
  • 网络tactical;psychological tactics
  1. 论《三国志演义》关于计谋描写的心理战术

    Psychological Tactics of Trick Description in The Three kingdoms

  2. 几种重要的侦查心理战术研究

    Research on Important Psychological Tactics in Investigation

  3. 看,我不反对采用心理战术。

    See , I 'm not opposed to the psychological side .

  4. 政府已经反击指责其对手的心理战术。

    The government has shot back , accusing its opponents of psychological warfare .

  5. 别说了,我才不会上这些心理战术的当。

    Stop it . I 'm not falling for these little mind games .

  6. 在国外进行秘密的政治干涉和心理战术。

    It will do secret political intervention and psychological warfare operations in foreign area .

  7. 排球比赛心理战术浅析

    About psychological tactics in Volleyball Matches

  8. 启动效应可以作为一种心理战术,有意识地去训练和开发人的记忆能力。

    Priming can be used as a psychological tactic used to subconsciously train a person 's memory .

  9. 目前摔跤运动员常用的战术主要有:体力分配战术、时间战术、边线战术、心理战术、隐瞒战术。

    The tactics usually adopted by the wrestling players at present are physical strength allocation tactic , time tactic , sideline tactic , psychological tactic and concealment tactic .

  10. 自美国实施对日军事占领时起,美国对日政策中就包含有利用心理战术引导日本亲西方化的成分。

    Since the military occupation on Japan , America 's Japanese policy has involved some elements of psychological measures aiming at assuring continued orientation of Japan toward the West .

  11. 孟买行为科学和设计公司最后一英里希望它能利用心理战术劝印度司机开慢点,对道路安全多加重视。

    Final Mile is a Mumbai-based behavioural science and design firm that hopes it can play mind tricks with Indian drivers to persuade them to slow down and pay more attention .

  12. 心理战术是指在战争中于政治、军事、外交等领域,利用对方将领的心理因素制定的一系列影响、制约甚至控制对方心理和行为的谋略和方法。

    Psychological tactics can be defined as a series of strategies and methods , which influence , restrict and control the adversary 's mind and behavior , taking advantage of his psychological factors , used in the field of politics , military and diplomacy etc.

  13. 要想取得2008年北京奥运金牌必须从心理、技战术水平等方面来提高中国队的发球技术。

    The author believed that if Chinese tennis players want to win the champion of Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 , they must improve their serving technique in psychology and tactics .

  14. 以中国乒乓男队马琳、王皓为研究对象,运用文献、访谈、比较、数理统计等方法,分析了直拍快攻打法在技术、体能、心理、战略战术方面的优势;

    The article analyzes penhold fast attack method in table tennis by means of documentary , interview , comparison and statistics and with Ma Lin and Wang Hao as research objects in men table tennis team of China .

  15. 目的:现代五项项目五个单项的组合对运动员的体能、心理和技战术训练等均具有较高的要求,在各个单项的训练中存在着既相互影响又相互矛盾的关系。

    Objective : The combination of five individual items in Modern Pentathlon has high requirements of the physical fitness , psychology and skill tactics training , the relationship among individual items are not only influencing but also contradictory .

  16. 从战术行为的训练、战术意识内涵及培养、心理活动与战术行为、战术行为的灵活性培养等方面阐述了排球业余爱好者如何培养战术行为。

    Sets forth for volleyball amateurs the means of training , tactical conduct from the points of the drilling of tactical conduct , the connotation and training of tactical sense , psychological movement and tactical behavior , and the training of flexibility in tactical conduct , etc.

  17. 心理战与警察战术心理战刍议

    A Tentative Talk on Psychological Warfare and the Psychological Warfare of Police Tactics

  18. 排球规则改变对运动员认知心理及发球技战术发展的影响

    Influence of the Change in Volleyball Regulations upon Player 's Cognition , Technical and Tactical Development in Service

  19. 试析中、古女排心理因素对技战术的制约

    Trial Analysis about the Restriction of the Mental Factors on the Techniques and Tactics in the Cuban and Chinese Women Volleyball Teams

  20. 研究结果认为心理技能训练与战术训练的结合有助于提高射手的问题指向应付能力;

    The conclusion is as following : the combination of psychology skill training and tactics training improves the task-oriented coping ability in shooters ;

  21. 攻防之间的相互关系体现在比赛的双方在同一场地上,规定的时间内进行着心理、技术、战术等全方位的对抗。

    Competition between the two sides in the same venue , the time stipulated in the psychological , technical , tactical , such as all-round confrontation .

  22. 乒乓球新赛制的改革,对运动员的心理素质、技战术水平都提出了新的要求。

    New demands to the psychological quality , the skills and tactics of the players are made by the reform of the new match system of table tennis .

  23. 拳击是一项对抗性很强的体育运动项目,是对参与者体能、智力、心理、技术和战术等多项素质的综合考验。

    Boxing is a strongly rival athletics event . It is an all-around test to participants ' varietyqualities including stamina , intelligence , mind , skills and tactics and so on .

  24. 侦查过程是一种心理战的过程,需运用一定的心理战术方法。

    Investigative process is that of a psychological war , to which some psychological tactics must be applied .