
  • 网络ENERGY DRINK;monster energy
  1. 这款能量饮料中的咖啡因含量是著名的红牛饮料中的3.5倍,多达280毫克。

    Highly caffeinated energy drink that contains three and a half times ( 280 mg ) the caffeine of a more popular energy drink , Red Bull .

  2. FDA表示到目前为止还没有找到这名少年的死和能量饮料之间的任何直接联系。

    The FDA says it hasn 't found any direct link so far between this teen 's death and the energy drink .

  3. 最新研究成果表明,市面上流行的能量饮料会给孩子的身体健康带来极大风险。饮用诸如怪兽、红牛、摇滚明星之类的能量饮料可能会引起癫痫、心脏病以及其他致命的疾病。

    Young children may face serious health risks from popular energy drinks , such as Monster , Red Bull and Rock Star , potentially causing seizures , heart problems and other life-threatening conditions , according to the findings of new research .

  4. 猫粮,能量饮料,3g网络…在过去的十年里阿富汗人已经熟知的所有产品不可能在美军撤离的时候也会随即消失。

    Cat food , energy drinks , 3G Internet ... all products Afghans have been exposed to the last decade are not likely to go away when the troops leave .

  5. 红牛(RedBull)能量饮料和万斯(Vans)鞋等品牌,即便经过多年的高速增长,依然采取过类似的措施。

    Brands like Red Bull energy drinks and Vans shoes have pulled off similar moves , even after years of plentiful growth .

  6. UrgentRx正在学习医学用品和咖啡因产品的创新交付系统,例如维他命水(VitaminWater)和5小时能量饮料(5-HourEnergyDrink)等。

    Urgentrx follows on the heels of innovative delivery systems for medicinal products and caffeine , such as vitamin water and 5-Hour Energy Drink .

  7. 让我们再次回到美国,美国食品和药物管理局,即FDA称其调查报告揭示了能量饮料和5人死亡之间可能存在的联系。

    Back in the U.S. , the Food and Drug Administration , the FDA says it 's looking into reports of a possible connection between energy drinks and five deaths .

  8. 能量饮料不受FDA的监管,高含咖啡因和会引起不确定健康危害的氨基酸和香草,并且小孩不能吸收。

    Energy drinks are unregulated by the FDA and contain high amounts of caffeine as well as amino acids and herbs with uncertain health risks and should never be consumed by kids .

  9. 在大约第七英里(约合11.3公里)的时候,我们到了肯特•布朗酒庄(ChateauCantenacBrown),在这里我们第一次品尝了葡萄酒。这对我造成的冲击比其他任何能量饮料都大。

    At around mile seven , we get our first taste at Chateau Cantenac Brown , and it does far more for me than any energy drink ever has .

  10. 一家位于乔治亚州的Fitness健身馆分享了一段视频,内容是长相甜美的前台Jessi穿着健身服推销一种能量饮料。

    A gym called Fitness on Broughton , located in Georgia , shared a video of their pretty front desk employee , Jessi , promoting an energy drink while dressed in work out gear .

  11. 该项研究是由包括北肯塔基大学的CecileAMarczinski在内的研究小组进行的,并把含酒精的能量饮料跟规律性饮酒作了比较。

    This new study was led by a team of researchers including Cecile A.Marczinski from Northern Kentucky University , and compared alcoholic energy drinks to just regular alcohol consumption .

  12. 说唱歌手、企业家柯蒂斯·杰克逊三世(CurtisJacksonIII,他的艺名50美分[50Cent]更为人所知)在考虑扩大投资(他已经投资了伏特加和能量饮料,并拥有Vitaminwater的股权)时,把目光投向了优质内裤。

    When the rapper and entrepreneur Curtis Jackson III , perhaps better known as 50 Cent , was casting about for ways to augment a portfolio that included investments in vodka , energy drinks and an equity stake in Vitaminwater , he set his sights on premium underwear .

  13. 但公司发展比较缓慢,旗下的能量饮料Tzinga销量一般。

    Its energy drink , Tzinga , was selling only moderately .

  14. 高效液相色谱法测定某能量饮料中七种水溶性维生素的研究

    An HPLC Assay for Detection of Seven Hydrophilic Vitamins in Energy Beverage

  15. 现在,商店里堆满了琳琅满目的能量饮料。

    You could fill a store with all the energy drinks now .

  16. 可携带的能量饮料,帮助你抵抗各种疲惫的身心。

    Portable energy drink helps fight physical and mental fatigue .

  17. 实际上,我哥们凯文开了能量饮料公司

    Actually , my buddy Kevin is starting an energy drink company .

  18. 我喝了太多的咖啡和能量饮料。

    I 've been drinking a lot of coffee and energy drinks .

  19. 能量饮料,维生素药片,美容饮品。

    Energy beverages , vitamin pills , beauty drinks .

  20. 一些能量饮料制造商确实提出了警告。

    Some makers of energy drinks do provide warnings .

  21. 它们就像软性饮料和能量饮料一样。

    They act like soft drinks and energy beverages .

  22. 高能量饮料非常重要。

    High energy drinks such as Lucozade are important .

  23. 研究人员仍然在认真研究能量饮料。

    The researchers are continuing to study energy drinks .

  24. 为宣传电视剧《真爱如血》而设计的能量饮料。

    Fictional energy drink created to promote " True Blood " TV show .

  25. 把它们想成是能量饮料的反面。

    Think of them as the oppositeof energy drinks .

  26. 你们俩还跟我扯说是缓解宿醉的能量饮料,拜托

    The two of you with that whole energy drink hangover cure ? Please .

  27. 能量饮料干嘛装注射器里

    If it 's an energy drink , why is it in a syringe ?

  28. 在一些主要的国家有数百个品牌的能量饮料。

    One : there are hundreds of brands of energy drinks in most major countries .

  29. 有人将能量饮料与酒混饮。

    Some people energy drinks with alcohol .

  30. 全球十大能量饮料市场

    Top 10 in energy drinks market