
bǎ biāo
  • target
  1. 维生素E的检测技术靶标抗性点突变基因型检测技术

    Genotyping Techniques of Identifying Point Mutation Associated with Target Resistance

  2. CCD激光自准直旋转靶标轴系跳动测量系统

    CCD Laser Collimation Measuring System for the Rotary Axis Excursion of Dynamic Target

  3. 以RNA为靶标的药物筛选新技术

    New techniques for screening drugs targeting at RNAs

  4. 从目前的研究看,以细胞因子为治疗靶标防治IRI导致的器官损害是有前景的。

    Cytokines and chemokine-targeted therapies to circumvent ischemia-reperfusion injury in organs hold promise for the future .

  5. 防治Alzheimer病药物作用基因靶标的发现及初步研究

    The Screening and Preliminary Study on the Gene Targets for Alzheimer 's Disease

  6. AChE是神经毒剂、有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类杀虫剂的作用靶标。

    AChE is a target enzyme for organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides .

  7. 本文中,我们基于功能核酸成功地构建了两个电化学DNA传感器来分别检测小分子药物博来霉素和特定的靶标DNA序列。

    In this paper , we fabricated two electrochemical DNA sensors based on functional nucleic acid to detect bleomycins and special DNA sequence successfully .

  8. 转Bt基因棉压力下靶标害虫及其天敌的波动性不对称

    Fluctuating Asymmetry in Target Pest and Natural Enemy under the Stress of Bt-Transgenic Cotton

  9. 以调控Ras信号传导为靶标的抗肿瘤药物研究进展

    Progress in the study of antitumor drug targeting on the Ras signaling pathway

  10. 合理设计一些容量小的、针对特定靶标的化合物库(称为集中库,focusedlibrary),是当前组合库设计中的热点。

    Currently , rational design of small focused libraries , which are biased toward specific therapeutic targets , is at the forefront of combinatorial library design .

  11. 考虑到疏水药物苯丁酸氮芥的靶标是DNA链,经苯丁酸氮芥修饰的阳离子聚合物既有利于基因转染,又可以增强药效。

    Considering that the target of hydrophobic chlorambucil is DNA strands , the hyperbranched polycations are modified with chlorambucil for both gene transfection and drug delivery .

  12. Bt水稻对田间非靶标害虫种群动态的影响

    Effects of transgenic Bt rice on population dynamics of non-target insect pests in rice field

  13. LDL脂蛋白应该作为脂蛋白降低疗法的主要靶标。

    LDL cholesterol should be the primary target of lipid lowering treatments .

  14. 事实上,任何一个DNA分子都可以被CRISPR干扰作用当成靶标。

    Virtually any DNA molecule could be targeted with CRISPR interference .

  15. 基于以上研究,survivin被看做抗肿瘤的重要靶标之一。

    Based on the above , survivin is seemed as one of most important target for anticancer .

  16. 针对靶标G蛋白偶联受体从大量化合物中筛选出理想的药物,就需要开发特异且灵敏的高通量筛选体系。

    In order to screen desirable drugs for the target receptors from a large amount of chemicals , high throughput screening systems with specificity and sensitivity are needed .

  17. 结论RA涉及多环节的病理过程,基因芯片技术有利于进一步揭示RA分子机制,发现新的治疗靶标。

    Conclusion These findings are expected to improve the understanding of the molecular mechanisms and the identification of therapeutic targets .

  18. miRNA靶标预测的系统生物学方法研究

    Study on Systems Biology Methods of miRNA Target Prediction

  19. ALS是烟嘧磺隆作用的靶标酶。

    ALS is target enzyme of nicosulfuron action .

  20. 当靶标的三维结构可以通过X射线衍射或NMR等手段确定后,人们就能采用几种不同的策略来进行组合库的设计。

    When the 3-D structure of the target is obtained through X-ray or NMR , various structure-based design strategies can be used in focused library design .

  21. 另外文章还分析了基于DSP的实现检测跟踪运动靶标系统的硬件平台及实现相关算法软件设计。

    The article also went on an analysis of DSP-based testing to achieve the target system to track movement of hardware platforms and software algorithms designed to achieve .

  22. 本研究揭示了慢性HBV感染中NK细胞耐受的机制,为乙肝患者的治疗提供了新的靶标。

    These findings revealed the mechanism of HBV associated NK cell tolerance and provided new target for the therapy of chronic HBV patients .

  23. G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR)是人体内一类重要的药物作用靶标。

    GPCR ( G-protein coupled receptors ) superfamily is one of the most important drug targets in human body .

  24. 这种技术可在DNA靶标分子的任意位点进行基因敲除、敲入、点突变等操作,无需使用限制性内切酶和连接酶。

    The Red mediated recombination can be used to insert , delete or substitute DNA sequences at any desired position on a target molecule without the need for restriction enzymes or DNA ligases .

  25. 我们的这些工作对于进一步认识结核分枝杆菌DNA复制及感染机制和寻找新的药物靶标提供了重要线索。

    All these results will greatly contribute to a further understanding on the DNA replication and infection mechanisms of M. tuberculosis , and will also provide important clues for searching new durg targets .

  26. 结果提示美洲大蠊的AChE不是脱氧鬼臼毒素靶标,而ATPase可能是脱氧鬼臼毒素的重要靶标之一。

    The results suggest that AChE is not target of deoxypodophyllotoxin , while ATPase may be one of important targets of deoxypodophyllotoxin .

  27. 对杀虫剂的代谢抗性和主要靶标抗性的显性水平作了理论解释,其中包括昆虫对Bt抗性的显性水平的解释。并对抗性显性具有的多变性作了阐述。

    The dominance levels of metabolic resistance and major target resistance to insecticides are interpreted , including the dominance levels of insect resistance to Bt.

  28. 昆虫的钠离子通道基因是DTT,除虫菊酯和拟除虫菊酯类农药的靶标基因。

    Insect sodium channels are targets for DTT , pyrethrins and pyrethroids .

  29. 介绍了2D平面标定靶标制作规范,给出了一种改进型SUSAN算子进行角点亚像素检测的方法,该方法具有速度快、定位精度高等优点。

    A2D planar pattern is built , and an improved SUSAN operator for sub-pixel corner detection is proposed , which has high speed and positioning accuracy .

  30. 神经病靶标酯酶调控结构域结合蛋白筛选及其在COS-7细胞中的表达

    Hunting for novel proteins in neuropathy target esterase regulatory domain with yeast two-hybrid system