
  1. 人的一生,擦肩而过的人不计其数,能有缘做一个朋友,感觉真好。

    A lifetime of people , the people who brushes against a person are countless , can have predestined relationship acting as a friend , feeling really well .

  2. 另外,再次感谢您在百忙之际抽空分享您的反馈意见,这将有助于我们进一步提高我们的服务,希望能有缘再次于您相见。

    Once again , I thank you for taking your time in view of your busy schedule to update your experience for us to further improve on our Fraser Hospitality and look forward to see you soon .

  3. 所以,能相遇就是缘!

    So , can meet is a good luck !

  4. 希望能遇到有缘人。

    Hope can meet a nice ring .

  5. 我希望能与有缘的你成为好朋友,一起提高英语口语水平。

    I am willing to be your best friend and improve my English with you .

  6. 20%胎牛血清营养液能作为角膜缘干细胞培养的基础液。

    20 % FBS culture medium can be used as the basically medium for the stem cell culture .

  7. 不一定,当然,如果通过沟通,能碰到有缘人是更好的一件事,平常心吧,一切顺其自然。

    Not necessarily , of course , if through communication can better meet Predestiny is one thing , the sense of balance bar , all letting nature take its course .

  8. 有缘千里能相会,无缘对面不相逢。

    If there is a bond between them , the two will meet across a thousand li ; without a bond , they will not meet though face to face .

  9. 结论检测支气管切缘p53基因突变能确诊支气管切缘异常的分子边界,从而早期预测部分肺癌的术后残端癌复发。

    Conclusion By testing mutations of p53 gene at the resection margins of bronchus , we may predict local recurrence of lung cancer .

  10. 结论:本术式针对眼化学烧伤能有效修复角膜缘缺损,重建眼球表面而获理想临床疗效。

    Conclusion : This technique is effective in the surface reconstruction of the chemical burned cornea .