
  • 网络Agnelli;Agnelli family
  1. 所以,Exor是阿涅利家族的产业。

    EXOR , you see , is the Agnelli family .

  2. 这和手握菲亚特控股权的阿涅利家族34岁继承人约翰·埃尔康,即将取代卢卡·迪蒙泰泽莫洛(LucadiMontezemolo)成为菲亚特集团董事长的消息一起,鼓励了广大投资者。

    This , along with the news that John Elkann , a34-year-old scion of the Agnelli family which holds a controlling interest in Fiat , would replace Luca di Montezemolo as chairman , cheered investors .

  3. 这些年来,欧洲的银行家已经得出了结论:阿涅利家族已经准备从畅销的汽车业务中脱身,同时保留法拉利(Ferrari)及其F-1赛车队。

    For some years , European bankers have concluded that the Agnellis are poised to exit the mass-market automobile business eventually , while hanging on to Ferrari and its F-1 racing team .

  4. 德国杂志《经理人》(ManagerMagazin)本周表示,大众汽车的董事长费迪南德o皮耶希以及公司的控股股东保时捷家族已经与菲亚特的控股股东阿涅利家族进行了收购讨论。

    Manager Magazin , a German publication , said this week that Ferdinand Piech , the chairman of Volkswagen and a member of the company 's controlling shareholder , the Porsche family , had been in takeover discussion with Agnelli family , the controlling shareholders of Fiat .

  5. 如今的阿涅利家族已经进入约翰•埃尔坎时代。

    The Agnelli family , today , is John Elkann .

  6. 阿涅利家族有一位领袖式的家长。

    The Agnelli family has one leader , a capo di famiglia .

  7. “阿涅利家族将会为球队重建提供财政保障。”吉利今天表示。

    " The Agnelli family will finance the rebuilding of the squad ," said Cobolli Gigli today .

  8. 对菲亚特-克莱斯勒及其所有者阿涅利家族而言,将公司卖给大众的好处简单明了:能得到一大笔钱。

    For Fiat Chrysler and its controlling Agnelli family , the advantage of selling to VW would be simple and straightforward : a big pile of money .

  9. 马基奥尼曾受过会计和律师培训,也曾有过企业经理人的经验,但当2004年阿涅利家族选择他来拯救江河日下的菲亚特时,马基奥尼还没有任何汽车行业的经验。

    An accountant and lawyer by training and a corporate manager by experience , Marchionne had no auto industry experience when the Agnelli family picked him to save the failing Fiat in 2004 .

  10. 在这一点上,一个受益者可能是阿涅利(agnelli)家族控股公司,它持有菲亚特工业27%的股权。

    Here , one beneficiary could be the Agnelli family holding company , with 27 per cent of fi .