
  • 网络bolivar;Bolívar;Simón Bolívar;Bolivar fuerte
  1. 玻利瓦尔皇冠(BolivarRoyalCorona),浓郁型雪茄,混合了巧克力及咖啡香调。

    Bolivar Royal Corona Richly complex with hints of chocolate and coffee .

  2. 拍摄在得克萨斯州玻利瓦尔半岛的旧渔船码头。

    Photographed at the old fishing piers of the Texas Bolivar Peninsula .

  3. 在国外,查韦斯利用委内瑞拉的石油财富打造了一块反美的地区,他把这块地区称之为“美洲玻利瓦尔联盟”(Alba)。

    Abroad , Mr Ch á vez deployed Venezuela 's oil wealth to build an anti-American block he called the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas ( Alba ) .

  4. 对于巴西来说,“美洲玻利瓦尔联盟”不利于她实现领导南美洲的野心。

    Alba was inimical to Brazil 's ambitions to lead South America .

  5. 同样的情况还发生在它的邻国玻利瓦尔和厄瓜多尔。

    The picture is similar in neighbouring Bolivia and Ecuador .

  6. 他在秘鲁人民心中的地位远超过玻利瓦尔。

    He in Peruse people 's heart is much more important than Bolivar .

  7. “玻利瓦尔革命”目前正面临着起开始以来的最大考验。

    The Bolivarian revolution now faces its greatest test .

  8. 抛开这些宣传,“玻利瓦尔革命”就是一个腐败堕落而且管理混乱的事件。

    Behind the propaganda , the Bolivarian revolution was a corrupt , mismanaged affair .

  9. 从空中得录像中显示,飓风艾克的破坏范围已到德克萨斯州的玻利瓦尔半岛。

    Video from the air shows the destruction Hurricane Ike had on the Bolivar Peninsula in Texas .

  10. 查韦斯于凌晨2点半抵达委内瑞拉,民众聚集在加拉加斯的玻利瓦尔广场庆祝总统回国。

    The crowds celebrate in Caracas Bolivar Plaza after Chavez arrived in Venezuelan at 2:30 in morning .

  11. 玻利瓦尔得到海地的援助,作为回报,他承诺在自己解放的地区废除奴隶制。

    Bolivar had received aid from Haiti and had promised in return to abolish slavery in the areas he liberated .

  12. 1811-1825年15个独立国家的出现表明差异性压倒了一致性,玻利瓦尔一体化的理想破灭。

    Fifteen independent nations appeared between 1811 and 1825 indicates that differences overwhelmed uniformity and the integration ideal of Bolivar broke .

  13. 玻利瓦尔的集权思想主要表现在他要求设立世袭参议院和终身总统上。

    The democratic essence in Bolivar 's totalitarianism thought is mainly embodied in the hereditary senate and lifelong tenure system president .

  14. 在委内瑞拉,玻利瓦尔长期以来就是一位获得官方认可的、得到近似于宗教狂热般崇拜的人物——但是,他是一位保守派人士。

    Bol í var had long been the object of an official , quasi-religious cult in Venezuela - but a conservative one .

  15. 此外,在该国陷入衰退之际,红色政府宣传部门通过多种途径为查韦斯的玻利瓦尔革命欢呼喝彩。

    Meanwhile , with the country in recession , red-hued government propaganda in multiple media hails Mr Ch á vez 's Bolivarian revolution .

  16. 支持“玻利瓦尔革命”的政党五花八门,在查韦斯的整合下,其中的大部分政党合并组成了“委内瑞拉社会主义统一党”(PSUV)。

    Most of the motley collection of parties that backed the Bolivarian revolution were merged into the Venezuelan United Socialist Party ( PSUV ) .

  17. 通货膨胀猖獗,而且强大的玻利瓦尔可能也会再次出现问题,换句话说,再次贬值。

    Inflation is rampant , and the mighty bolivar may have to be brought down to size , in other words , devalued again .

  18. 玻利瓦尔国家武装力量派出航空兵部队在边境地区巡逻,同时有6000名军人驻守在边境。

    Air units from the National Bolivarian Armed Forces have been touring border areas and 6-thousand troops have been deployed to the border regions .

  19. 面对包括美元在内的多数商品出现短缺的现状,马杜罗在今年2月份宣布将委内瑞拉货币玻利瓦尔贬值32%。

    Faced with shortages of many goods , including hard currency , Mr Maduro devalued the bol í var by 32 % in February .

  20. 从那以后好些年,我一直以为玻利瓦尔是死在了沙滩上被人找到的。

    From then on , and for many years afterward , I had the idea that Bolivar had been found dead on the beach .

  21. 两名来自玻利瓦尔中央中学(孟菲斯市东约70英里)的高年级学生在监狱里渡过了48小时,都是因为穿了腰低得过分的沙基裤。

    Two seniors at Bolivar Central High School , about 70 miles east of Memphis , spent 48 hours in jail because of their low-riding clothing .

  22. 时代杂志:您最近提出,您认为玻利瓦尔主义终将取代门罗主义。为什么?

    TIME : You said recently that you believe the " Bol í var Doctrine is finally replacing the Monroe Doctrine " on your watch . Why ?

  23. 拉美独立战争爆发后,为了战胜强大的西班牙殖民者,玻利瓦尔曾提出了西属拉美必须联合起来的思想主张。

    After the breaking out of the Independence War of Latin America , Bolivar claimed that Spanish America had to unite into one in order to defeat the Spanish colonists .

  24. 我以本宪法发誓,我再三发誓,没有什么能阻挠我建设乌戈·查韦斯为我们留下的玻利瓦尔革命的决心。

    On this constitution I swear , I swear and I will swear , nothing will take me off the road of building the Bolivarian revolution that Hugo Chavez left us .

  25. 随着独立运动的发展和胜利,玻利瓦尔在新形势下又给这一思想增添了新内容,即为了消除独立后拉美内部的混乱与纷争,拉美人民也应该联合起来。

    With the development and the victory of the war , Bolivar , under the new situation , further claimed that to eliminate the possible chaos and disputes within Latin America , people of the whole region should get united .

  26. 在今后几个月中,摆在委内瑞拉面前的一个更重要的问题是:查韦斯以委内瑞拉出生的南美独立英雄西蒙·玻利瓦尔的名字命名的“玻利瓦尔革命”还能坚持多久?

    The bigger question in the months ahead will be how much will survive of Mr Ch á vez 's " Bolivarian revolution , " named for Sim ó n Bol í var , South America 's Venezuelan-born independence hero .