
bǎ qū
  • Target area;target region;target section
靶区[bǎ qū]
  1. 利用GIS分析和处理各种地学信息,并从中提取有用信息,可以迅速缩小成矿靶区。

    Kinds of Geo-Information are analysed and disposed with GIS in order to extract useful information and narrow the target region for mineralization quickly .

  2. 目的:探讨HL-2联合HIFU损伤正常兔肝组织的效果及靶区灰阶表现特点。

    Objective : To explore the effects of ablation of normal rabbit liver tissue by combination of high intensity focused ultrasound ( HIFU ) and iodized oil emulsion ( HIFU liposome 2 , HL-2 ) and the grey scale changes in target region .

  3. 螺旋CT重建间隔对肿瘤靶区体积的影响

    Effects of Spiral CT Reconstruction Interval on Gross Target Volume of Tumor

  4. 术前利用CT扫描确定靶区。

    The targeted area was identified by CT scan .

  5. 50MeV/u~(12)C离子实验靶区中子注量率的测量

    Measurement of neutron fluence rate in 50MeV / u ~ ( 12 ) C-ion experimental target area

  6. 锥形束CT图像分析鼻咽癌临床靶区外放的研究

    Analysis of online cone beam CT images for nasopharyngeal carcinoma to define appropriate CTV-to-PTV margins

  7. 结论MRI组勾画靶区较CT组精确。

    Conclusion : MR was more accurate than CT in delineating GTV of NPC .

  8. 双靶区反义RNA抑制乙型肝炎病毒

    Inhibition of hepatitis B virus by retroviral vectors expressing antisense RNA

  9. 50MeV/u~(12)C离子实验靶区出射中子角分布实验测量

    Experimental Measurement of Emitted Neutron Angular Distribution for the 50MeV / u ~ ( 12 ) C-ion Experimental Target Area

  10. 千伏锥形束CT测量脑转移瘤放疗计划靶区外放研究

    Measuring planning target volume margin in kV cone beam CT guided three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy of brain metastases carcinoma

  11. 结论:3D计划存在遗漏靶区或过度扩大靶区的缺陷。

    CONCLUSIONS : The 3D plans have pitfalls of geometric miss or over coverage of target volume .

  12. 在淋巴引流区域,X射线照射时邻近靶区的组织受照剂量较高。

    In the region of lymph nodes , doses to tissues adjacent to the target were high .

  13. 逆转录病毒载体介导双靶区乙型肝炎病毒反义RNA模型的构建

    Construction of recombinant retrovirus vector carrying dual target antisense RNA of hepatitis B virus

  14. 双靶区反义RNA对HBV转基因鼠抗病毒疗效的研究

    Experimental Study of Inhibition of Hepatitis B by Dual-target Antisense RNA in HBV Transgenic Mice

  15. 目的:研究双靶区反义RNA的逆转录病毒载体的转染、表达及其抗乙肝病毒(HBV)的作用。

    Objective : To study the effects of dual target antisense RNA against HBV infection .

  16. ADS靶区流场的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulations of Flow Field in the Target Region of Accelerator-Driven Subcritical Reactor System

  17. 下段食管癌靶区在Y轴、X轴、Z轴方向的移动与病变大小有关。

    Lower esophageal target volume in the Y axis , X axis , Z axis movement and lesion size .

  18. 结论:对单层螺旋CT而言,CT模拟对肿瘤靶区的扫描应尽量使用薄层和小螺距(1.0~1.5)的成像参数。

    Conclusion : While scanning the gross Target by Spiral CT , one should use thin slice and small pitch ( 1 ~ 1.5 ) .

  19. 用四种立体放射治疗技术对二靶区进行计算和比较:1.旋转治疗(ARC):似传统的直线加速器的旋转治疗,用3~4个弧度;

    The stereotactic techniques were compared for each target : 1 . Arc : 3 - 4 arcs as used in traditional linear radiotherapy .

  20. 通过地理信息系统(GIS)可以对与成矿有关的各种空间信息进行分析,确定成矿的有利靶区。

    Geographical information system ( GIS ) has been widely used in analysis of various spatial data related to ore and determination of ore-searching targets .

  21. MSCT灌注成像评价体部肿瘤解剖学靶区的实验研究

    The Experimental Study for MSCT Perfusion Imaging in Assessment Anatomical Target of Body Tumour

  22. BAG-1、Bcl-2双靶区反义RNA重组载体诱导SGC-7901细胞凋亡

    Recombinant vector carrying antisense RNA to dual-target BAG-1 and Bcl-2 induces SGC-7901 cell apoptosis

  23. 在整个康定岩群内可以应用长英质火山岩稀土元素分布型式平缓和明显负Eu异常的特点来优选勘查靶区。

    Flat chondrite-normalized REE pattern and negative Eu anomaly of felsic volcanic rock may be used for choose prospecting target in the Kangding Group .

  24. 在发现的重磁异常(含Cr的超基性岩,含Cu、Ni的基性超基性岩)和目标矿种元素及组合异常(贵金属和有色金属)基础上,确定异常源和矿床靶区;

    Based on the discovery of heavy magnetic anomalies , target ore elements and composite anomalies , determining the deposit target and anomalies sources .

  25. 结论靶区三维精确定位和剂量转换系统的准确性得到验证,质量保证是X刀立体定向治疗精确度的关键措施。

    Conclusions The positional 3D accuracy during target localization and setting up are essential to the QA , and QA is the key of X knife .

  26. 在膀胱排空状态和两种充盈状态的CT图像上勾画靶区;正常组织勾画包括膀胱、直肠、乙状结肠、小肠。

    In bladder emptying state and a two state filling CT image drawing target outline ; normal tissue sketches including bladder , rectum , sigmoid colon , small intestine .

  27. 利用信息量法和BP人工神经网络模型进行了地质异常的定量圈定和靶区优选。

    Quantitative delineation of geological anomalies and optimized target areas has been made out by means of informational method and the model of BP artificial innervation network .

  28. 笔者提出了银山矿田的Z型探矿模式,利用该模式指导银山矿田外围找矿,确定外围找矿方向和靶区。

    With the exploring model , we can conduct the periphery prospecting in Yinshan ore field and assure the prospecting direction and targets .

  29. TM卫星图像在四川盆地油气构造分析和构造勘探靶区预测中的应用

    The application of TM satellite images to the analysis of oil-gas-bearing structures and the prediction about oil-gas prospecting targets in Sichuan Basin

  30. 根据系统特殊要求,在癌变组织温度控制子程序中,改进了比例积分微分(PID)算法,实现了对靶区组织温度的严格控制。

    The authors exert new improvments to proportional integral differential ( PID ) algorithm according to the specific demands of the system and achieve strict target temperature control .