
  • 网络Safe moisture content;safety moisture
  1. 杉木等种子贮藏期间安全水分的研究

    A study on the critical moisture content in stored seeds of Cunninghamia lanceolata and other tree species

  2. 通过带菌量测定及霉变情况分析,找到花生粕储藏的安全水分。

    Through the analysis of bacteria and mildew , find a safe storage moisture of peanut meal .

  3. 低温、低药量密闭储藏半安全水分大米的研究

    Study of airtight storage of rice at semi-safe moisture content under low temperature and low dose of insecticides

  4. 粮食安全水分是指粮食可以安全储存的粮食水分。

    Commissariat brings total moisture is to show commissariat is OK the grain moisture content that safety stores .

  5. 在本地区,塑袋贮藏中、晚杂交稻种子的安全水分含量标准应在12%以下。

    In the locality , the safe moisture content of storing seed should be 12 percent for middle and late seasonal hybrid rice .

  6. 我国东北地区是玉米的主要产区,每年冬季都有大量的玉米需要干燥到安全水分。

    Maize is mainly produced by northeast region in China . Every winter it has a great deal of maize need to be drying .

  7. 在实际工作中,应采用各类储粮技术尽量控制稻谷在安全水分以内、20℃以下低温储藏。

    In practice , the stored paddy should be controlled within safe moisture level and keep low temperature below 20 ℃ through suitable storage technology .

  8. 拟合误差在谷物水分小于23%时,低于2.6%。在安全水分处,误差在0.5%左右。

    The fitting errors are less than 2.6 % when the water content of grain is less than 23 % and about 0.5 % when the water content of grain is the safe water content .

  9. 通过试验发现,谷物达到安全水分时,水稻的水分目标函数值无种间差异,但与小麦的水分目标函数值存在着不同。

    By experiments , it is found that there is not a breed difference in the objective function of rice water content at the safe water content of grain , but the objective function of rice water content is different from that of wheat water content .

  10. 稻谷在高温环境下安全储藏水分研究

    Study on the Safe Storage Moisture of Paddy in the High-temperature Environment

  11. 近年来,随着我国农业的发展和在国际上农产品商贸方面竞争的加剧,农产品质量安全、水分控制、成本规划等问题越来越多的得到重视。

    In recent years , with the development of agriculture and agricultural products in international trade and business competition intensifies , the issues such as quality and safety of agricultural products , water control , cost planning are becoming more and more important .

  12. 南方长期安全储藏高水分玉米的尝试

    Safe and long-time storage of corn of high moisture content in south area of China

  13. 丰田表示,该公司并不清楚进入安全气囊的水分与气体发生器炸裂的可能性是否有关。

    Toyota said it did not know whether there was a relationship between moisture getting into the airbag and the possibility of the inflator rupturing .

  14. 高大平房仓安全储藏中高水分晚粳稻谷的研究

    Study on safe storage of late japonica rice of high moisture content in large warehouse