
  • 网络players;The Games Players;Gamer
  1. 在这博奕中,三个博弈者同时受到同一个量子噪声的影响,在最大纠缠态的情况下,量子噪声降低了博弈者的收益。

    All players are affected by the same quantum noise at the same time .

  2. 即便有盖特纳和希拉里这样的老练博弈者,总统换届加上美国经济低迷,还是可能对美国的对华政策造成危害。

    Even with experienced players , such as Mr Geithner and Mrs Clinton , the combination of a presidential transition and a depressed US economy could be hazardous to China policy .

  3. 博弈者认知模式与合作意愿度分析

    Analysis on relationship between player perception style and willingness to cooperate

  4. 诚然,这些银行目前坐拥其投资带来的庞大账面盈利,但银行不应将自己的角色视为市场博弈者。

    True , the banks are now sitting on thumping paper profits from their investments . But banks should not see it as their role to punt on the markets .

  5. 经过结构模型的验证,责任归因在道德评价对博弈者情绪的影响中起中介作用;研究和探索结构性失业问题的成因和解决途径对于面临严重结构性失业的我国意义深远。

    By structural equation model analysis , we make conclusion that the effect of interpersonal evaluation on cooperation is mediated by expectation . Serious structural unemployment is the reality of China .

  6. 自二战以来,博弈论者一直在思考战略、威慑与大决战(Armageddon)。

    Since the second world war , game theorists have pondered strategy , deterrence and Armageddon .

  7. 从一个博弈论者的角度看,均衡解是显而易见的。

    From a game theorist 's perspective , the equilibrium solution is clear .

  8. 博弈论者对此颇为谙熟,在这种情况下,以牙还牙是最佳应对策略。

    It is well-known to game theorists that in such situations a tit-for-tat response is the optimal strategy .

  9. 博弈论者将此描述为一种“空谈”博弈,因为任何人都可以在网上随便声言任何事情。

    Game theorists describe this as a " cheap talk " game because anyone can claim anything online .

  10. 计件工资博弈中管理者的守诺与公平权衡&对计件工资制不流行的再解释

    The Manager 's Trade - Off Between Carrying Out the Commitment and Equity in a Piece Rate Game : a New Explanation of Unpopularity of a Piece rate System

  11. 运用博弈论分析决策者的决策。

    Use game theory to analyze of the decision makers .

  12. 支付满意率是针对经典博弈论中决策者的理性假设有时难以成立的问题而提出的。

    Rate of satisfying payoff ( RSP ) was defined to solve the problem of rationality hypothesis in Game Theory .

  13. 无论是对于传统经济学还是现代博弈论,决策者完全理性这一基本假设前提正在经受因实证经济学发展而带来的巨大挑战。

    As a basic assumption to either traditional economics or modern game theory , perfect rationality , is now encountering a huge challenge , attributing to the development of empirical economics .

  14. 采用序贯博弈理论设计二者的交易机制,引入贝叶斯学习模型以提高发电商和用户的学习能力。

    In this paper , the sequential game theory was used to design the trading mechanism between the two sides , and the Bayesian learning model was introduced to enhance the two sides'learning ability .

  15. 最后,我们结合雪堆博弈模型和少数者博弈的演化方法研究了多人竞争系统中合作行为产生的原因。

    These results show that the structure of networks have great effects on the final survival strategies among conflicts . Thirdly , we combine the snowdrift game and the evolutionary rules of minority game to study the cooperative behavior in multi-agents competing system .

  16. 博弈就是一个在给定的语境中,博弈者借助一定的信息,形成自己的语境信念,进而进行效用最大化的决策过程。

    A game is the process of decision-making in which the players use some information , form their own beliefs , and maximize their utilities in a certain context .

  17. 发现了评估机构在与客户的博弈中,处于弱势地位,在与监管部门的博弈中,二者间不同策略组合博弈后的结果决定了资产评估质量状况。

    The paper had found that appraisal agencies were in a weak position gamed with customers . When the appraisal agencies gamed with monitors , two different combinations of game strategy had decided the result of valuation quality .

  18. 建立了无限合作博弈类型下的合作意愿度(DWC)运算模型,目的是研究博弈者不同的认知模式将会对博弈者的DWC值和收益率产生怎样的影响;

    Based on the concept of willingness to cooperate ( DWC ), the paper construct the normal condition DWC model for infinite cooperating games .

  19. 其二、高校中观环境下,研究生与高校学术评价制度以及研究生与导师之间的心理博弈,表现为研究生与刚性学术评价指标的讨价还价博弈,与教育者的学术诚信的模仿博弈;

    Second , under colleges and universities environment , graduate students in colleges and universities and post-graduate academic evaluation system between instructors and psychological game , although academic performance and evaluation indicators for postgraduate bargaining game with the academic integrity of educators copied game ;

  20. 接下来,在描述R&D项目的期权及博弈特性后,对不完全竞争环境下的连续型双头期权博弈模型中领先者、跟随者以及同时投资时二者的价值函数和投资临界值进行了分析讨论。

    Then the option and game characteristic of a R & D project is described . After that , the author carries on the analysis to the value function and the investment marginal value of competitors in a incompletely competition environment by a continual double-head monopoly model .

  21. 针对目前在中国象棋计算机博弈中,广泛使用的静态估值方法不能客观体现博弈双方各自实力的变化趋势,实现博弈者战略意图定向搜索的实际,提出了基于对弈局势的二次估值方法。

    The static evaluation used in chinese chess game on computer currently could not reflect the strength trend of game players objectively and accomplish the strategic purpose of directional search of game players , so a method of revaluation based on situation is described .