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  1. 第三章,为自然科学史方面,包括古代天文学、地理、医学及气象物候学四部分。

    The third chapter is about the history of science including ancient astronomy , geography , physic , and phenology .

  2. 根据同德气象局牧草物候观测资料,进行了早熟禾牧草生长期、生长高度和产草量的气候条件分析。

    Based on the grass data observed by Tongde county meteorology office , analyses the premature grass 's growth period , growth height and yield .

  3. 气象条件对柑桔物候期的影响

    Effect of Meteorological Condition on the Phenophase of Citrus

  4. 本文利用北京地区1951~1985年气象资料和树木物候资料以及1990年树木开花期资料进行树木始花期预报,得到比较满意的结果。

    This paper examines meteorological and tree phenological data from 1951 to 1985 . From this data , forecasts for first flowerings of various trees in 1990 were made . The results have proven satisfactory .