
  • 网络energy technology
  1. 国家能量技术实验室为FEO管理合作项目。

    The National Energy Technology Laboratory manages the partnership program for FEO .

  2. 采用小波包频带能量技术和RBF神经网络对不同工况下的刀盘振动信号进行分析,判断刀盘的定位精度,从定位精度的角度分析不同工况下刀盘运行可靠性的变化。

    Using wavelet packet frequency band energy technology and RBF neural network to analysis the vibration signal of the disc , estimate the disc positioning accuracy and analysis the change of disc operation reliability from the perspective of disc positioning accuracy .

  3. 目的探讨双源CT双能量技术在前交叉韧带损伤诊断中的应用价值。

    ObjectiveTo explore the diagnostic value of the dual-energy technique with dual-source computed tomography ( DSCT ) for anterior cruciate ligament injuries .

  4. 结论:1、利用CT双能量技术进行膝关节前交叉韧带成像是可行的,利用该技术进行前交叉韧带损伤的影像诊断亦是可行的。

    It was feasible to use the dual-energy technique of CT to display the anterior cruciate ligament and also feasible for the diagnosis of the anterior cruciate ligament injury . 2 .

  5. 目的:比较DDR系统双能量技术普通X线胸片与骨组织像对肋骨骨折的首诊检出率。

    Purpose : To compare the ratio of diagnostic rib fracture on standard PA chest image with bone image of dual energy subtraction with direct digital radiography .

  6. 峰值能量技术在诊断轴承故障中的应用

    Peak Value Energy Technique and Its Application in the Diagnosis of Bearing Faults

  7. 采用几项重要的节能和回收能量技术降低成本;

    Several important energy saving and recovery techniques were used to reduce the production cost .

  8. 峰值能量技术及其在热电厂电机滚动轴承故障分析中的应用

    Peak Value Energy Technique and Its Applicationin Analysis of Fault on Roller Bearing of Electromotor

  9. 本文采用声发射能量技术研究低强度、高塑性材料α-Ti的形变、断裂特征。

    Using the technique of acoustic emission energy , the deformation and fracture in low strength and high plastic α - Ti has been studied .

  10. 可持续用水技术中心的可行性研究得出结论:拥有淡水和海水的巨流三角洲是最适合蓝色能量技术的地方。

    Wetsus'feasibility studies have come to the conclusion that river deltas , with the availability of sweet and salt water , make for the most suitable locations for Blue Energy .

  11. 介绍3种圆片级金属化电迁移可靠性测试技术:(1)金属击穿能量技术;

    Three wafer level r ■ liability test methods for electromigration failure of metal lines are introduced : ( 1 ) breakdown energy of m ■ tal ( BEM ) Technique ;

  12. 但是萨杜威不是唯一一个认为能量存储技术是更清洁、更有效、更合理的能源前景中缺失的一个环节的人。

    But Sadoway isn 't alone in trumpeting energy storage as a missing link to a cleaner , more efficient , and more equitable energy future .

  13. 在RF等离子体中应用的探针和粒子能量分析技术

    Techniques for probes and particle energy analyzers in RF plasmas

  14. TEC总能量充电技术的突破及其实用效益

    Break Through of TEC Charging Technology and its Practical Beneficial Results

  15. 指出PWM调制的优点和采用功率晶闸管有源逆变器的能量回馈技术的经济性。

    It points out that advantage of PWM modulation and economy of active inverter 's power feedback technique makes use of power thyristor .

  16. 基于荧光共振能量转移技术,结合量子点和金纳米颗粒优良的光谱特性,发展了一种用于人IgG检测的新型免疫分析方法。

    Based on the FRET between functionalized QDs and Au nanoparticles , a novel method was developed to detect human IgG .

  17. 具体方法包括原位的邻位连接技术(insituPLA),荧光共振能量转移技术(FRET)技术以及免疫金电镜技术。

    These methods include in situ proximity ligation assay ( in situ PLA ), fluorescence resonance energy transfer ( FRET ) as well as immunogold with transmission electron microscopy .

  18. 对这种复合物结构认识的依据来自于荧光共振能量转移技术(FRET),该技术能够测量两个分子之间的距离。

    The evidence for this complex structure came from special technique called FRET ( Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer ) that can measure the distance between two molecules .

  19. 本系统利用能量回馈技术消除了大惯性机械因负载突变而产生的高泵升电压,并利用PLC实现了精确的速度链控制和其它逻辑控制。

    The system uses energy feedback technique to restrain high pumping voltage produced when the load of the machine with large inertia varies suddenly . And with PLC , It is able to performs precise speed chain control and other logical control .

  20. FRET技术及其在蛋白质-蛋白质分子相互作用研究中的应用应用荧光共振能量转移技术研究Dok分子的异源及同源相互作用

    Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Assay : Applications in The Study of Protein-protein Interaction Detection of the Homo - or Hetero-interaction of Doks with Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer in Living Cells

  21. 长脉冲高能激光能量测试技术的研究

    Study on The Measurement of Long Pulse High Power Laser Energy

  22. 提高含硼富燃料推进剂能量的技术途径

    Technical Approaches of Enhancing the Energy of Boron Based Fuel-rich Propellant

  23. 切缝药包能量控制技术在采石场中的应用

    Application of Cutting Seam Cartridge Blasting in Rock Materials of Quarry

  24. 基于尖峰能量谱技术的滚动轴承故障分析

    Fault analysis of roller bearing based on spike energy spectrum technology

  25. 中国炼油企业能源构成和能量转换技术的发展趋势

    Energy configuration and developing trend of energy conversion technology in domestic refineries

  26. 来保证亚特兰蒂斯的能量和技术。

    I can to make sure the power and technology of atlantis .

  27. 能源作物甜高粱培育及能量转换技术研究

    Technical research on breeding and energy conversion of sweet sorghum

  28. 三维超声彩色多普勒能量图技术在膀胱癌诊断中的应用

    Application of Three-dimensional Ultrasound Color Doppler Energy in Diagnosis of Bladder Cancer

  29. 用荧光共振能量转移技术构建的蛋白酶检测器

    Construction of a Novel Protease Biosensor Based on Fluorescence Resonance Transfer Technique

  30. 造纸废渣污泥气化处理能量利用技术研究&造纸废渣污泥气化处理能量利用技术研究之二

    Energy Utilization of Waste Sludge from Paper Mill through Gasification