
  • 网络energy state;energy status
  1. GP的乙酰化和酶活受细胞内能量状态的调控。

    Cell energy status can regulates the acetylation and activity of GP .

  2. 除此之外,细胞内的能量状态也会改变UGP2和GP的乙酰化和酶活。

    In addition , the cell energy status can also regulate the activities of UGP2 and GP .

  3. 在激光能量状态E相同的情况下,功率P越大,时间t越短,获得的校正量h越大;

    When the laser energy " E " is constant , the bigger the power " P " and the more shorter the time " t ", the bigger quantum " h " .

  4. 研究了经γ射线辐照后MOS结构的SiO2薄膜中可动离子的能量状态和数量变化。

    The paper studied that the energy states and amount of mobile ions in SiO2 film of MOS structure undergone γ - rays irradiation .

  5. 在调节细胞能量状态的蛋白激酶级联反应中,AMP激活的蛋白激酶(AMPK)是其中枢组成部分。

    AMP-activated protein kinase AMPK is a central component of a protein kinase cascade that plays a pivotal role in the regulation of intracellular energy status .

  6. 该蛋白质激酶能够通过感受细胞能量状态来维持真核细胞的ATP生成和消耗的平衡,即能量稳态。

    Its catalytic activity can be activated by AMP , which enables it to maintain the balance between ATP production and consumption ( energy homeostasis ) in eukaryotic cells by sensing the cellular energy status .

  7. Insulin/PIP和IGF-1的不同的折叠行为主要由它们的B-链/结构域决定,B-链/结构域决定了A-链/结构域内部的二硫键的能量状态。

    The different folding behavior of Insulin / PIP and IGF-1 is mainly controlled by the B-chain / domain which determinates the different energetic state of the intra-A-chain / domain disulfide .

  8. 用能量状态概念简化飞机运动模型,应用最优控制理论进行飞机飞行性能的优化,使用遗传算法进行全局寻优,继而生成最优节油飞行轨迹,并通过Matlab程序进行仿真。

    The method of energy-state is used to simplify the dimension of the traditional point-mass motion model , and the theory of optimal control is used for the trajectory optimization . The global optimization has been achieved with a genetic algorithm program in Matlab .

  9. 本工作利用TSIC和B-T测量研究了经~(60)Coγ射线辐照后MOS结构的SiO2薄膜中可动离子能量状态和数量的变化。

    In this paper the change of energy and amount of mobile ions in SiO_2 film of MOS structure undergone γ - rays irradiation had been studied with TSIC and B-T technics .

  10. BEC是由Einstein在1924年提出的一个著名预测。它是指在某个临界低温下,宏观数量的原子将凝聚到动量为零的最低能量状态,形成宏观量子态。

    In 1924 Einstein made a famous forecast that was : under some low temperature , a macro-number of atoms would condensate into the lowest energy state of zero momentum , then would form the macro-quantum state .

  11. 基于膨胀计法和TG-DTA法对污泥水分能量状态的分析,构建了污泥水分分布特征曲线,并阐明污泥在不同含水率时的机械脱水效果。

    Two moisture distribution curves of the sludge sample were constructed via analysis of their moisture energy status in dilatometric method and TG-DTA method , which could be utilized to elucidate the sludge dewatering performance at different moisture contents .

  12. 使用能量状态近似法对以最小直接运营成本(DOC)为性能指标的优化方法进行了推导,得到飞机纵向飞行剖面&爬升、巡航、下降段的最优轨迹的分段计算方法。

    By using the Energy State Approximation method , the optimization method of cost function according to minimum direct operate cost is derived , and the corresponding calculation methods of optimization trajectory of vertical flight profiles for climb , cruise and descent phase are obtained .

  13. 随后通过建立真空物质能量状态的二个假设,及基于等效Binet方程,给出了与Einstein狭义相对论有关结论相融合的物质粒子以光速及超光速运动的质量及能量方程;

    Subsequently , by forming two hypotheses about the energy state of vacuum matter , and basing on the equivalent Binet equation , the mass equations and the energy equations of the partial moving with light-velocity or superluminal-velocity motion fusing with the results of Einstein special relativity are expressed .

  14. 新的理论仍然规定原子具有确定的能量状态。

    The new theory still assigns definite energy states to an atom .

  15. 这样我们会有不同的能量状态。

    So we 're going to have unequal energy states .

  16. 正是由于有了熵势这种能量状态差,才有了自组织的存在。

    Exactly because of the margin , self-organization exists in all complicated systems .

  17. 在这个过程中,磁场结构松弛到低能量状态。

    In the process the magnetic field structure relaxes to a lower-energy configuration .

  18. 界面能量状态强烈影响着多层薄膜的扩散行为。

    The interface energy state dominated the diffusion processing .

  19. 基于能量状态法的飞机节油轨迹优化及其遗传算法实现

    A Genetic Algorithm for the Trajectory Optimization of Fuel-Optimal Flight Based on Energy-State Control

  20. 土壤的能量状态反应土壤水分对植物的有效性,常以土壤水势来表示。

    The soil 's energy appearance reflects the soil water availability for live plant .

  21. 含盐量对土壤的水汽吸附及土壤水能量状态的影响

    The Effect of Salt content on Vapor Adsorption and Water Potential in Salt-affected Soils

  22. 而且,总结了基于能量状态近似法的飞行轨迹优化算法。

    In addition , the flight path optimization algorithm based on energy state approximation is summarized .

  23. 胆原性脓毒症时动脉血酮体比值与肝细胞能量状态的关系

    Relationship between arterial ketone body ratio and energy status of hepatocytes in biliary sepsis in rabbits

  24. 回想看看,是否每一次你很快乐时,身心都处于一种高能量状态?

    Do your body and mind stay in a state of high energy whenever you are happy ?

  25. 系统具有调光和行频调节功能,用以满足在不同能量状态和不同飞行高度下的成像质量。

    To improve imaging quality , the system has the function of luminous energy and line frequency adjusting .

  26. 根据移动终端的电池能量状态,将其划分为三个能量级别。

    According to the battery energy state of mobile terminal , we can get three different energy levels .

  27. 这些亮能量状态转移速度更快,少于一皮秒。

    These " bright " energy states dissipate the energy much faster , in less than one picosecond .

  28. 我们想知道的就是,所有不同能量状态的概率。

    And so we 'd like to be able to know what are all these probabilities of different energy states .

  29. 表明该活动区松弛到了一个低能态但不是最小能量状态。

    The active region was relaxed to a lower energy state , but not completely to the minimum energy state .

  30. 冷/热缺血再灌注损伤对大鼠肝脏细胞能量状态、凋亡和胀亡的影响

    Effect of cold / worm ischemia / reperfusion on apoptosis , oncosis and energy state of hepatic cell in rat