
  1. 词汇知识的深度对语言发展的质量至关重要;

    The depth of knowledge is a key to quality language development ;

  2. 消费形态:发展的质量问题

    Patterns of consumption : qualitative aspects of development

  3. 发展的质量指标专家会议

    Meeting of Experts on Qualitative Indicators of Development

  4. 这个新启动的项目旨在监视开源发展的质量。

    The newly launched project aims to monitor the quality of open source development .

  5. 坚持调整和优化经济结构,着力提高经济发展的质量和效益。

    We improved the economic structure to raise the quality and efficiency of economic development .

  6. 希望能够借此拓宽教材选择的领域,以满足专业发展的质量与需求。

    Hope to broaden the field of materials selected to meet the demand for quality professional development .

  7. 更加注重开放型经济发展的质量、结构和增长方式,营造开放型经济的新优势;

    Pays more attention to the quality , structure and the increasing behavior of the open economic development ;

  8. 休闲文化发展的质量标准,将定位于人的全面发展。

    The quality of the leisure culture will depend on people 's all-round development with morality as the base .

  9. 但是发展的质量也是至关重要的,这一点我们可以从浙江中产阶级的抗议声中看出。

    But the quality of growth matters too , as the middle-class protesters in Zhejiang indicate ( see article ) .

  10. 城中村问题与城市现代化、城市生态、以及城市发展的质量与速度有着十分密切的联系。

    The issue is closely linked to city modernization , urban ecology and the quality and speed of city development .

  11. 日本制定的新标准JISQ9005为组织提供了实现可持续发展的质量管理体系新模式。

    JIS Q 9005 issued by Japan provides a new quality management system model to realize sustainable development for all organizations .

  12. 二十一世纪是城市的世纪,城市发展的质量决定了一个国家发展的质量。

    The twenty-first century is the century of cities , and the quality of urban development determines development quality of the country .

  13. 组织建设是基础,要把握组织发展的质量与数量、重点与非重点等关系,以最大限度地发挥参政职能为准则;

    Organizational building is the foundation , every party must holds the relations of quality and quantity , focal point and non-focal point etc.

  14. 结构性污染是近几年我国环境污染的一个重要特征,影响着我国经济发展的质量。

    The structural pollution has become one of the major features in our environmental pollution in recent years , which greatly affects the quality of economic development .

  15. 现代经济就是学习型经济,因此,领导者知识素质的高低,直接决定着发展中国家经济发展的质量。

    Modern economy is the economy good at learning , therefore , the quality of leadership knowledge will directly determine the quality of economic development of developing countries .

  16. 加强城镇基础设施和服务设施建设,提高城市建设和发展的质量,优化城镇产业结构。

    Efforts should be made to strengthen construction of urban infrastructure and service section , enhance the quality of urban construction and development , and optimize urban industrial structure .

  17. 鲜有人真正关注社会经济发展的质量和可持续性,更别提深入进行防灾减灾的研究、教育等工作。

    Few people really care about the quality and sustainability of socioeconomic development , not to mention deepening disaster prevention , mitigation research , disaster education and so on .

  18. 另外从发展的质量上来看,江苏省有着在全国都比较有名的周庄、同里等古镇。

    In addition , from the view of quality point , Jiangsu Province has a more famous tourism characteristics towns and villages , for example Zhouzhuang , Tongli Town , etc. .

  19. 选择什么样的城镇化道路,不仅关系到一个地区城镇化发展的质量,更关系到当地经济社会发展的全局。

    To choose which kind of urbanization is not only related to the development quality of one area , but also has an influence on the local development on the whole .

  20. 妇女发展的质量与水平,会影响她们子女的成长进步,以及社会延续和经济发展。

    At the same time , the quality and the standard of women 's development influences growth of their offspring , the expansion of the society and the economic development itself .

  21. 建立符合研究生教育可持续发展的质量评估指标体系,是不断提高研究生教育质量的重要保证。

    The establishment conforms to the graduate student to educate the sustainable development the quality appraisal target system , is unceasingly enhances the graduate student to educate the quality the important guarantee .

  22. 区域综合竞争力大小,不但直接决定着这个地区经济发展的质量、潜力和后劲,而且也决定着这个地区社会文明与进步的程度。

    The magnitude of regional comprehensive competition , not only is determining the quality , potentiality and stamina of the regional economic development directly , but the regional social civilization and progress degree .

  23. 尽管如此,四川省产业结构矛盾依然存在,经济发展的质量和效益不太理想,加之国际金融危机的影响,对四川省的就业造成不小冲击。

    Nevertheless , the existing industrial structure contradiction , the low economic development quality and benefit and the effect of international financial crisis has caused big impact on the employment in Sichuan Province .

  24. 作为一个庞大的系统,医院在运营过程中存在不少有待解决的问题,为了提高医疗质量效率,许多医院着手于拟订适合自身发展的质量管理方案。

    As a complicated system , there are many problems to be resolved the hospitals . For improving medical quality and efficiency , many hospitals began to find out an effective quality management program .

  25. 文章阐述了平衡记分卡的内涵,并通过举例介绍了平衡记分卡在保障美国高等教育与职业发展的质量与效率方面的具体做法及特点。

    The meaning of balanced scorecard is explained , and by giving examples , this article introduces the specific application and characteristics of balanced scorecard in ensuring the quality and efficiency of US higher education and professional development .

  26. 首先,必须树立正确的大众化高等教育质量观,即:发展的质量观、多样化的质量观、整体性的质量观、适应性的质量观、特色化的质量观、二元性的质量观。

    Firstly , we must set up the right concept of mass higher education : development quality view , diversified quality view , totalized quality view , adapted quality view , distinctive quality view and dualistic quality view .

  27. 社会体育指导员是群众体育工作不可缺少的骨干队伍,从某个意义上说,其作用发挥的好坏直接影响到社区群众体育发展的质量、深度与广度。

    Social sports political instructor is the populace sports works the essential backbone troop , Said from some significance that , its function display quality affects directly the community populace sports development quality , the depth and the breadth .

  28. 总而言之,在提高个人所得税数量的同时还要保证其发展的质量,而这有赖于从收和支两方面入手建立起一个健康的税收循环系统。

    In sum , to ensure the development " quality " of individual income tax besides to enhance its " quantity " depends on the construction of a healthy circulatory system from tax " collection " to financial " outgo " .

  29. 对重庆市而言,各区县农村金融生态环境的优化关系到地区金融体系健康稳定运行,进而影响重庆经济发展的质量和速度,影响到城乡统筹目标的顺利实现。

    As to Chongqing , a healthy and stable operation of rural financial ecological environment in all counties are important to the regional financial system , thereby affecting the quality and speed of economic development , and affect the realization of the goal for the Overall-plan .

  30. 利用Markov过程的无后效性建立了一类注重反映整个教学过程发展变化的质量评估数学模型。

    By using the non post behavior with the Markov process , a category of mathematical model for teaching quality assessment , which reveals emphatically the progress and variation of whole teaching process .