
  • 网络oak;oak barrel;cask;barrique
  1. 这葡萄酒已经在橡木桶里存放近一年了。

    The wine is aged for almost a year in oak barrels .

  2. 酒存放在橡木桶中酿造。

    The wine is left to mature in oak barrels .

  3. 而它的LeifErikssonis(莱夫·埃里克松)是在百分之百的美国橡木桶里陈放的。

    Its Leif Erikssonis aged in 100 percent American oak barrels .

  4. 与其他所有产自纳帕谷的解百纳不同的是,SilverOak是在美国橡木桶里陈酿的,从而增加了香草的甜味,有些人甚至会说有椰子味。

    Unlike just about every other Cabernet made in Napa Valley , Silver Oak is aged in American oak , which adds sweet notes of vanilla and , some even say , coconut .

  5. 大多数勃艮第白葡萄酒(BourgogneBlanc)来自于马孔(Mâcon)地区,不过这款出自力高宝德(NicolasPotel)的橡木桶发酵葡萄酒非常纯净,口感有典型的金秋(Côted’Or)风格,尾韵之长也是实至名归。

    Most Bourgogne Blanc comes from M â con but this barrel-fermented , keenly priced example , made by Nicolas Potel , is very pure and tastes very C ô te d'Or . Creditably long .

  6. 制桶工艺对橡木桶所含化学组分含量的影响

    Effects of Barrel-making Techniques on Chemical Compositions Content in Barrel

  7. 一款波尔多风格的葡萄酒,在小的法国橡木桶中混合酿成。

    A Bordeaux-style blend matured in small French oak barrels .

  8. 发酵在不锈钢罐或者橡木桶里进行。

    The fermentation can take place in stainless steel or oak barrels .

  9. 橡木桶的机械化生产技术与应用前景

    Mechanized Manufacturing Technology and Application Possibilities for Oak Barrels

  10. 黑莓与来自熏烤橡木桶的烟熏香气。

    Aromas of blackberry and smoke with toasted oak .

  11. 这款03年的总统特选莎当妮在橡木桶中发酵和成熟。

    The2003 Presidents Selection Chardonnay has been barrel fermented and matured in oak barrels .

  12. 饱满而集中的巧克力和橡木桶味道。

    Full and concentrated with notes of chocolate .

  13. 此葡萄酒储存在法国庄园橡木桶内,灌瓶前并没有过滤。

    This wine was aged in new French oak chateau barrels and bottled unfiltered .

  14. 品鉴:成熟于美国和法国橡木桶中。

    Taste : This Shiraz has been matured in American and French oak barrels .

  15. 就我们来看看在哪些方面适合用橡木桶酿酒吧。

    Let 's take look at where oak barrels fit into the wine making process .

  16. 研究不同添桶频次对中国橡木桶贮酒的影响。

    The effects of topping frequency on red wine aging in Chinese barrel were studied .

  17. 当发酵完成后,葡萄酒被置于一个法国橡木桶中进一步成熟8个月。

    Once fermentation was complete the wine was wood aged on French oak for8 months .

  18. 研究证明了法国橡木桶比国产橡木桶陈酿效果好;

    The aging effectiveness of the French oak barrel is better than the Chinese oak barrel .

  19. 这种红酒在橡木桶里保存了12年以上。

    This kind of red wine is aged in oak barrel for more than 12 years .

  20. 白人是在发酵罐的不锈钢组合和小橡木桶。

    The whites are fermented in a combination of stainless steel tanks and small oak barrels .

  21. 该酒经过25成新的橡木桶中陈酿,呈宝石红色,并泛出些微的紫色光泽。

    Ageing at25 % in new barrels . A nice ruby color with some purple reflections .

  22. 桶内发酵:用以形容红酒在橡木桶中发酵的过程。

    Barrel Fermentation : Term used to describe when a wine undergoes fermentation in an oak barrel .

  23. 加州灰品诺通常不用橡木桶发酵,非常的清爽。

    California Pinot Gris wines , usually vinified without oak aging , are clearly on the rise .

  24. 他第一次使用碳化的橡木桶来熟化波本威士忌。

    Reverend Elijah Craig is credited with being the first to age bourbon whiskey in charred casks .

  25. 在放入美国橡木桶成熟之前,完美的赤霞珠被选择性的于丰厚的西拉混合在一起。

    Impeccably structured Cabernet Sauvignon is selectively blended with opulent Shiraz before undergoing maturation in American oak hogsheads .

  26. 来自于新兴的凉爽产区,有一半的葡萄汁在全新的法国橡木桶中发酵。

    Half the fruit grown in this new , cool region was fermented in new French oak barrels .

  27. 一旦发酵结束,葡萄酒开始装箱,开启了漫长的在橡木桶中成熟的过程。

    Once the fermentation is finished , wines are casked and start the long maturation in oak barrels .

  28. 味道浓郁的西拉,拥有咖啡豆和椰子,很像美国橡木桶的味道。

    The spicy Shiraz fruit flavours are superbly integrated with coffee bean and coconut like American oak characters .

  29. 酒是从来自法国和美国的橡木桶中酿制而成的。

    After fermentation , wines are aged in new and used oak barrels from numerous French and American coopers .

  30. 在最佳的法国橡木桶中保存更长的时间可以使酒拥有奶油的风味。

    Aged in the best French oak barrels for an extended period of time to develop the creamy texture .