
  • 网络Boland
  1. 博兰形容,在BellResources工作的那段时间充满乐趣。

    Mr Boland describes this spell working for Bell Resources as a lot of fun .

  2. 博兰说:加入Acorn时,确实让我首次看到了工程师的工作与产品和业务开发之间的直接关系。

    When I arrived at Acorn , it was really the first time I could see the direct connection between the work of engineers and the creation of products and business , Mr Boland says .

  3. 基于精神失常可减轻刑事责任的理由,博兰被免除了谋杀罪,但仍然获判过失杀人。

    Borland was cleared of murder but found guilty of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility .

  4. 博兰将致力于能反映出这一寻求过程的诗歌创作。

    And she will devote herself to writing poetry to record this searching process .

  5. 尽管是穿着皮革鞋参加比赛,博兰仍赢得了比赛并成为奥运会冠军。

    Despite competing with leather-soled shoes with heels , Boland won the competition and became an Olympic champion .

  6. 并且,第三章归纳出博兰在其诗歌中为避免意象的僵化和创造出一种流动的句法所使用的策略。

    Chapter three summarizes the devices Boland employs in her poetry to avoid the solidification of images and to create a fluid syntax .

  7. 此举符合博兰在去年11月公布的计划。他当时表示,中国和印度将是集团的重点市场。

    The move is in line with the plan laid out by Mr Bolland last November , when he said China and India would be priority markets for the group .

  8. 第四章,结论部分,总结全文并得出结论:对于博兰来说,身份永远不是一个固定的条目,而是一种不断寻求的过程。

    Chapter four , the concluding part , summarizes the thesis and draws the conclusion . For Boland , identity is never a fixed item but a process of searching .

  9. 博兰表示,如果阻止黑客参加公开赛事的目的是让黑客直接向国家信息安全漏洞库上报,这将造就出一个“重大威胁”,因为中国黑客将拥有利用大量漏洞的空间。

    Mr Boland said that if the block on attending public contests was designed to have hackers report directly to the CNNVD it would create a " significant threat " because of the scope for Chinese hackers to exploit a huge pool of vulnerabilities .

  10. 当它穿过东加塔布群岛和航海家群岛之间的时候,测程器的记录已经到了九千七百二十海里;汤加塔布群岛是从前阿尔戈号、太子港号和博兰公爵号的船员丧生的地方,航海家群岛是拉?白鲁斯的朋友、郎格尔船长被杀的所在。

    We logged 9720 miles when we passed between the Tonga Islands , where crews from the Argo , Port-au-Prince , and Duke of Portland had perished , and the island group of Samoa , scene of the slaying of Captain de Langle , friend of that long-lost navigator , the Count de La Perouse .