
fā yán
  • speak;speech;take the floor;make a statement;make a speech
发言 [fā yán]
  • [speak;make a speech] 发表意见(多指在会上)

  • 他发言积极

  • [statement] 发表的意见

  • 煽动性的口头发言

发言[fā yán]
  1. 威尔逊教授获邀就自己的研究成果发言。

    Professor Wilson was invited to speak about the results of his research .

  2. 她被指派代表我们发言。

    She was nominated to speak on our behalf .

  3. 他的发言给整个活动增添了一丝幽默的气氛。

    His comments injected a note of humour into the proceedings .

  4. 他的发言必然要激起昔日的恐惧和敌对情绪。

    His speech is bound to awake old fears and hostilities .

  5. 她同意出席但不愿发言。

    She agreed to attend but jibbed at making a speech .

  6. 这一发言蓄意使政府难堪。

    The speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government .

  7. 在决定出售公司的问题上,我们没有发言权。

    We had no say in the decision to sell the company .

  8. 发言人称二氧化碳的含量很高。

    A spokesperson commented that levels of carbon dioxide were very high .

  9. 股东们想要在公司的经营管理上拥有更多的发言权。

    The shareholders want more say in how the company is run .

  10. 雇员在决策的过程中应该有发言权。

    Employees should have a voice in the decision-making process .

  11. 她的发言有几处前后不一致和含混不清。

    There were several inconsistencies and ambiguities in her speech .

  12. 他的发言强调了吸引工业到城镇的重要性。

    His speech emphasized the importance of attracting industry to the town .

  13. 他的发言全是些遁词和真真假假的陈述。

    His speech was full of evasions and half-truths .

  14. 他已在无数次发言中表达了自己的观点。

    His views have been expressed in numerous speeches .

  15. 人们要求在当地的政务中有更大的发言权。

    People want a greater say in local government .

  16. 交付他的任务不包括向新闻界发言。

    It wasn 't part of his brief to speak to the press .

  17. 他的发言消除了人们对他身体健康的担心。

    His speech dispelled any fears about his health .

  18. 他的发言非常成功地驳倒了政府的提案。

    His speech did a very effective demolition job on the government 's proposals .

  19. 我好说歹说总算逃脱了发言差事。

    I managed to talk my way out of having to give a speech .

  20. 两党的代表同台发言。

    Representatives of both parties shared a platform .

  21. 我同意第二个发言。

    I agreed to speak second .

  22. 部长在辩论时率先发言。

    The minister opened the debate .

  23. 他们两人同时发言。

    They both spoke together .

  24. 他的发言稿写得非常精彩,但他的演讲风格真是无可救药。

    His speeches were magnificently written but his delivery was hopeless .

  25. 女发言人称该协议已宣布无效。

    A spokeswoman said the agreement had been declared null and void

  26. 首相在今天的会议开始之前作了发言。

    The Prime Minister was speaking ahead of today 's meeting .

  27. 总理的发言使人们对提前选举不再抱太大期望。

    The Chancellor 's statement lowers expectations of an early election

  28. 他在大会发言中作了更进一步的阐述。

    He went even further in his speech to the conference

  29. 几位部长发言谴责暂停宪制的决定。

    Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule

  30. 今天一名发言人称该计划阴险恶毒。

    One speaker today called the plan diabolical and sinister .