
  • 网络Ulrich
  1. 利用乌利希期刊指南分析国外标准化期刊

    Analysis of Foreign Standardization Periodicals by Using Ulrich 's Periodicals Directory

  2. 乌利希总团长和麾下精锐卫队。

    Grand Master Ulrich and his bodyguard .

  3. 在德国出生并接受教育的芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)经济学家哈拉尔德o乌利希针对当前的欧元区风险给出了较为平衡的观点。

    Harald Uhlig , a German-born and educated economist at the University of Chicago , provides a balanced view of the current risks to the eurozone .

  4. 乌利希特别关注的是法国经济的恶化。

    Uhlig is especially concerned about the deterioration in France .

  5. 他本应获得嘉许,却受到了狠狠地惩罚,乌利希表示。

    He should have been rewarded , but he was brutally punished , says Uhlig .

  6. 乌利希特别担心一些突发事件可能损伤信贷市场的信心。

    Uhlig is particularly concerned with potential triggers that might undermine confidence in the credit markets .

  7. 没有用来实施所需的改革,乌利希说。

    It hasn 't been used for the types of reforms that are needed , says Uhlig .

  8. 乌利希还指出,欧洲经济的平稳期没有得到好好的利用。

    Uhlig also notes that Europe 's period of economic calm hasn 't been put to good use .

  9. 然后,利率降低,政府和消费者支出猛增,推动高增长,乌利希表示。

    Rates dropped , and government and consumer spending exploded , driving high growth rates , says Uhlig .

  10. 乌利希希望欧元能得以保留,按施罗德的方法解决问题。

    Uhlig would much prefer that the euro stay in place , and the problem be addressed by the Schroder method .

  11. 那么,现在这些国家能做些什么?解决方法有两个,乌利希说。

    So , what can these nations do now ? It can be solved in one of two ways , says Uhlig .

  12. 乌利希认为,很重要的一点是要理解自1999年引入欧元以来德国和南欧国家选择的不同道路,以及这些政策为什么导致了这些国家今天不同的经济境遇。

    For Uhlig , it 's crucial to understand the divergent courses taken by Germany and the southern nations since the euro 's introduction in 1999 , and how those policies have led to the disparate economic outcomes in these nations today .