动、探岩洞等

    Go fishing , hiking , jogging , sailing , pot-holing , etc

  15. 他的游泳池里全是一帮帆船运动爱好者。

    His swimming pool is full of the yachting set .

  16. 他喜爱户外运动,如越野识途赛跑、帆船运动和山地远足。

    He loved outdoor activities such as orienteering , sailing and hill-walking .

  17. 风势已减弱,做帆船运动较为安全了。

    The wind has moderated , making sailing safer .

  18. 保罗于1986年开始从事帆船运动,从那以后便一直在做这件事。

    Paul started sailing in1986 and he 's been doing it ever since .

  19. 是她最先使我体会到了帆船运动的乐趣。

    It was she who first d the pleasures of sailing to me .

  20. 这种天气作帆船运动太危险。

    The weather is too nasty for sailing .

  21. 帆船运动是我非常喜爱的活动。

    Sailing is an activity I much enjoy .

  22. 您希望发展中国的帆船运动。

    You want to develop sailing in china .

  23. 你什么时候首次接触帆船运动的?

    When were you first introduced to sailing ?

  24. 但我不喜欢帆船运动,只要走到船边我就晕船。

    I hate to sail . I go near a boat and I get seasick .

  25. 我想好好做一个有关帆船运动的节目,但杰克不会驾驶帆船。

    I want to do a good story on sailing , but Jake can 't sail .

  26. 我们强调,青少年是帆船运动的未来和希望。

    We stress that the future and hope of sailing sports rest on the young people .

  27. 尽管爱因斯坦从来都没有学会游泳,但帆船运动却陪伴了他。

    Even though Einstein never learned to swim , he kept sailing as a hobby throughout his life .

  28. 起初它以牡蛎和渔业而著名,现在它是一个度假和帆船运动的圣地。

    Originally famous for its oysters and fishing , Emsworth is now mainly a holiday and sailing resort .

  29. 当爱因斯坦还在瑞士的苏黎世理工学院上学时,他就爱上了帆船运动。

    When Einstein attended college at the Polytechnic Institute in Zurich , Switzerland , he fell in love with sailing .

  30. 1900年巴黎奥运会上,帆船运动成为了奥运比赛项目,并实行了让时赛制。

    Sailing first became an Olympic sport in Paris in 1900 , where time handicaps were used to adjudicate the race .