
  • 网络Alberta;Alberto;The Albert
  1. 小阿尔伯特腋下夹着一本新书从学校回家来了。

    Little Albert came1 home from school with a new book under his arm .

  2. 但是,正如阿尔伯特・爱因斯坦(AlbertEinstein)曾说过的,时间是相对的。

    However , as Albert Einstein once said , time is relative .

  3. 他在伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆的首份管理工作是在东亚分部(EastAsiadepartment),在那儿他开始把相应的时装款式收藏入馆。

    His first curatorial role at the V & A was in the East Asia department , where he began to introduce examples of fashion into the collection .

  4. 霍金享受他的声誉,他高兴地发表演讲,从伦敦的皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅(RoyalAlbertHall)到白宫的演讲厅都挤满了他的听众。

    Prof Hawking enjoys his fame , happily filling lecture rooms from London 's Royal Albert Hall to the White House .

  5. 第一封圣诞卡是1843年由维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆(世界上最大的装饰艺术和设计博物馆)的老板HenryCole先生发出的。

    The first were sent in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole , boss of the Victoria and Albert Museum .

  6. 他的朋友阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦(AlbertEinstein)和经济学家奥斯卡•摩根斯坦(OskarMorgenstern)也陪他前往。

    His friends Albert Einstein and the economist Oskar Morgenstern came along .

  7. 来自阿尔伯特爱因斯坦医学院,糖尿病预防计划研究小组的JillP。

    Crandall , MD , from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine , Bronx , New York , and colleagues from the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group .

  8. 最近在维多利亚阿尔伯特博物馆(VictoriaandAlbertMuseum)的一次谈话中,西格丽德表示,手袋博物馆当时仅有的凯莉包是件赝品。

    During a recent talk at the Victoria and Albert Museum , Sigrid said the Handbag Museum 's then-only Kelly was a fake .

  9. 在该杂志新闻发布会上,来自纽约市阿尔伯特爱因斯坦医学院的该文作者CharlesB.Hall如是说。

    Hall , of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City , said in a news release from the journal 's publisher .

  10. 上周四,科学家们宣布观测到了引力波存在的直接证据,从而证实了阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(AlbertEinstein)的一个最令人难以置信的理论。

    With the announcement Thursday that scientists had discovered direct evidence of gravitational waves , one of Albert Einstein 's wildest theories was validated .

  11. 一个事实显现出来:一位乘客,阿尔伯特·沃斯医生(Dr.AlbertVoss),在起火前从飞机里跳了出来。

    One fact stood out : A passenger , Dr. Albert Voss , jumped from the plane prior to the fire .

  12. 波顿曾是伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆(VictoriaandAlbertMuseum)馆长,于2002年转投大都会艺术博物馆门下后,已单独或合作组织了13场展览。

    Once a curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum , Bolton moved to the Met in 2002 , where he has curated or co-curated 13 shows .

  13. 乔治·贝尔是三十多年前选定这些人的:马丁·韦斯特布鲁克、弗兰克·穆尔吉(FrankMurzi)、阿尔伯特·朔伯尔(AlbertSchober)和伊莲诺·阿尔伯特(EleanoreAlbert)。

    Over 30 years had passed since George Bell chose them : Martin Westbrook , Frank Murzi , Albert Schober and Eleanore Albert .

  14. 【广和投资(UnionSquareVentures)合伙人&译注】阿尔伯特•韦格纳上周发表的一篇文章谈及该话题,他指出,有意融资的公司应该尽快达成协议,不要为了估值问题而斤斤计较。

    Albert Wegner raised this very issue in a post last week , noting that if a company is in fund-raising mode , it should get its deal done ASAP and not get cute by optimizing for valuation .

  15. 由阿尔伯特?金(AlbertKim)任编剧、杰弗里?亨特(JeffreyHunt)执导的新一集《愤恨》中,尼基塔被俘,也使得她必须直面一直以来都想埋葬的另一个自己。

    Written by Albert Kim and directed by Jeffrey Hunt , " Wrath " sees Nikita captured and left to face a side of herself she had buried a long time ago .

  16. 另一位棒球明星阿尔伯特•普霍尔斯(AlbertPujols)2011年签下的10年2.54亿美元合同可作为参考。

    A 10-year , $ 254m contract signed in 2011 by Albert Pujols , a rival star , is the benchmark .

  17. 阿尔多•鲁斯蒂奇尼(AldoRustichini)是一位和蔼的意大利经济学家,一头白发仿佛是阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦(AlbertEistein)的翻版。

    Aldo Rustichini is a genial Italian economist with a head of hair that seems to have been modelled on Albert Einstein 's.

  18. 为了对简单的灰度图像——比如笑脸,以及阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦(AlbertEinstein)和埃尔温•薛定谔(ErwinSchrödinger)的形象——进行编码,他们通过发射绿色激光增加一个电子,并通过发射红色激光减少一个。

    To encode simple grayscale images like a smiley face , Albert Einstein and Erwin Schr ö dinger they added an electron by shining a green laser and took one away with a red laser .

  19. 帕布罗•毕加索(PabloPicasso)的一幅画作和阿尔伯特•贾柯梅蒂(AlbertoGiacometti)的一个雕塑作品创下了拍卖史上最昂贵艺术品的新纪录,凸显出人们对印象派作品及现代艺术作品的需求日益增长。

    A painting by Pablo Picasso and a sculpture by Alberto Giacometti have set new records as the most expensive works ever sold at auction , underscoring rising demand for Impressionist and modern art .

  20. 其实,它体现在所有品牌上,它们把六七十年代的服装搬到当季店铺里,包括阿尔伯特·菲尔蒂(AlbertaFerretti)、璞琪(Pucci)和艾绰(Etro)。

    It was visible in practically every brand that edged from the 1960s to 1970s for the season currently in stores , including Alberta Ferretti , Pucci and Etro .

  21. 纽约阿尔伯特爱因斯坦医学院的老年医学家尼尔巴尔齐莱(nirbarzilai)说,他研究的百岁老人使他相信,基因比饮食和生活方式更重要。

    NIR Barzilai , a gerontologistat Albert Einstein College of medicine in New York , says that the centenarianshe studies have led him to believe that genetics is more important than dietand lifestyle .

  22. 加拿大阿尔伯特大学的Kate教授说:当你看到这个年龄段的儿童中,每天消费大量苏打水的儿童高比例之高,这种情况很让人担心。

    Professor Kate Storey , of the University of Alberta , Canada , said : When you are looking at that age group , and such a large percentage of very young kids in the study are consuming a large amount of soda , it is quite concerning .

  23. 这一切给资产负债表带来致命损伤,该公司于1933年3月破产,3个月后,斯蒂贝克总裁阿尔伯特?厄斯金(AlbertErskine)带着一把左轮手枪来到浴室,朝着自己的心脏开了枪。

    This all fatally damaged the balance sheet , the company collapsed in March 1933 and three months later Albert Erskine , Studebaker 's president , took a revolver to the bathroom and shot himself through the heart .

  24. 答:我们正计划展出的有乌克兰摄影师鲍里斯·米哈伊洛夫(BorisMikhailov)的作品。2011年他曾在纽约现代艺术博物馆(MuseumofModernArt)办过个展,在伦敦V&A(维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆[VictoriaandAlbertMuseum])也办过一次。

    A. We are planning to have works by people like Ukrainian photographer Boris Mikhailov , who had a solo exhibition at MoMA [ Museum of Modern Art in New York ] in 2011 and one at the V. & A. [ Victoria and Albert Museum ] in London .

  25. 过去的九年里,阿尔伯特-爱因斯坦学院的医生解密了150多位老人和他们的子女的DNA,试图寻找他们长寿的秘密。Rhea和Cindy都在研究对象之列。

    For the last nine years , the doctors , Albert Einstein College , has been decoding the DNA 1500 very old people and their children , trying to find out the secret of the longevity , both reality Rhea and Cindy are enrolled in the study ,

  26. 加拿大阿尔伯特大学的Kate教授说:“当你看到这个年龄段的儿童中,每天消费大量苏打水的儿童高比例之高,这种情况很让人担心。”

    Professor Kate Storey , of the University of Alberta , Canada , said : " When you are looking at that age group , and such a large percentage of very young kids in the study are consuming a large amount of soda , it is quite concerning . "

  27. 在大家热火朝天地猜测王室宝宝的名字时,王室评论员AlastairBruce表示,孩子可能会在他/她加冕时改变自己的名字。就像当今女王的父亲乔治六世一样,他的本名其实叫做阿尔伯特。

    And amidst the guessing and betting about the baby 's name , Alastair Bruce adds that the child may choose to change their name when they are crowned anyway , as did the Queen 's father , George VI , who was originally called Albert .

  28. 周一晚上,在皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅,37岁的梅根身穿单肩黑色长裙走到舞台前,她的婚纱的设计者——纪梵希设计大师ClareWaightKeller颁发奖项。

    Meghan , 37 , wowed guests at the star-studded event when she stepped out on stage to present a gong to her wedding dress designer , Clare Waight Keller of Givenchy , at the Royal Albert Hall on Monday evening , wearing a beautiful black one-shoulder dress .

  29. 博物馆包括大英博物馆,维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆,国家美术馆,泰特美术馆的,收集的华莱士,该研究所的当代艺术,并Saachi画廊。

    Museums include the British Museum , the Victoria and Albert Museum , the National Gallery , the Tate Gallery , the Wallace Collection , the Institute of Contemporary Art , and the Saachi Gallery .

  30. 我们来到阿尔伯特公园,为比赛冠军,维多利亚。

    We went to Albert Park for competition of championship Victoria .