
  1. 气体超声波流量计在山西铝厂煤气计量中的应用

    Application of Gas Ultrasonic Flowmeter for Coal Gas Metrology in Shanxi Aluminium Factory

  2. 气体超声波流量计流速修正系数的确定及其计算机在线处理

    Determination of the Flow Correction Coefficient for Gas Ultrasonic Flowmeter and On-line Computer Processing

  3. 本文研制时差法气体超声波流量计,包括流量计硬件电子线路和软件设计。

    In this paper , a gas ultrasonic flowmeter with transit-time difference measurement has been designed .

  4. 影响气体超声波流量计计量精度的主要因素研究

    Research on the Main Factors Causing Error on Measurement of Ultrasonic Gas Flowmeters : Theory and Applications

  5. 气体超声波流量计的研制

    Development of Gas Ultrasonic Flowmeter

  6. 研制了基于自干涉驱动波及自适应计时算法的单声道气体超声波流量计样机。

    A prototype of ultrasonic gas flow meter is developed based on the self-interference driven waveforms and self-adaptive time-of-flight algorithm .

  7. 气体超声波流量计主要由超声波换能器组、信号处理电路和积算系统三个部分组成。

    Gas ultrasonic flow-meter mainly by the ultrasonic transducer group , signal processing circuit and integrating the system of three parts .

  8. 介绍一种新型流量计量仪表&气体超声波流量计的工作原理及其在山西铝厂煤气计量中的应用情况,提出了维护检修中需要引起重视的几个问题。

    Based on the coal gas metrology in Shanxi Aluminium Factory , the paper introduced the principle and application of a new type flowmeter , gas ultrasonic flowmeter , and brought forward some important questions in maintenance and overhauling .

  9. 尽管我国已于2001年颁布并实施了气体超声波流量计使用方面的国家标准GB/T18604-2001,但是随着超声波流量计越来越广泛的使用,国内外对超声波流量计计量性能的影响因素已有了进一步的研究;

    Although China issued and implement the national criterion of GB / T18604-2001 on the application of nature gas ultrasonic flowmeters , there are further international researches on factors which have impacts on measurement performance of ultrasonic meter as its wide applications .