
  1. 奥运会帆船比赛参赛船数有限制吗?

    Dose the game have limit in the number of ships ?

  2. 北京奥运会帆船比赛前夕浒苔灾害暴发与青岛市应急行动

    Emergency action of Enteromorpha prolifera disaster in Qingdao city before Olympic sailing games

  3. 现在奥运会帆船比赛按照参赛船只的重量和尺寸,将它们划分为多个标准级别。

    Olympic racing is now conducted with boats categorised into one-design classes based on similar weights and measurements .

  4. 凭借得天独厚的自然环境和文化底蕴,青岛成为第29届奥运会帆船比赛举办城市。

    With unique natural environment and great cultural diversity , Qingdao has become the host city for the Sailing Regatta of 29th Olympic Games .

  5. 青岛作为第29届北京奥林匹克运动会伙伴城市,将在2008年举办奥运会帆船比赛,并于2006年及2007年成功举办了奥运帆船比赛试训赛。

    Qingdao is the partner of Beijing in 29th Olympic Game . Olympic Sailing will be held in Qingdao at 2008 . Qingdao International Regatta Test Events have been held at 2006 and 2007 .

  6. 青岛国际帆船中心是2008年奥运会帆船帆板比赛场地之一,其媒体中心钢屋面结构比较特殊,单榀平面结构为圆弧形H型钢梁和圆管柱铰接而成。

    The steel roofing of Qingdao International Sailboat Center for 2008 Olympic Games is shaped as quarter arc , which is made of H-beam and pipe column .

  7. 防波堤断面结构型式及护面块体稳定性模型试验研究&2008北京奥运会青岛帆船比赛基地水工模型试验

    Physical Modeling on the Structure of Breakwaters and Stability of Armor Blocks : 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Qingdao Sailing Competition Base

  8. 青岛奥帆委是在北京奥组委和青岛市政府的双重领导之下负责2008北京奥运会的帆船比赛的赛事运行机构。

    Under the leadership of BOCOG and Qingdao Government , Qingdao Sailing Committee is in charge of the operation of Olympic Sailing Regatta .

  9. 摘要2008北京奥运会青岛帆船比赛基地的平面布置对港内泊稳条件、比赛效果、场地外观等提出较高要求。

    The plane arrangement of the2008 Beijing Olympic Sailing Base in Qingdao puts forward strict requests for anchor stability , competition environment , external appearance etc.

  10. 今夏奥运会的帆船比赛将在这里举行,而帆船运动的新观众将学到令人吃惊的新知识:我们居然可以迎风前行。

    That 's where this summer 's Olympic sailboat races will take place , and viewers new to sailing will learn a surprising fact : You can sail into the wind .

  11. 西域文士在元代社会中的角色与地位&以赡思为个案研究肯尼思,2004年雅典奥运会的帆船比赛地点在什么地方?

    The Role and Status of Man of Letters in West Region in Yuan Dynasty & Take Shansi as an Example ; Kenneth , what 'll be the venue for sailing at Athens 2004 ?

  12. 27届奥运会时,帆船比赛地点选在悉尼拉什库特斯海湾。

    At the27th olympics , the Rushcutters Bay of Sydney was selected as the venue for the sailing competition .

  13. 他还参加了1968年、1972年和1976年三届奥运会的芬兰人级帆船比赛。

    He also competed in sailing at three editions of the Olympic Games , in 1968 , 1972 and 1976 , in the Finn class .