
  1. 分析了能源对环境的影响。

    It analyses the influences of energy on environment .

  2. 例如,考虑现有能源对环境的影响是不常见的。

    For instance , it is not common to consider the environmental impacts that current energies have .

  3. 重要现实利益是减少能源对环境的影响,优化能源结构;

    Thirdly , it is the important realistic interest to diminish the harm on environment and to optimize the energy structure ;

  4. 榆林市能源开发对生态环境的影响

    Effects of Energy Resources Exploitation on the Ecological Environment in Yulin City

  5. 减少排入大气层的二氧化碳将降低能源开发对环境造成的影响。

    This would decrease the impacts of energy generation on the environment , by reducing levels of carbon dioxide emitted to the atmosphere .

  6. 使用再生能源可以避免对环境造成的影响和危害,此外,它也能够帮助保护未来的化石燃料。

    Their use can avoid these negative environmental impacts and risks , and moreover , it can help conserve fossil resources for generations to come .

  7. 研究结果表明,燃气热泵空调全年一次能源消耗量和对环境的影响程度都低于电空调;

    The study results show the annual primary energy consumption and environmental impact of the air-conditioners with gas heat pumps are all less than that of the power air-conditioners .

  8. 它具有提高能源效率、减少对环境的影响、提高供电的安全性、可靠性和经济性、减少输电网的电能损耗、实现节能减排等多个优点。

    It can improve the energy efficiency 、 reduce the impact on the environment 、 enhance the security 、 reliability and economy of electricity supply 、 reduce the loss of transmission grid 、 achieve the saving and emission reduction and other advantages .

  9. 为定量地研究企业在生产过程中因能源和能源介质的使用对环境的影响,文章通过理论计算和实测获得不同能源使用时释放的各类污染物量,并进一步计算出使用能源环境污染转化系数。

    In order to study how energy and its media impact on environment during production , through theoretical calculation and actual determination to obtain kinds of pollutant and their emissions while using energy , and calculate the pollution transferring coefficient of energy used .

  10. 钢铁生产流程是影响钢铁企业成本、能耗和环境负荷的关键因素,流程不同,其能源、非能源消耗和对环境的影响程度也不相同。

    Process of iron and steel manufacturing is the key factor that effects on cost , energy consumption and environmental load of the steel-making enterprise , While the process is different , its energy consumption , material consumption and environmental load will be different , too .

  11. 详细分析了化石能源以及新能源与可再生能源对环境的影响。

    It also detailed analyses the fossil fuels , new energy and renewable sources of effection on the environment .

  12. 全球能源紧张以及化石能源使用对环境的负面影响推动可再生能源的飞速发展。

    Global energy shortages and environmental negative impacts by using fossil rules have caused the fast development of renewable energy .

  13. 根据以上分析研究适合陕北地区中小能源开发企业实际情况的环境保护对策,力求把能源开发对环境造成的不利影响降至最低,以达到能源开发与环境保护共赢的目的。

    According to the above analysis studies for small and medium-sized energy development in northern Shaanxi enterprises to the actual situation of environmental protection , energy development on the environment , the impact to achieve energy development and environmental protection in the win .

  14. 评估的内容主要集中于能源生产和能源消费两个方面,并相应的分析了能源利用和转换效率,以及湖北省能源消费对环境的影响。

    Energy production and consumption are analyzed deeply . Energy using and transforming efficiency and environment pollution are included too .

  15. 能源短缺、能源安全、农村和偏远地区的能源供应、以煤为主的不合理能源结构、能源消费对环境的影响以及能源利用效率是我国能源领域面临的问题。

    Energy problems faced currently in China are energy shortage , energy safety , difficult energy supply for rural and outlying areas , unreasonable energy structure with coal as the dominant fuel , heavy emissions from fossil-fuel combustion , and low energy utilization efficiency .