
bǎ xīn
  • bull's-eye;blank
靶心 [bǎ xīn]
  • [blank] 靶的中心,瞄准的目标

靶心[bǎ xīn]
  1. 他有5发子弹打中靶心。

    Five of his bullets had hit the bull 's-eye .

  2. 那一箭正中靶心。

    The archer 's shot was a bull 's-eye .

  3. 瞄准靶心。

    Aim for the middle of the target .

  4. 他命中了靶心。

    He scored a bullseye .

  5. 他们的箭正中靶心。

    Their arrows are dead on target

  6. 箭穿透靶心。

    The arrow penetrated through the centre of target .

  7. 他连续3次射中靶心。

    He hit three bull 's eyes in succession .

  8. 射手的那一箭正中靶心。

    The archer 's shot was a perfect bull 's-eye .

  9. 后裔看着一尺见方的靶心,想着即将到手的万两黄金或即将失去的千户封邑,心潮起伏,难以平静,平素不在话下的靶心变得格外地遥远。

    Looking at the target and thinking of the ten thousand liangs of gold and the one thousand fiefs , Hou Yi found it hard to calm himself with surging2 thoughts and emotions . The target ordinarily would be nothing difficult for him . But now it seemed so far away for him .

  10. 这个短语最初的意思“正中靶心”(rightontarget),就演变成某种闭合的圆圈的意思,这样的圆圈可使打中靶心变得更容易。

    The original meaning of " right on target " then evolved to mean something close up , making it easier to hit the middle of the target .

  11. 说实话,要是能改变SOA中的一个事物,我会选择一开始就击中靶心。

    Seriously , if I could change one thing of SOA , it would be the perceived hit up front .

  12. 将靶心图分成侧壁、前壁、间隔和下后壁,而且将靶心图上左室下后壁心肌分成R1~R6六个区域。

    The polar map was made on the basis of continues short axis slices , and it was divided into lateral , anterior , septal and inferior-posterior wall .

  13. 靶心率和RPE对老年人运动量的监测作用

    Application of the Target Heart and RPE Monitoring Old People ′ s Exercise Measure

  14. 一个闭合的或正中央的靶心就是“白点”(pointblank),来自于法语pointblanc,指代用来射击或射箭练习的靶子的中心。

    A very close-up or right-on target is " point blank . " It comes from the French " point blanc , " and refers to the center of the target for shooting or archery practice .

  15. 结论:可应用心肌灌注标准差靶心图中的量化参数评价陈旧性心肌梗塞区心肌细胞部分存活并经PTCA治疗有效。

    Conclusion : Assessing myocardial viability and the treatment of PTCA by myocardium perfusion quantitative parameter in patients with old myocardium infarction is a useful method .

  16. 这支以扎克伯格为靶心的广告可以帮助用户区分这两款应用,过去许多用户把微信和WhatsApp搞混了。

    An ad targeting Mr. Zuckerberg could help users distinguish between the two apps , which in the past have been confused by users .

  17. 方法:通过运动&静息心肌灌注显像,观察PTCA前后患者运动试验结果、心肌各心室壁节段放射性异常积分及靶心图缺损范围的变化。

    Methods : The exercise duration , the ischemic score and the size of defect in blockout map of 18 patients were observed by stress and rest SPECT myocardial perfusion tomography before and after PTCA .

  18. 在结节状和靶心样强化中,边缘与中心区均表现为高通透性,边缘VEGF高表达为6例,中心区高表达为5例。

    In the nodular pattern and the target pattern , both the border and the central part had a high permeability . In 6 cases , the VEGF expression was high in the border and in 5 cases the VEGF expression was high in central part of the tumors .

  19. 南71井是河南油田的一口大位移、大斜度、长裸眼、双靶心定向井,完钻井深2024m,井斜55°,位移883m。

    Well Nan 71 , the first extended reach , highly-deviated , long open hole and dual bull 's-eye well in Henan oilfield , has a drilled depth of 2024m borehole deviation 55 ° and displacement 883m .

  20. 箭正好射穿了靶心。

    The arrow penetrated through the target just in the centre .

  21. 她有两枪打中靶心。

    Two of her shots hit the centre of the target .

  22. 靶心率在制定健美运动处方中的应用

    Application of Target Heart Rate in Making Fit Appearance Exercise Prescription

  23. 箭离弦飞去,射中了那靶心。

    The arrow flew off and hit the bull 's eye .

  24. 有人告诉我他没射中靶心。

    A little bird told me he wasn 't shooting blanks .

  25. 基于靶心度分析的金融市场化程度的区域比较

    Regional Comparison of Financial Marketization Degree via Grey Target Approaching Analysis

  26. 靶心是用一个大红圆环作标记的。

    The bull 's eye was marked with a large red circle .

  27. 他击中靶心,得了奖。

    He has hit the bull 's Eve and won the prize .

  28. 靶心是箭靶的中心点。

    The bulls-eye is in the center of the target .

  29. 她怎么就能一箭命中靶心呢?

    How could she hit the exact center like that ?

  30. 注意力集中,瞄准目标,向靶心射击。

    Concentrate , take aim at the target and shoot the narrow part .