
ào lín pǐ kè jīnɡ shén
  • Olympic spirit;Olympic ideals
  1. 画面上的男性身体具有奥林匹克精神,强壮、有运动感、完美无暇。

    The bodies on show are Olympic ideals , strong , athletic and without blemish .

  2. 他也希望其它国家能够开始讲授奥林匹克精神,目前还很少有西方国家这样做。

    He also hopes other countries will start teaching the Olympic ideals & few Western countries currently do .

  3. 但这个北京人最终接受了加拿大西安大略大学(UniversityofWesternOntario)的奖学金,成为奥林匹克精神的信徒,并致力于让这种精神重新成为奥运会的核心。

    But the Beijing native took the scholarship at the University of Western Ontario and became a believer in the Olympics ideals & and in the need to put them back into the center of the Games .

  4. 陈教授认为SIFE深圳大学团队应该把奥林匹克精神融入项目运行的过程中,努力做到更快,更高,更强!

    Dr Chen considered SIFE Shenzhen University team should mirror the Olympic Spirit when running the project , make great effort to get ahead .

  5. 曾在2004年为英国获得奥运会羽毛球银牌的盖尔埃姆斯(GailEmms)观看了比赛。埃姆斯说,这对羽毛球运动来说是非常令人难堪的事,且有违奥林匹克精神。

    Gail Emms , a 2004 British Olympic badminton silver medallist watching the game , said it was very embarrassing for the sport and was not in the Olympic spirit .

  6. 北京奥运会组织者昨日表示,任何将体育与政治联系在一起的行为都有违奥林匹克精神。此前,美国电影导演史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格(StevenSpielberg)辞去了北京奥运会开闭幕式艺术顾问一职。

    Organisers of the Beijing Olympics yesterday denounced any linking of sport and politics as a contravention of the Olympic Spirit following the resignation of Steven Spielberg , the US film director , as an artistic adviser for the Games ' opening and closing ceremonies .

  7. 4奥林匹克精神是奥林匹克理想的体现;

    The Olympic spirit is an embodiment of the Olympic idea ;

  8. 奥林匹克精神与高等教育思想创新

    The Olympic spirit and the ideological innovation of the higher education

  9. 论2006都灵冬奥会展现出的奥林匹克精神

    On the Olympic Spirits Shown in 2006 Torino Winter Olympic Games

  10. 奥林匹克精神与现代和谐家庭关系构建

    The Olympic Spirit and the Construction of Modern Harmonious Family Relationship

  11. 这家报纸的社论说,奥林匹克精神是永世长存的。

    The paper said editorially that the olympic spirit is transcedent .

  12. 奥林匹克精神与当代大学生身心和谐发展

    Olympics spirit and contemporary university student body and mind harmonious development

  13. 安妮:这不是违背了奥林匹克精神吗?

    Annie : was that against the spirit of the olympics ?

  14. (四)弘扬和传播奥林匹克精神

    ( Four ) Carry Forward and Disseminate the Olympic Spirit

  15. 我国体育文化与奥林匹克精神的冲突与融合

    Conflicts and Amalgamation of Our Country 's Sports Culture and Olympic Spirit

  16. 论开展与奥林匹克精神相融合的武术文化教育

    On Unfolding Wushu Culture and Education Blended with Olympic Spirit

  17. 奥林匹克精神与2008年北京人文奥运

    Olympic Spirits and Olympics Blending Sports with Culture in 2008

  18. 发扬奥林匹克精神促进高校师资队伍建设

    Spread the Olympic Spirit , Promote the Faculty Building in the Universities

  19. 中国人民一向赞赏奥林匹克精神的宗旨和原则。

    Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal .

  20. 印刷媒介促进了奥林匹克精神的传播。

    Print media promotes the dissemination of the Olympic spirit .

  21. 我们都将积极地发扬奥林匹克精神。

    And all of the Chinese will develop the Olympic spirits actively .

  22. 参与并取胜,这就是奥林匹克精神。

    To participate and to win - that is the Olympic spirit .

  23. 奥林匹克精神在中国社会的传播及其深远影响

    Spread and influence of the Olympic spirit in China

  24. 在体育场上,可能也同样缺乏奥林匹克精神。

    In the sports arenas , the Olympic spirit may be equally lacking .

  25. 浅谈职业中专体育教学中如何传播奥林匹克精神

    How to spread the Olympic Spirit in physical education of vocational secondary school

  26. 试论奥林匹克精神的发扬与困惑&人类正义文化的沉思

    On promotion and predicament of Olympic sports & cultural meditation of human justice

  27. 奥林匹克精神是什么呢?那就是更快、更高、更强。

    The Olympic Spirit means striving to be faster , higher and stronger .

  28. 它是对奥林匹克精神的嘲弄。

    It makes a travesty of the Olympic spirit .

  29. 他说,他只是以长跑证明奥林匹克精神。

    According to him , he was just running to promote the Olympic spirit .

  30. 我们不能背离奥林匹克精神。

    We cannot deviate from the Olympic spirit .