
  • 网络oaked
  1. 即便在橡木桶装葡萄酒中,如今橡木味也一般评价不错。

    Even among the oaked wines the oak is generally well judged nowadays .

  2. 较早年份的SilverOak解百纳往往橡木味没那么重,这些酒也有一些自己的粉丝,当然也有人不喜欢。

    Older vintages of Silver Oak Cabernet , which tend to show less overt oak , also have a few of their own fans , and foes .

  3. 深色酒体,散发着淡淡的橡木味,口感丰厚。

    Very deep color-slight oak flavors-well balanced in mouth-complex and fine .

  4. 而过多的橡木味被许多葡萄酒爱好者认为是个缺点。

    Excessive oakiness is considered a fault by many wine lovers .

  5. 太多的橡木味和第二道乳酸发酵

    Too much oak and secondary malolactic fermentation . - Huh .

  6. 这款酒果香丰郁,并且有优雅的橡木味。

    This wine is fruity , and it has elegant oak aromas .

  7. 一种有焦香味、橡木味的白葡萄酒。

    A white wine with a toasty , oaky flavour .

  8. 有严谨的单宁和橡木味,酒体结构完美平衡。

    Grainy tannins , well-managed oak and a lovely balance complete the structural impression .

  9. 凯特说她和艾德里安在吃饭时饮用了美味的橡木味红酒。

    Kate said she and Adrian had a deliciously oaky red wine with their dinner .

  10. 气味:有芳香的洋李味和红色果类的香味,及一丝香草橡木味。

    Bouquet : Fragrant spiced plum and red jube fruit , with a hint of vanilla oak .

  11. 口感:辛香可口,有香草橡木味,后味干而有力。

    Palate : The palate is spicy and savoury , with some vanillin oak and a drying finish .

  12. 橡木味-卡本内弗朗.这是第五年的变种

    Oaky . This is a cabernet franc.This is only the fifth year we 've made this varietal .

  13. 核果的果香中带有梨子和淡淡的杏仁口味,伴随着温暖柔和的橡木味。

    The stone fruit flavours of pears and apricots linger throughout the palate with a toasty oak influence apparent .

  14. 口感:酒体丰厚,有厚实的单宁,味觉宽广,有优雅、衡的橡木味。

    Palate : This is a full-body wine , possesses tough tannin , amazing presence oak with elegant and balance .

  15. 香气复杂,带有黑莓味、红浆果味、橡木味及一屡淡烟味。

    The nose is complex , with notes of blackberry and redcurrant and a touch of smoke , revealing still discreet oak .

  16. 尽管我喜欢香甜美味的葡萄酒,但我向来不喜欢橡木味太重。

    Although I 'm a fan of wines that are luscious , I 've never been fond of an overt use of oak .

  17. 我们都不太喜欢2009年的酒,橡木味都比较浓重,果味更甜也更明显。

    None of us much cared for the 2009 wines , which were both much oakier , the fruit sweeter and more overt .

  18. 黑皮诺这款酒呈现石榴红色,黑樱桃与辛辣橡木味与水果甜味相结合,并具有良好的单宁。

    Pinot Noir Garnet red in appearance , black cherry and spicy oak accompany a sweet fruit palate with fine-grained tannins complex and intense .

  19. 橡木味:品尝术语,指出现在气味和味觉上的橡木风味,通常为新锯的木材或者香草的味道。

    Oaky : Tasting term indicating the presence of oak flavour on the nose or palate , typically a smell of freshly sawn wood , or vanilla .

  20. 深棕红色,香味开放,带有肉类、桂圆、茴芹、甜浆果、洋李等复杂的香味,还有一丝微妙的橡木味。

    Dark brown red , fragrance open with meat , longan , anise , sweet berry , plum and other complex flavor , a little subtle oak .

  21. 入口饱满、微干。该酒在果味与橡木味,成熟圆滑的单宁与悠长的余韵中寻找到一个完美的平衡点。

    On the palate , this dry and full-bodied Cabernet Sauvignon offers a perfect balance between fruit and oak , ripe and soft tannins and a lingering finish .

  22. 这款酒混合了设拉子和哥海娜两款葡萄,展现出诱人的浆果,黑醋栗的香气,并配合微弱的橡木味和可口的单宁。

    This blend of Shiraz and Grenache offers a generous combination of cherry , blackcurrant and all spice , well integrated with subtle oak flavours and fine tannins .

  23. 红辣椒粉具有混合着特别的香草及辛辣的香味.气味:芳香扑鼻,有成熟的浆果香味,穗乐仙特有的黑胡椒味,以及复合的橡木味。

    Chili Powders provide an especially harmonious blend of flavors and pungent smell . Bouquet : Lifted , ripe aromas of black and red berries are evident , interlaced with subtle , background oak .

  24. 此出色葡萄酒是从新南威尔士州中部地区种植的最好的葡萄酿制的,味道清淡,略带辛辣,胡椒及覆盆子香味,喝起来是新鲜红色浆果和纯正橡木味。

    This outstanding wine produced from the finest grapes grown in the Central Ranges NSW is light and spicy , pepper and raspberries , the palate has fresh red berry fruit and firm oak .

  25. 梅多克最超值品种之一。酒色深有明显的花香味。劲力而油润,成熟黑果味充盈口腔,与上佳单宁味及运用得宜的橡木味相匀和。酿制精湛。

    A valuable wine from Medoc , deep red color with distinct fruity aroma , strong and smooth , well-balanced between red fruit flavour , fine tannin and oak , a fine wine indeed .

  26. 无论如何,轻微的橡木而不是主导的橡木味是酿造此白葡萄酒时所采用的手法目的。

    However it is important to have subtle oak not dominant oak , which has always been an objective in making this wine .