
  • 网络targeted drug delivery;targeted delivery
  1. 本研究证明:叶酸-牛血清白蛋白-多柔比星三元靶向给药体系是可行的也是有效的。

    This study has proved that Folate-BSA-DOX targeted drug delivery system is feasible and is effective in practice .

  2. 随着控释给药、靶向给药等新技术的不断发展,活性生长因子的缓释的研究正受到越来越广泛的重视和关注。

    With the development of controlled-release drug delivery and targeted drug delivery technology , sustained release of growth factors is being increasingly widespread researched .

  3. 靶向给药系统(targetingdrugdeliverysystem,TDDS)是第四代药物输送系统。

    The fourth generation drug delivery system is targeting drug delivery system .

  4. 例如,在靶向给药系统(targetingdrugdeliverysystem,TDDS)中,就要求药物载体&凝胶微球的粒径小,而且要求其具有较好的单分散性。

    For example , in the targeting drug delivery system ( TDDS ), some cases require small diameter and good monodispersity of microsphere drug carrier .

  5. 综述壳聚糖在生物大分子口服给药、pH敏感释药、靶向给药、纳米药物载体等药物制剂方面的应用研究进展。

    Research advances in pharmaceutical preparations of chitosan were reviewed in this paper , including peroral macromolecular drugs delivery system , pH-sensitive drug release system , targeting drug delivery system , nano-drug carriers , and so on .

  6. 采用可生物降解的聚合物作为药物载体,利用Fe3O4磁性纳米粒子的磁导向性来实现靶向给药的目的。

    Biodegradable polymer and Fe_3O_4 nanoparticles were chose as drug carriers , and drug-loaded magnetic polymer microspheres can be delivered to the area of interest by an external magnetic field .

  7. 葡聚糖磁性纳米复合微粒已被FDA批准作为MRI造影剂用于临床,并有望成为磁导靶向给药系统中理想的纳米载体。

    The dextran magnetic composite nanoparticles ( DMNPs ) have been approved by FDA to be used as a MRI contrast agent in clinical and are expected to be an ideal carrier for magnetic drug delivery .

  8. 目的比较常用的两种报告基因β-Gal及GFP在大鼠多器官组织中的内源性表达及不同血脂水平下的变化,为构建基因靶向给药系统时报告基因的合理选择提供实验依据。

    Objective To supply reference for selecting reporter gene which was used in gene target system , the variety of different lipid levels of the endogenous expression β - gal , GFP were compared in rats .

  9. 一种相关的神经靶向给药系统载体NG2在临床前动物试验中被证实可以降低神经损害和糖尿病引起的神经性疼痛。

    A related NTDDS vector , NG2 reduces pain-related behaviors in preclinical models of neuropathic pain from nerve injury and diabetes .

  10. 本课题以CSO-SA胶束为基本材料,考察其在脑靶向给药系统上应用的潜能。

    In this research , the potential of CSO-SA on brain targeting drug delivery is studied .

  11. 背景与目的:口服结肠靶向给药系统(OCDDS)是一种将药物定位释放于结肠的靶向制剂。

    Background and Objective : OCDDS ( Oral Colon-specific Drug Delivery System ) is a kind of drug target delivery systems , which can deliver drug at colon .

  12. 目的综述及讨论近年来靶向给药系统的研究进展。

    Objective To summarize the development of targeting drug delivery system .

  13. 磁性壳聚糖微球的制备、表征及其靶向给药研究

    Preparation and Evaluation of Magnetic Targeting Drug Release Chitosan Microspheres Containing Aspirin

  14. 脑靶向给药的主要方式及其应用

    Major categories of drug delivery system for brain targeting and their applications

  15. 白蛋白微球作为肝靶向给药载体的研究

    Study on albumin microspheres as drug carrier for liver targeting

  16. 目的:研制盐酸小檗碱结肠靶向给药胶囊。

    Objective : to prepare berberine hydrochloride colonic targeting capsules .

  17. 靶向给药系统&依托泊甙脂质体的研究

    Studies on the targeting drug delivery system - preparation of etoposide liposome

  18. 结肠靶向给药系统载体&偶氮聚合物合成与表征

    Synthesis and Characterization of Azo-polymers for Colon-site specific Drug Delivery

  19. 用于靶向给药的一种新型温敏聚合物胶束的制备及表征

    Preparation and Characterization of a Novel Thermosensitive Micelle for Site-Special Drug Delivery

  20. 靶向给药系统的体内药物动力学模型研究

    Study on Pharmacokinetics Model for Targeted Drug Delivery Systems

  21. 双配体修饰的壳聚糖纳米粒肝癌细胞主动靶向给药系统的研究

    Study on the Two-ligand Modified Chitosan Nanoparticles Actively Targeting to Malignant Liver Cells

  22. 目的研制用于结肠靶向给药的溃结康片。

    OBJECTIVE To prepare Kuijiekang tablets for colon targeting .

  23. 靶向给药系统材料与制剂

    Materials and preparations on controlled drug carried target system

  24. 膜活性肽在胞内靶向给药系统中的应用

    Application of membrane - active peptides in the intracellular targeting drug delivery system

  25. 淋巴靶向给药系统研究与应用

    Studies and applications on lymph targeted drug delivery system

  26. 肠道疾病治疗中的口服结肠靶向给药系统

    Oral colon specific targeting drug - delivery system in management of gastrointestinal diseases

  27. 酮洛芬纳米靶向给药系统的研究

    Studies on Site-Specific Nano-Drug Delivery System of Ketoprofen

  28. 一种结肠靶向给药胶囊的研究

    Delivery of drugs to the colon by means of a new kind of capsules

  29. 中药结肠靶向给药研究

    Study on Traditional Chinese Drug Colon Targeting System

  30. 磁性微粒靶向给药系统治疗消化道恶性肿瘤的基础研究与临床初探

    Basic and Clinical Study on Treatment of Digestive Canal Cancers with Magnetic Microne Target