
  • 网络Nenggao Mountain
  1. 敏捷的思想能跨越高山海洋。

    For nimble thought can jump both sea and land .

  2. 我希望我们都能住在高山上。

    I wish we could all live in the mountains at high altitude .

  3. 工人制造出不仅能削平高山而且能夷平城市的工具。

    Labor turns out devices to level not only mountains but also cities .

  4. 我仰望星空,漫天的星斗告诉我,您的爱能容下高山;

    When I look into the sky , stars tell me that your love can embrace a high mountain ;

  5. 如果能自由飞过高山、大洋,我就回故乡,重渡好时光。

    If I could fly over the mountains and seas , I were back at time , and lived in the nice time again .

  6. 原野上有一个个湖泊,远处能看到一座座高山。

    There were lakes , and in the distance I could see high mountains .