
bǎ shì
  • target chamber
靶室[bǎ shì]
  1. 建立的β-NMR及β-NQR装置主要包含强磁场和靶室系统、脉冲束系统、rf(高频)及其控制系统、β-探测器和数据获取系统。

    The constructed β - NMR and β - NQR set-up is mainly composed of the strong magnetic field and target chamber system , the beam pulsing system , the rf and its control system , and β - detection and data acquisition system .

  2. 神光Ⅱ升级装置中靶室系统的稳定性设计与分析

    Stability Design and Analysis of Target Chamber System in SG ⅱ Upgrade Facility

  3. 靶室散射对ICF中子产额用铅活化法测量准确性的影响

    Effect of target chamber-scattered neutrons on ICF neutron yield measurement accuracy by Pb activation

  4. 研究成果可以直接应用于金属丝阵Z箍缩物理实验,对丝负载靶室结构参数的优化改进也有促进作用。

    The study results can be used in wire-array Z-pinch physical experiments directly and that may have promotion effect to the parameters 's optimization of wire-load target chamber .

  5. 其原因可能是X射线CCD受到靶室油沾污,在表面形成了碳膜,对N带吸收较多。

    It is possibly because oil in the target clamber forms carbon foil on the CCD surface and contaminates the X ray CCD . This foil filter absorbs more rays with N band than those of O band .

  6. 置于真空靶室中的金属靶(Fe),在高功率激光作用下产生的高密度等离子体,对入射激光有较强的受激布里渊散射效应。

    The high density plasma will be generated by metal target ( Fe ) placed in vacuum chamber when it is irradiated by high power laser . The plasma will have a stronger stimulated Brillouin scattering ( SBS ) effect for the incident laser .

  7. 介绍了在天光一号MOPA光学角多路系统中,将6束KrF准分子激光引入靶室的方法以及聚焦系统的研制。

    This paper introduces the method of guiding the six KrF laser beams into target chamber and the development of focus system in MOPA angular multiplex system for Heaven - ⅰ .

  8. 五自由度模拟靶台是惯性约束聚变靶室里的预对准定位系统(简称AAP),是一种空间定心的闭环控制运动体系。

    A five freedom simulating target table is a prepositioning system situated in the target chamber of the inertial confinement fusion . It is a closed loop control moving system centered in the space .

  9. 另一种是30K下辐照靶室,利用在线交流磁测量方法可测量样品的临界电流密度。

    The third target chamber is able to reach 20K under irradiation and the critical current density Jc of HTSC specimens was measured in situ with AC magnetic susceptibility .

  10. SILEX-I装置主要包括飞秒振荡器、Offner展宽器、多级放大器、以及对应的脉冲压缩器和靶室等。

    SILEX-I includes the femtosecond oscillator , the Offner stretcher , the regenerative amplifier , the pre-amplifier , the main amplifier , the power amplifier , the vacuum compressor and the vacuum target chamber .

  11. 离子注入机靶室尘埃污染与系统改造

    Particle Contamination and System Reformation in End Station of Ion Implanter

  12. 靶室结构对中子绝对产额测量的影响

    Influence of the target chamber structure on measuring absolute neutron yield

  13. 一种薄膜离子束冶金学研究用多功能靶室

    A multifunctional target chamber for ion beam metallurgy of thin films

  14. 阴极真空弧沉积中靶室第二阳极作用对系统性能的影响

    Influence of Chamber Wall as 2nd Anode on Vacuum Arc Plasma Deposition

  15. 为此,设计和加工了一套三叉管校对靶室。

    A checking target chamber with three directions was designed and manufactured .

  16. 静态气体靶室中氖的高次谐波辐射

    High order harmonic generation in neon in static gas target

  17. 原型装置真空靶室真空形变分析研究

    Research of vacuum shape change of vacuum target chamber in prototype facility

  18. 离子注入用高低温变温靶室

    A target chamber for ion implantation at variable temperatures

  19. 用于原子光谱及寿命测量的靶室自动控制装置

    An automatic controlled apparatus of target chamber for atomic spectra and level lifetime measurements

  20. 真空内置大气靶室的设计

    Design of the Air Chamber Placed in Vacuum

  21. 活性靶室在超核物理实验研究中的应用

    The Usage of Active Target Chamber in the Experimental Study of the Hypernuclei Physics

  22. 大型筒形通用散射靶室

    A large cylindrical scattering chamber for general purpose

  23. SC&50型金属工艺用离子注入机的离子源、加速管及靶室

    The ion source acceleration system and target chamber of the SC-50 ion implanter for metal technology

  24. 最后计算了入射到偏滤器靶室中的高能α粒子和弱相对论性电子在锂蒸气云等离子体中的能量沉积。

    The energy depositions of incoming high energy particles and weekly relativistic electrons from SOL are calculated .

  25. 用有限元方法分析了原型装置真空靶室的真空形变。

    The vacuum shape change of vacuum target chamber in prototype facility has been analyzed using finite element method .

  26. 超重元素合成实验靶室及转靶装置

    Overweight Target Chamber and Rotating Target Wheel for Synthesis of Superheavy Elements at Radioactive Ion Beam Line of Lanzhou

  27. 这些管子通向靶室&一个三层楼高的大球,这个球上面镶钉着舷窗以让激光通过。

    The tubes lead to the target chamber , a three-story-high sphere studded with portholes for the lasers to pass through .

  28. 研制了一套用于原子激发光谱及激发能级寿命测量的,由计算机、步进马达等九部分组成的靶室自动控制设备。

    An automatically controlled apparatus of target chamber was made to measure spectra of the excited atoms and lifetime of the excited levels .

  29. 靶室中心,氘氚组成的靶丸用一个看起来像一个巨大的铅笔尖悬挂着。

    At the center of this chamber , the deuterium-tritium target is held in place by what looks like a giant pencil tip .

  30. 针对目前的离子注入实验都是在真空状态下进行的事实,设计了真空内置式大气靶室装置。

    An air-chamber placed in vacuum for ion implanting was designed aiming at the fact that the ion implantation experiments are all performed under the vacuum state .