
  1. 具备PCB接线图,和线路图的阅读能力者优先。

    Ability to read PCB wiring and principium diagram as plus .

  2. 这位超能力者能够利用气体形成精神联结

    This individual can create a mental nexus using gaseous substances .

  3. 如果说超能力者是被粒子加速器创造出来的,

    If we know that Metahumans were created by the particle accelerator

  4. 完全丧失劳动能力者占70%。

    70 % of the GWS completely lost their work-capacity .

  5. 无还债能力者店给烧毁后,店主就破产了。

    bankrupt After his store burned , the storekeeper became a bankrupt .

  6. 会不会是我们找的这个超能力者不是控制毒气

    What if the metahuman we 're looking for doesn 't control gas ?

  7. 你觉得做一个超能力者很辛苦吗?

    You think it 's hard being a psychic ?

  8. 她被宣判为无能力者;法官宣判被告是清白的。

    She was declared incompetent ; judge held that the defendant was innocent .

  9. 熟悉各种设计软件,有较强手绘设计能力者优先考虑;

    Skillful in using various design software ; hand drawing capability is preferable ;

  10. 试着去做超能力者的朋友。

    Try being a psychic 's best friend .

  11. 关于那个超能力者我们错了他不是控制空气里的毒�

    The metahuman . We were wrong . He 's not controlling airborne toxins .

  12. 所以你又一个人去追超能力者了吗?

    So you went after a Metahuman alone ?

  13. 具备英语书面及口头表达能力者优先考虑。

    Capable of communicating in English both verbally and written form will be a plus .

  14. 如果他们能消除,你就不会是超能力者了,你会这么做吗?

    If they could reverse it so you weren 't a metahuman , Would you ?

  15. 他也是个超能力者?

    So he is a Metahuman ?

  16. 略具打字能力者优先。

    Some typing ability is preferable .

  17. 政治上较好但缺乏工作能力者,应当维持其生活。

    Those who are fairly good politically but are not competent should have their livelihood assured .

  18. 它也鼓励我们相信,只要有能力者行动起来,情况能够好转。

    The encouragement is the belief that it can be strengthened if those with clout act .

  19. 其实,除了巴里,你是我们第一个测试的超能力者。

    Actually , aside from barry , you 're the first metahuman that we 've tested .

  20. 你们所谓的超能力者可真忙碌。

    Your metahumans have been busy .

  21. 通过廉租住房政策来解决没有购买能力者的居住需求。

    Rent-cheap housing property serves for the demand of those who can not afford to get it .

  22. (在法律上)未成年人或其他无行为能力者的诉讼代理人。

    A person who acts on behalf of an infant or disabled person ( in law ) .

  23. 有责任能力者占22.4%,限定责任能力者占14.9%,无责任能力者占62.7%。

    There were 22.4 % of criminal responsibility , 14.9 % of reduced responsibility and 62.7 % without responsibility .

  24. 熟悉软件工程周期、能制定编程规范、具有质量检测经验、具有团队领导能力者优先。

    Experience and knowledge of software development life cycle , coding standard , quality standard and leadership is an advantage .

  25. 母语为英语或能流利地进行英语交流;有一定的中文口语及写作能力者优先。

    Mother tongue is English or talk in English smoothly ; Basic ability in oral Chinese and also on Written .

  26. 这些记录包括1973年对著名超能力者尤里·盖勒的测试,他当时已经是一个声名远播的演员了。

    Those include records of testing on celebrity psychic Uri Geller in 1973 , when he was already a well-established performer .

  27. 这个超能力者无法长时间将自己保持雾态之下他的粒子需要重新组合

    This metahuman will not be able to stay in his mist form for long . His particles will need to reform .

  28. 结果外来人员鉴定的有责任能力者比例较高,心因性精神障碍较多,本地组危害行为后果更严重。

    Results A higher proportion of temporary residents were considered to have responsibility , and exhibited more psychogenic disorder than that in permanent residents .

  29. 疼痛消失,功能好,恢复生活自理能力者36例,占80%;

    Among them there were 36 ( 80 % ) cases in pan free well function and recovery of the ability in daily life care ;

  30. 但是我们无法确切知道有什么或者谁受到了辐射,我们一直在寻找其他像你一样的超能力者。

    Though we have no way of knowing exactly what or ... who was exposed , we 've been searching for other Metahumans like yourself .