
sān yè cǎo
  • clover;shamrock;trefoil;Adidas;whitetip clover
三叶草[sān yè cǎo]
  1. “三叶草”当ShellyCleaver在1958年结婚时就很好的利用到了这一功能。

    " Shamrock " Shelly Cleaver made good use of that feature when he got married in nineteen fifty-eight .

  2. “三叶草”ShellyCleaver是美国Edsel车主俱乐部的公关总监。

    " Shamrock " Shelly Cleaver is the public relations director for the Edsel Owners Club in the United States .

  3. 蜜蜂在三叶草丛中嗡嗡作响。

    Bees were buzzing in the clover .

  4. 两种三叶草杂交胚离体培养与F1代扩繁及其鉴定

    Study on Expanding Propagation and Identification of F_1 in Vitro Culture of Hybrid Embryo of Caucasian Clover × White Clover

  5. VA菌根和根瘤菌双接种对白三叶草生长的影响

    Response of white clover to rhizobium & va mycorrhiza dual inoculation

  6. 但是,和Windows使用Control键不同,Mac键盘使用的是Command键;该按键上有一个三叶草标志或苹果标识。

    However , instead of using the Control key , they use the Mac 's Command key , which bears either a cloverlike symbol or an Apple logo .

  7. 锌污染条件下VA菌根对三叶草生长和元素吸收的影响

    Effect of VA-mycorrhizal infection on growth and nutrient uptake of red clover at different Zn supply levels

  8. 三叶草形钢板在治疗Pilon骨折中的应用

    Application of clover - pattern plate in the treatment of Pilon fracture

  9. 高水分的青贮过程损耗了该三叶草的营养物质,降低其DM的瘤胃体外消化率。

    The process of highly moist silage consumed nutrient content in the clover , and the dry matter digestibility in rumen was reduced .

  10. AMF对土壤肥力的响应及其对三叶草生长效应的研究

    Responses of Fertilizer Soil to AMF and Effects of AMF on the Growth of Clover

  11. 三叶草型固定板治疗胫骨Pilon骨折

    Treatment of Pilon Fracture with Cloverleaf Plate

  12. 目的探讨三叶草形钢板治疗Pilon骨折的效果。

    Objective To study the effect of clover-pattern plate on the treatment of Pilon fracture .

  13. 推定的这两种tRNA的二级结构都具有典型的三叶草型结构。

    Predicted secondary structures of the tRNA genes suggest that they have the classical cloverleaf structures .

  14. 三叶草钢板治疗Pilon骨折的并发症原因分析及防治

    Analysis of causes and prevention of complications of the tibial Fourty-two Pilon fractures treated with ⅲ leaves type plate

  15. 苜蓿花叶病毒(Alfalfamosaicvirus,AMV)是侵染苜蓿和三叶草等豆科植物的主要植物病毒,能引起花叶,斑纹,皱缩等症状。

    Alfalfa mosaic virus ( AMV ) is a main plant virus in alfalfa , clover and other legumes , causing mosaic , mottles , malformations and other symptoms .

  16. 目的:比较胫骨远端前外侧L型锁定加压板与三叶草型固定板对Ⅱ、Ⅲ型Pilon骨折的疗效。

    Objective : To compare the curative effect of Pilon fracture with LCP Anterolateral Distal Tibal Plate and Cloverleaf Plate .

  17. 通过水培实验研究了重金属铜(Cu)污染对三叶草(Trifoliumpratense)幼苗生长及活性氧代谢系统的影响。

    The effect of copper ( Cu ) abstract pollution on the seedling growth and activate oxygen metabolism of Trifolium pratense was studied by water cultivation experiments .

  18. CdCl2、SNP、CdCl2+SNP对白三叶草种子萌发生理生化的影响

    The effects of CdCl_2 , SNP , CdCl_2 + SNP on the seed germination physiology and biochemistry of Trifolium repens

  19. 结果表明:用不同植物群落的土样作为接种物,三叶草菌根侵染率和根际AMF种类和密度有很大差异,但菌根真菌种类数目较多;

    The result shows that there are obvious difference in the colonization rate , density and species number of AMF when the inocula are soil from the different plant community .

  20. 今年的圣派却客日(注1)派对的气氛是萧瑟的,虽然在华盛顿,爱尔兰总理布莱恩克文(BrianCowen)一如既往地赠送了一盆三叶草给美国总统(注2),欧巴马。

    This year 's St Patrick Day 's parties were glum , even in Washington , where Brian Cowen , the Irish taoiseach , gave Barack Obama the usual bunch of shamrock ( see above ) .

  21. tRNA基因核苷酸长度为63~76nt,除了tRNACys和tRNASer(AGY)缺少D臂,其余的二级结构均呈典型的三叶草状。

    Transfer RNA genes range in length from 63 to 76 nt , their planar structure present characteristic clover leaf , except for tRNA-Cys and tRNA-Ser ( AGY ) because of lacking the D arm .

  22. 方法用三叶草钢板治疗老年肱骨近端二、三部分骨折36例,按Neer分类,二部分骨折11例,三部分骨折25例。

    Methods 36 cases of proximal humeral fractures in aged patients were treated with open reduction and blade plate fixation . 11 of these were two-part proximal humeral fractures while 25 were three-part ones according to Neer classification .

  23. 三叶草中水溶性膳食纤维的提取工艺研究

    Study on the extraction method of water-soluble dietary fiber from T.repens

  24. 三叶草在干旱胁迫下的生理反应研究

    The Study on Physiological Responses of White Clover under Drought Stress

  25. 三种三叶草的耐盐性和抗寒性研究

    Study on the Salt Tolerance and Cold Resistance of 3 Clovers

  26. 三级结构呈典型的β三叶草折叠构象。

    Tertiary structure is typical β shamrocks folded conformation . 2 .

  27. 切短、添加微生物发酵剂能够降低高加索三叶草的纤维含量。

    Plant cutting and microorganism starter adding reduced the fiber contents .

  28. 本论文对三叶草慢波结构行进了特性分析。

    The dissertation analyses the characteristic of clover-leaf coupled cavity structure .

  29. 梅花看上去有点像三叶草的图案。

    The Club looks a little like a three-leaf clover design .

  30. 球形和三叶草形变换催化剂宏观动力学研究

    The macrokinetics study of spherical and trefoil CO shift catalysts Shape Shadow