
  • 网络Cardiopulmonary endurance;cardiovascular endurance;cardiorespiratory fitness;Cardiorespiratory Endurance
  1. 运动方案设计根据不同年龄以及上海地区场地小,家、校都适用的特点,围绕提高青少年心肺耐力、肌肉力量、柔韧性、平衡能力、体成分等指标进行综合运动项目。

    Exercise program design according to different age and small venues in Shanghai , home , school characteristics that are applicable , focusing on improving adolescent cardiorespiratory endurance , muscle strength , flexibility , balance , body composition and other indicators to combine sport .

  2. 我个人认为,心率监测是一个被低估的工具,任何运动,需要心肺耐力。

    I personally think that the heart rate monitor is an underrated tool for any sport that requires cardiovascular endurance .

  3. 不同年级男生在健康体适能柔软度、肌力、心肺耐力均有显著差异。

    Different grade boy in health fitness softness , muscle , cardiovascular system significantly .

  4. 中国内地城市和香港9~18岁学生心肺耐力及肌肉素质的比较研究

    Comparison of Cardiopulmonary Endurance and Muscular Fitness in Teenagers between Hong Kong and Inland Cities

  5. 所以在网球专项训练中,我们应该特别加强运动员心肺耐力的训练。

    So in tennis special training , we should strengthen the training of the athletes cardiopulmonary function . 3 .

  6. 传统有氧运动组与跳舞组,心肺耐力有类似比率的升高,跳舞组患者益处稍多一点。

    Cardiopulmonary fitness increased at similar rates in the routine aerobic group and in the dance group , with dancers experiencing slightly greater benefits .

  7. 结果发现:内地各年龄组男女生的心肺耐力均优于香港同龄者;

    Results revealed that cardiopulmonary endurance in school teenagers of both sex at different ages in inland cities was better than that in Hong Kong .

  8. 所以在平时的身体素质训练中,更应该注重网球运动员心肺耐力训练和全身肌肉爆发力、肌肉耐力的训练。

    So in the usual physical quality training , should notice more tennis player and cardiopulmonary function training muscles strength , muscular endurance training . 4 .

  9. 而运动训练与银杏叶提取物协同作用可显著提高小鼠的运动能力,尤其是肌肉耐力和心肺耐力;

    The synergic effect of athletic training and administration of gingko leaf extract can remarkably enhance rats ' athletic capability , particularly muscular endurance and cardiopulmonary endurance .

  10. 为了比较中国内地城市和香港青少年儿童的心肺耐力和肌肉素质,对两地的青少年儿童体质调查数据进行了比较研究。

    A study on the data of the physique investigated in teenagers was carried out between Hong Kong and inland cities to compare their cardiopulmonary endurance and muscular fitness .

  11. 选修篮球、网球的男生和选修排球、健美操的女生的生活方式总分最高。(4)大学生的生活方式与心肺耐力之间存在显著相关。

    The boys who play the basketball , tennis , and the girls who choose the volleyball and body-building exercises get the highest score in the total score of living style . ( 4 ) Students ' living style is also closely related with their cardiopulmonary endurance .

  12. 不同训练方案对发展入伍新兵心肺功能、肌耐力的实验对比研究

    Experimental Research on Developing Cardiorespiratory Function and Muscle Endurance of New Enrollment Soldiers of Different Training Methods

  13. 目的:探讨新型常规潜艇长航60昼夜对艇员视力听力、心肺功能、体能耐力和心理工效等的影响。

    Objective : To explore the effects of 60-day navigation on a new-type diesel submarine on vision , hearing , cardiac and pulmonary functions , physical tolerance and psychological ergonomics of submariners .

  14. 《国家学生体质健康测试标准》的数据统计结果表明:主要反映大学生心肺功能水平的耐力素质(特别是速度耐力)也处于逐年下降趋势。

    According to " National Student Fitness Test standard " test data results and found that students mainly reflects the level of cardiopulmonary endurance ( especially the speed endurance ) is decreasing .

  15. 定向运动作为一种新兴的体育项目,随着定向运动全面普及与开展,更有利于改善和提高学生的心肺功能,增强耐力跑能力,在娱乐中提高耐力,在快乐中提高耐力。

    Directional movement as a new sports , with directional movement and universal , is more advantageous to improve and enhance students ' cardiopulmonary function , strengthen the ability in endurance running in the entertainment , improve stamina and endurance of increase in happiness .

  16. 作为一项有氧运动,它具有所有有氧运动的健身功能,如全面提高身体素质、提高心肺功能和肌肉耐力,促进肌体各组织器官的协调运作,使人体达到最佳机能状态。

    As a aerobic exercise , it has all the aerobic fitness campaign functions , such as improved overall physiques , improve cardio and muscular endurance , body for the coordination organs of the organizations operate to achieve the best possible function of the human body .