
  • 网络Target flowmeter;SBL
  1. 应变靶式流量计的误差分析与对策

    The Analysis on Error of Strain Target Flowmeter and the Countermeasures

  2. 本文介绍的新型应变靶式流量计采用了专利技术,结构简单、灵敏度高;

    The new strain target flowmeter introduced in this paper is adopting patented technology , offers simple structure and high sensitivity .

  3. 靶式流量计测量高粘度介质流量有其独特的优点。

    Target flowmeters offer unique features to flow measurement of media with high viscosity .

  4. 智能小流量靶式流量计的研制

    Research on Intelligent Small-flow Target Flow Meter

  5. 靶式流量计测量高黏度介质流量有其独特的优点,但传统的靶式流量计存在机械结构复杂、灵敏度低、小流量时流量系数变化等缺点。

    While the traditional target flow-meters is complicated in mechanical structure and features low sensitivity and flow coefficient shifted with small-flow .

  6. 本文通过数值模拟和试验两种方法,对靶式流量计用于气固两相流中固相浓度测量进行了研究。

    In this paper , author verified the target flowmeter can be used for the measuring concentration of Gas-particle two phase flow by the contrast between numerical calculation and experiments .

  7. 基于对靶式流量计工作机理的研究,给出了应变式粘度传感器的测量模型和机械结构设计,分析出溶液粘度和传感器壁面受力之间的关系,在此基础上得出粘度测量的数学模型。

    The viscosity distributing rule of Polyacrylamide is summarized . ( ii ) Based on the analysis and study of the principle of target type flowmeter , the measuring model of strain type viscosity sensor is proposed and its mechanical configuration is designed .

  8. 本文提出了一种新的气液两相流双参数测量方法&一利用单一的靶式流量计实现两相流流量及质量含气率的同时在线测量,并建立了相应的理论模型。

    A new method of two-parameter measurement of gas-liquid two-phase flow is proposed in this paper , it can be used in on line measurement of mass flow rate and quality using single drag device . Mathematical models corresponding to this method are established .

  9. 井下靶式动压流量计

    Target-type dynamic pressure flowmeter under oil well

  10. 介绍了靶式流量传感器的工作原理,对小流量流动流量系数的变化提出了修正方法并研制了智能型小流量测量的靶式流量计。

    The principle of target flow-meter was introduced and design the intelligent small-flow target flow meter based on a modification method of flow coefficient shifted with small-flow .