
  • 网络burberry;Burberry Prorsum;Burberry Group PLC
  1. 法利说,福特曾与普拉达(PradaSpA)和博柏利(BurberryGroupPLC)合作评估消费者情绪。

    Mr. Farley said Ford worked with Prada SpA and Burberry Group PLC to evaluate customer sentiment . '

  2. 她在2012年就重新打造了博柏利的伦敦旗舰店,并对记者表示,设计理念是,让该店以实体形式呈现公司的“博柏利世界直播”(BurberryWorldLive)网站。

    Back in 2012 she reopened Burberry 's flagship London store , telling reporters it was designed to be the physical manifestation of the company 's " Burberry World Live " website .

  3. 博柏利的市值甚至已超过英国商业街上的连锁商店玛莎百货(MarksandSpencer)。

    Its market capitalisation has even overtaken that of Marks and Spencer , the UK high street store chain .

  4. 英国的博柏利和美国的蔻驰(Coach)均缩减了香港的业务,在这里,租金在上涨,但中国内地游客数量却在减少。

    The UK 's Burberry and Coach of the US have scaled back in Hong Kong , where rents are rising but the number of Chinese visitors is falling .

  5. 当投资者对人生感到乐观时,他们会把博柏利(burberry)视为一家奢侈品公司。

    When investors are feeling bullish about life , they consider Burberry a luxury goods company .

  6. 博柏利还提供了一个互动功能:用户可以点击MyBurberry,输入自己名字的首字母。

    One interactive feature prompts users to click on My Burberry and type out their initials .

  7. 该公司还请来博柏利(Burberry)首席执行长阿伦茨(AngelaAhrendts)负责其零售和网络商店业务。

    The company also lured Burberry CEO Angela Ahrendts to run its retail and online store businesses .

  8. 博柏利(Burberry)预定本月底推出的LipandCheekBloom(售价24英镑)为乳脂质感的多色彩妆膏,女士们用后特别靓丽;

    Burberry 's Lip and Cheek Bloom ( £ 24 , released later this month ) , in creamy textured colours , is exceptionally pretty ;

  9. 博柏利还提供了一个互动功能:用户可以点击“MyBurberry”,输入自己名字的首字母。

    One interactive feature prompts users to click on " My Burberry " and type out their initials .

  10. 从华伦天奴(Valentino)、博柏利(Burberry)到芬迪(Fendi)众多品牌都推出了皮草手袋。

    Stores are stocked with furry bags from Valentino , Burberry , and Fendi .

  11. 上月博柏利(Burberry)则表示,公司第一季度销售额增长放缓,同比增长率由前一季度的30%降至11%。

    Last month Burberry said that first-quarter sales growth had slowed from 30 per cent to 11 per cent .

  12. 去年,博柏利(Burberry)关闭了10家中国门店,并计划在今年进一步削减销售空间。

    Burberry reduced its Chinese store count by 10 last year and plans further sales space cuts this year .

  13. 上周四,博柏利(Burberry)和历峰(Richemont)报告中国内地销售好于预期。

    On Thursday , Burberry and Richemont said sales in China were better than expected .

  14. 英国奢侈品牌博柏利(Burberry)在香港铜锣湾(CausewayBay)购物区的门店每月租金约为100万美元。

    Burberry , the British luxury brand , pays about $ 1m a month in rent for its store in Hong Kong 's Causeway Bay shopping district .

  15. 博柏利首席执行官兼首席创意官克里斯托弗贝利(ChristopherBailey)表示,在“挑战性的”局面下,第一季度业绩令人欣慰。

    Christopher Bailey , Burberry 's chief executive and chief creative officer , said the first-quarter performance was pleasing in light of " challenging " conditions .

  16. 香港服装生产商联业制衣(TAL)的客户包括布克兄弟(BrooksBrothers)和博柏利(Burberry),该公司表示所用机器至少80%都是Juki。

    TAL , a Hong Kong apparel maker whose clients include Brooks Brothers and Burberry , says at least 80 per cent of its machines are Juki .

  17. 这个组合似乎跟不上最近公司新聘高管的步伐,包括博柏利(Burberry)前任首席执行官安吉娜o阿伦德斯。

    The composition seems out of step with the company 's recent new hires , including Angela Ahrendts , former CEO of Burberry .

  18. 上周,英国奢侈品制造商博柏利(Burberry)出人意料地发布了一项盈利预警,该公司公布了一组自金融危机以来最糟糕的店面销售数据。

    Last week , British luxury-maker Burberry issued an unexpected profit warning , reporting its worst same-store sales figures since the financial crisis .

  19. 一件给新生儿穿的博柏利(Burberry)经典格纹外套零售价为110英镑,而一件迪奥(Dior)夹层夹克售价则将近400英镑。

    A classic Burberry check dress for a newborn retails at · 110 while a Dior padded jacket goes for almost · 400 .

  20. 贝克汉姆夫妇加入了另外一些高知名度的设计师的行列,他们都对公投公开表明了立场,包括博柏利(Burberry)的克里斯托弗·贝利(ChristopherBailey)以及帕特里克·格兰特(PatrickGrant)。

    The Beckhams are among the most high-profile fashion designers , along with Christopher Bailey of Burberry and Patrick Grant , to take a public stance on the vote .

  21. 本人穿的就是Hackett的深蓝色细条灯心绒面料西装,此外我还一直觊觎博柏利(Burberry)的一款深绿色西服。

    My own is a dark navy needlecord from Hackett , and there 's a bottle-green Burberry number that I covet .

  22. 根据L2的报告,一些擅长网络营销的品牌,如博柏利(Burberry),已经把社交媒体和其他网络平台直接纳入了整体的营销计划中。

    Some digitally savvy brands like Burberry , according to L2 " s report , have incorporated social media and other online platforms directly into their wider marketing campaigns .

  23. 英国品牌博柏利(Burberry)已与亚马逊(Amazon)和中国的天猫(Tmall)达成协议,协议条款包括将未经授权的博柏利产品分销商从这两个平台上移除。

    British label Burberry has struck deals with Amazon and China 's Tmall , the terms of which include the removal of unauthorised distributors of Burberry goods .

  24. 从服装集团Zara到奢侈品牌博柏利(Burberry),许多企业已在天猫(Tmall)上开店。天猫是阿里巴巴旗下类似eBay、旨在吸引品牌卖家的平台。

    Companies ranging from clothing group Zara to luxury brand Burberry have opened stores on Tmall , Alibaba 's eBay-like platform aimed at attracting brand-name sellers .

  25. 正如博柏利首席执行官克里斯托弗贝利(ChristopherBailey)在10月所说过的:“奢侈品行业的基本面因素正在变化。中国人的奢侈品支出增速正在放缓。”

    As Christopher Bailey , Burberry chief executive , said last month : " The fundamentals of the luxury industry are changing . Growth in Chinese luxury spending is moderating . "

  26. 苹果(Apple)聘请博柏利(Burberry)CEO安吉拉•阿伦德负责零售及在线业务,为苹果招徕了一名时尚达人、数字传道者和千禧一代的营销大师。

    In recruiting Burberry ( burby ) CEO Angela ahrendts to head its retail and online unit , apple ( AAPL ) is acquiring a design fanatic , a digital evangelist , and a master of millennial marketing .

  27. 其他知名的同性恋企业领导人包括,博柏利(Burberry)的首席执行官克里斯托弗•贝利(ChristopherBailey),以及长期担任谷歌(Google)高管、并在上月成为白宫首席技术官的梅甘•史密斯(MeganSmith)。

    Other high-profile gay business leaders include Christopher Bailey , chief executive of Burberry ; and Megan Smith , a long-serving Google executive who last month became the White House 's chief technology officer .

  28. 目前普拉达(Prada)的预期市盈率为23倍(该公司昨日发布了不错的业绩公告),博柏利为18倍,雨果博斯则为16倍。

    Prada , which released good results yesterday , trades on 23 times forecast earnings , while Burberry is on 18 and Hugo Boss is on 16 .

  29. 博柏利(Burberry)昨日警告销售受到中国市场放缓冲击,随即股价大跌。这凸显了全球奢侈品市场面临的挑战。

    Shares in Burberry fell sharply following its warning yesterday that sales had been hit by the slowdown in China , underlining the challenges facing the global luxury market .

  30. 周日,位于铜锣湾(CausewayBay)的这家书店没有开门。该书店地处香港主要购物区的心脏地带,楼上是一家美甲店,对面是一家博柏利(Burberry)专卖店。

    On Sunday , the bookstore in Causeway Bay , which sits underneath a nail parlour and opposite a Burberry store in the heart of Hong Kong 's main shopping district , was closed .