
  1. 那个强盗拿枪逼着温蒂,抢走了她的东西。

    The thief pointed a gun at Wendy and held her up .

  2. B:温蒂可能有几个,问问她。

    B : Wendy may have some . Check with her .

  3. 8.goonadatewithsb和某人约会(我听说温蒂昨晚和约翰约会了。)

    I hear Wendy went on a date with John last night .

  4. 可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)全球闪亮品牌中心(GlobalSparklingBrandCenter)高级副总裁温蒂•克拉克花了很长时间研究年轻人。

    As SVP of the global sparkling brand center at Coca-Cola ( KO ) , Wendy Clark spends plenty of time studying young people .

  5. 在本月初举办的《财富》(Fortune)“最具影响力女性峰会”上,我采访了可口可乐整合营销沟通与能力高级副总裁温蒂•克拉克。

    At the fortune most powerful women summit earlier this month , I interviewed Wendy Clark , SVP of integrated marketing communications and capabilities at Coca-Cola ( KO ) .

  6. 妈,昨晚温蒂让我整晚都睡不着。

    Mom , last night Wendy kept me up all night .

  7. 温蒂,快来拜见你的第一位教师。

    Wendy , meet the first master who will prepare you .

  8. 蒂娜:那又怎样?告诉我谁是温蒂!

    Tina : so what ? Tell me who Wendy is !

  9. 温蒂:我想我搞不好会告公司。

    Wendy : I think I might sue the company .

  10. 温蒂是他们的姐妹。娜娜是他们的小狗。

    Wendy is their sister . Nana is their dog .

  11. 温蒂:我想把项目给洛伦佐来做。

    Wendy : I was thinking of giving the project to Lorenzo .

  12. 到了最后一晚,温蒂赌钱时却显得有点太过自信。

    On their final night . Wendy was feeling a bit cocky .

  13. 因为温蒂通过耳机给我指令

    Because Wendy told me to in my ear .

  14. 你一定是温蒂,我的老邻居。

    You must be windy , my old neighbour .

  15. 温蒂:她监督机器设备的采购等等。

    Wendy : She 's overseeing the purchase of equipment and so forth .

  16. 你看见温蒂身上发生的事了,对吧?

    You saw what happened to wendy , right ?

  17. 结果温蒂好运用光了,当然钱也就跟着输光了。

    But Wendy 's luck ran out and so did all their money .

  18. 但温蒂越想妈妈,她记得的越少了。

    But the more Wendy thought ofhermother , the less she could remember .

  19. 温蒂,我有个礼物送给你。

    I have a present for you , Wendy .

  20. 温蒂:“没有。现在暂时没有。”

    Wendy : " No , not right now ."

  21. 温蒂:你不跟我一起去?

    Wendy : You 're not coming with me ?

  22. 温蒂和乔蒂倒抽了一口气,景色实在是漂亮极了。

    Wendy and Jody gasped . It was stunning .

  23. 温蒂:你不打算帮忙吗?

    Wendy : Aren 't you going to help ?

  24. 温蒂!你答应我不告诉妈妈的。

    Wendy ! You promised not to tell mom .

  25. 温蒂战男孩子们正在那条船上。

    Wendy and the boys are on the boat .

  26. 温蒂塞住鼻子,希望日出美景让票价花得够值。

    Wendy plugged her nose and hoped the view would be worth it .

  27. 冰巧克力是温蒂店出售的饮料

    A Frosty is a shake from Wendy 's.

  28. 温蒂:噢,但是再看看网上其他的选择吧。

    Wendy : Oh , but look at these other options on this website .

  29. 这位是杰夫,这位使温蒂。

    This is Jeff and this is Wendy .

  30. 温蒂:我们需要买一些新餐具。

    Wendy : We need some new dinnerware .