
  • 网络Competency Model;Competence model
  1. 能力素质模型在企业人力资源管理中的应用

    The Application of Competency Model in Enterprises ' Human Resources Management

  2. 本文基于作者在实践中所遇到的问题,从而引发对员工能力素质模型的理论思考,进而阐述如何在实践中建立和应用能力素质模型,并通过案例分析得出相关结论。

    Based on the problems that the author faces in practice , the thesis considers the theory of the competency model of the staff , and then elaborates how to establish and apply the competency model in practice , gets the related conclusion from the case analysis .

  3. HR系统与能力素质模型相结合可以较好的弥补彼此的缺陷。

    Fortunately , e-HR system and competency model can perfectly offset each others weaknesses .

  4. 然后综合运用了多种方法构建企业能力素质模型,包括3P研讨法、BEI访谈法和工作流程分析法等。

    Various methods , including 3P discussions , BEI interviews and work flow analysis , are used comprehensively .

  5. 上市公司财务总监能力素质模型研究

    Research on the Competency Model of CFO in Listed Enterprises

  6. 能力素质模型是一种技术含量高且十分有效的人力资源管理工具。

    Competency model is the technical and effective tool for human resource management .

  7. 基于能力素质模型的企业员工培训方案设计

    Competency Model Based Training Plan Design Through the Case Study of W Company

  8. 关于建立人的能力素质模型的研究

    Research on Building Competency Models for Effective HR Management

  9. 第二章介绍了能力素质模型的理论知识。

    Chapter two introduces the theories of Competency Model .

  10. 探讨能力素质模型在e&HR系统的应用

    The Application of the Competency Model in e-HR System

  11. 把岗位价值评估和员工能力素质模型结合了起来,实现了人与岗位的匹配。

    Thirdly , combine the post and person .

  12. 近几年来人们开始关注能力素质模型研究,在这个领域中每个研究者和应用者都在自己研究的范围内对素质模型进行定位、研究。

    Some people devote their attentions to the research of competency model in recent years .

  13. 现代培训基本理论和能力素质模型是本文的两个理论分析前提。

    Concern modern training opinions and Competency modeling are the analysis bases of this paper .

  14. 高校教学岗教师能力素质模型与评价方法研究

    Study of Competency Model and Evaluation Method for Teachers in Teaching Post in Colleges and Universities

  15. 能力素质模型研究更多关注点是企业经营者、中高层管理人员、核心员工等。

    It is the enterpriser , middle-level managers and core employees that pay more attention to the model .

  16. 建立包括员工个人工作档案,员工个人能力素质模型的建立,评估,更新。

    Establish personal working files , build , evaluate and update the personal capability and competence model for staffs .

  17. 本文的研究成果为电力企业能力素质模型的构建应用提供了借鉴和参考价值。

    This paper provides important mirror and reference value for electric power enterprises ' competency model construction and application .

  18. 能力素质模型描述了将高绩效者与一般或者低绩效者区分开来的分析结果。

    The competency model describes an analytic result that distinguishes a high performance person from an ordinary or low performance person .

  19. 本文介绍了贝卡尔特&沈阳钢帘线有限公司的基本情况,阐述了关于员工能力素质模型的相关概念与理论。

    The basic information of Bekaert ShenYang Steel Cord Ltd. , and relevant concept and theory regarding to the employee competency model were introduced in this article .

  20. 运用行为事件访谈和问卷调查法建立了企业中层管理人员胜任能力素质模型和具体的招聘测评指标,并且运用模糊综合评价方法对应聘候选人的能力素质进行测评。

    Behavioral event interviews and questionnaire survey is used to establish a corporate middle-level management competency model , and then evaluating the competence of employees with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation .

  21. 由此可见,如何建立以能力素质模型为基础的人力资源开发与管理体系对企业的可持续发展有着极其重要的意义。

    It can be seemed that it has extremely important significance for the sustainable enterprise development to build the HR development and management system based on the competency model .

  22. 员工根据能力素质模型的要求,制定自己未来的学习计划及职业生涯发展方向,通过自身能力的提升不断提升自己的个人业绩,从而推动公司整体的业绩。

    And employees establish their own future study plan and career development direction , and then enhance their individual performance , so as to promote the whole performance of the company .

  23. 文章通过对能力素质模型的研究,从其行业适用性、素质提升的针对性、企业战略的一致性以及人力资源管理的系统性分别探讨能力素质模型在移动行业人力资源管理中的实际应用价值。

    This paper study the related problems about the application of competency model in HRM which included the competency 's applicability in Mobile enterprises , the direction of employees ' abilities promotion , the conformity with corporation strategy and the system of human resource management to verify its applied value .

  24. 基于领导者能力素质结构模型的我国MBA课程体系再造研究

    The Research on Re-structure of MBA Curricula System Based on Leader Capability Model in China

  25. 第三,就如何实现学员领导能力培养的素质模型中的等级标准,提出了学员领导能力培养过程中的系统科学管理方法,学员自主管理方法的具体应用。

    Thirdly , considering the realization of the rating criterion in diathesis model of leadership cultivation of students , this paper puts forward the application of systemic and scientific management , and self-management of students .

  26. 第二部分对薪酬体系中知识型员工、激励、能力、能力薪酬、能力素质模型等先关概念进行阐述。

    The second part of the first off the concept of the compensation system knowledge workers , motivation , ability , ability to pay , ability and quality model to elaborate .

  27. 基于能力素质理论建立的各种能力素质模型在人力资源管理实践中发挥着重要作用。

    The various competency models which are established based on the competency theory are playing an important role in human resources management practice .

  28. 本文以胜任特征(competency)和核心能力(corecompetency)为核心能力素质模型的理论基础,概括了胜任特征的起源、定义、国内外研究成果,简要介绍了核心能力理论相关概念。

    This paper is based on core competence model of competency and core competence , describes the origin , definitions and research approaches of competency theory , and introduces the concept about core competence theory .

  29. 员工素质模型,根据对员工在企业中任职能力的评估评价结果建立员工个人能力素质模型。

    Staff competence model : establish the personal capacity and competence model on the basis of the evaluation and assessment of staffs'working ability in the enterprise .