
As if there were safety in stupidity alone .
" For if it prosper , none dare call it treason . "
The policeman can enjoy much together with the people and maintain an active heart .
She wants the permanent " control facility " to secure Ray Mill House in Reybridge , Wiltshire .
I shall be pardoned for expressing my earnest wishes that he may long enjoy in his retirement the affections of a grateful country
I shall be pardoned for expressing my earnest wishes that he may long enjoy in his retirement the affections of a grateful country ,
If then your delight be in thrones , and sceptres , O ye kings of the people , love wisdom , that you may reign for ever .
Furthermore , the adaptive fuzzy systems inherent parallelism makes them a good candidate for implementation in real-time PMSM drive systems .
If you can really have " eternal youth ," you will not only be able to gain more wealth , you also have more time to enjoy life .
Simulation study demonstrates that the proposed method is capable of precisely estimating the rotor radial displacement in the full speed regions for a PM type bearingless motor and is able to achieve stable sensorless suspension operation .
AIM : To investigate an effective transfection method of non-viral vectors and the expression of enhanced green fluorescent protein ( EGFP ) in the transfected immortalized neural progenitor cells ( INPC ) .
The estimation method can accurately track the diversity of permanent flux and is robust to motors'parameters .
The effective match of pole pair number of magnets and the number of modulation pole pieces and elaborate choice of circumferential width of modulation pole pieces can restrain torque ripple effectively .
Proper addition of Co increases the bending strength of Nd-Fe-B sintered permanent magnets by about 80 % and this is mainly due to the decrease of the intergranular fracture proportion .
Simulation and experimental results show that exact commutation signals can be obtained using the proposed method .
The results indicate that deformations and splits of magnetic rings are eliminated in evidence by adjusting to an appropriate sintering process .
Cerous iodate is soluble in acidic aqueous solution , but a yellow precipitate is formed homogeneously and gradually after irradiation by laser .
The work in this paper would be good solid foundation to design and develop PMSM electric transmission system with high performance controlled speed and good quality power quality .
Rare-earth permanent magnet materials are mostly formed with intermetallic compounds which are synthesized by rare-earth element and transition metals . The magnetic property of rare-earth permanent magnet materials has close relation with the crystal structures of rare-earth compounds .