
  • 网络Anwar;Usman Anwar
  1. 澳大利亚莫纳什大学(MonashUniversity)马来西亚校区政治学教授詹姆斯&12539;秦(JamesChin)称,安瓦尔对政府的批评将让政府十分恼火。

    Mr. Anwar 's criticisms of the government ' will be profoundly annoying , ' said James Chin , a political-science professor at the Malaysia campus of Australia 's Monash University .

  2. 埃及的巨变正好嵌入到以色列没完没了的全民辩论中,非常像安瓦尔?萨达特(AnwarSadat)于1981年遇刺时的情景,那一年穆巴拉克上台接掌了权力。

    The Egyptian cataclysm slots into Israel 's endless national debate , much as Anwar Sadat 's assassination did in1981 , when Mr Mubarak assumed power .

  3. 马来西亚航空公司(MalaysiaAirlines)失联客机的机长以及他支持反对党领袖安瓦尔(AnwarIbrahim)的态度成为马来西亚政治争斗的最新素材,政治对手纷纷指责对方利用全国危机为自己谋取好处。

    The captain of the vanished Malaysia Airlines jet and his support for opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim have become the latest fodder for political rivals who are accusing each other of exploiting a national crisis .

  4. 针对安瓦尔的上诉裁决即将出台。

    a ruling on Mr. Anwar 's appeal is expected any day .

  5. 更为糟糕的是,安瓦尔仍不承认此次选举结果。

    Making matters worse , Mr Anwar has still not conceded the election .

  6. 没了安瓦尔,其联盟面临着分裂的危险。

    With Mr Anwar gone , his coalition is in danger of splintering .

  7. 安瓦尔于昨天下午自南京抵达上海。

    Anwar arrived in Shanghai from Nanjing yesterday afternoon .

  8. 但就在马航370航班起飞前数小时,针对安瓦尔的无罪判决又被推翻。

    The acquittal was overturned a few hours before Flight 370 took off .

  9. 安瓦尔曾经有一个时期是马来西亚的关键政治人物。

    Mr. Anwar has been a pivotal figure in Malaysian politics for a generation .

  10. 法院驳回了安瓦尔的上诉,并判他5年监禁。

    He received five years in jail after his appeal was rejected in court .

  11. 安瓦尔第一次显得恼怒。

    For the first time he seems riled .

  12. 安瓦尔提出土耳其是一个范本。

    Anwar mentions Turkey as an inspiration .

  13. 安瓦尔事件之后的马来西亚外交

    Caption : Malaysian Diplomacy Following Anwar Incident

  14. 安瓦尔似乎尤其喜欢他的蒲迪纳烤饼,他再一次提到了对健康可能有的好处。

    Anwar seems especially happy with his pudina bread , mentioning again the supposed health benefits .

  15. 然而,尽管安瓦尔有醒目的履历,但人们对他能否兑现承诺仍然心存怀疑。

    Yet , while the record is impressive , doubts remain about whether the man can deliver .

  16. 六年监狱生活,安瓦尔大部分都是被单独关押,直到冤案平反。

    He spent six years in jail , mostly in solitary confinement , until his conviction was overturned .

  17. 安瓦尔此时已经吃完,把手指浸到了温水里。

    Anwar has by now finished eating , and is dipping his fingers in a bowl of warm water .

  18. 政治分析师们表示,安瓦尔重新成为媒体焦点很可能激怒马来西亚政府。

    Political analysts said Mr. Anwar 's return to the media spotlight is likely to infuriate Malaysia 's government .

  19. 高级警官安瓦尔说,这些激进嫌疑分子曾计划袭击外国目标和宗教场所。

    Senior police officer Usman Anwar says the suspected militants had planned to attack foreign targets and places of worship .

  20. 有人确信这个位于夏卜瓦省南部的小镇是美籍也门牧师安瓦尔?阿洛拉基的藏身处。

    The town is in the southern province of Shabwa , where American-Yemeni cleric Anwar al-Awlaki is believed to be hiding .

  21. 马来西亚政府在周二召开的370航班搜救工作新闻发布会上对安瓦尔的表态做出间接回应。

    Malaysia 's government responded indirectly to Mr. Anwar 's remarks at a Tuesday news conference on the search for Flight 370 .

  22. 安瓦尔迟到了半个小时,按孟买的标准应该算可以接受,不过他还是礼貌地道歉。

    Anwar turns up roughly half an hour late just about acceptable by Mumbai standards , but he apologises politely , nonetheless .

  23. 24岁的安瓦尔说:如果能拿到护照的话,我就是世界上最幸福的女人了。

    If I could just get my passport , I 'd be the happiest woman in the universe , says anwar , 24 .

  24. 66岁的安瓦尔经常出现在马来西亚的新闻头条。马来西亚有2800万人口,穆斯林占主导地位。

    Mr. Anwar , 66 years old , is seldom far from the headlines in this predominantly Muslim nation of 28 million people .

  25. 如今安瓦尔已67岁,而且出狱后5年内不得从政,这次的定罪似乎给他的政治生涯画上了句号。

    Now 67 and banned from office for five years after his release , his conviction appears to spell the end of his political career .

  26. 这已经是安瓦尔母女第三次申请为安瓦尔办理护照了。安瓦尔打算先开车去安曼(约旦首都),然后再飞往底特律去见她的未婚夫。

    It was their third attempt to get a passport for Anwar , who plans to drive to Amman before flying to Detroit to meet her husband-to-be .

  27. 安瓦尔周二接受采访时说,没有丝毫证据证明扎哈里或我本人有任何出格的行动。

    ' There 's not a shred of evidence to suggest any uncanny action by him or by me , ' Mr. Anwar said in an interview Tuesday .

  28. 安瓦尔.奥拉赫.汗说,政府没有足够的设施,救援人员没有车辆,因此无法在紧急局势下把受伤的人送往医院。

    He says there are not enough facilities from the government side and that his fellow rescue workers do not have vehicles for any emergency situations to take injured people to the hospital .

  29. 马来西亚检方或许会对安瓦尔无罪开释提出上诉,但眼下他似乎仍在对恢复自由人的状态感到愉悦。

    For all that , he seems surprisingly free of bitterness : prosecutors in Malaysia might have appealed his acquittal but for now he seems to be revelling in his status as a free man .

  30. 3月7日,安瓦尔因与一位男性助手发生性关系而被判鸡奸罪,他否认这一指控,并说这是企图终止他政治生涯之举。

    On March 7 , he was convicted of breaking Malaysia 's strict sodomy laws by having sex with a male aide , a charge he denies and describes as an attempt to end his political career .