
  • 网络climate condition;climatic condition;Weather
  1. 桑果出汁率、糖度、酸度、pH和色素含量除与品种特性有关外,还受气候条件影响。

    The juice rate , sugar percentage , acid percentage , pH and pigment content are not only related to the race character , but also affected by the climate condition .

  2. 0~20cm土层碱解氮含量具有随纬度增加而增加的趋势,气候条件和土壤类型的差异是导致其纬向分布差异的主要原因。

    Soil alkali-hydrolyzed N content increased with increasing latitude , and climate condition and soil type were considered as the main reasons that induced the latitudinal differentiation of soil alkali-hydrolyzed N.

  3. 这种植物在气候条件稍差一点的地区长势尤其好。

    The plant flourishes particularly well in slightly harsher climes .

  4. 草莓最适于在凉爽、潮湿的气候条件下生长。

    Strawberries grow best in a cool , moist climate .

  5. 厄尔尼诺现象与东南亚和澳大利亚异常干燥的气候条件有关。

    El Ninos are associated with abnormally dry conditions in Southeast Asia and Australia .

  6. 没有这样的结构,许多温血动物将很快脱水,特别是在干燥的气候条件下。

    Without these structures , many warm-blooded animals would quickly dehydrate , especially in dry climates .

  7. 将GPS应用到滑坡监测,不仅精度高、不受气候条件影响,而且可实现无人职守的自动化实时监测模式。

    When GPS is used to monitor landslides , it can provide high precision and be free from weather .

  8. 不同气候条件下花期GA3处理对巨峰葡萄无核化的效应:本文研究了不同气候条件下葡萄花期采用不同浓度的GA3处理对巨峰葡萄无核化的影响。

    During the period of flowering , effect of GA_3 on making berry seedless at different climate was researched .

  9. 结合气候条件,通过建立CFD城市数字模型,并输入相关的参数,得到模拟结果。

    Combination of weather conditions , establishment of CFD models and the importation of the relevant parameters , and then we can get simulation results .

  10. 影响土壤中可溶态稀土元素含量的主要因子有:成土母质,气候条件(温度,降水量),土壤pH,土壤质地。

    The major factors which influenced the contents of soluble rare earth clements in soil included types of soil forming parent materials , climate conditions , such as air temperature and rainfall , soil pH and soil texture .

  11. 在不同的地区,不同的气候条件对BIPV设计产生不同的影响。

    In different regions , different climatic conditions on the BIPV design produce different effects .

  12. 结合台风气候条件下风速分布模型与MonteCarlo可靠度分析方法,构建了台风风场随机模型,分析了台风风场风速的分布特点,数值化地再现台风的基本结构。

    Combining wind velocity distribution model in the climate of typhoon with Monte-Carlo method , analysis procedure of stochastic typhoon wind field is proposed , while some characters of wind velocity in typhoon wind field are illustrated numerically .

  13. 在白垩-第三纪的干旱、炎热古气候条件下,U经过强风化和热水浸出,在断陷带内富集成铀矿床&岩源活化型铀矿床。

    Under the dry and hot paleoclimate condition in the Cretaceous-Tertiary period , strong weathering and hot water leaching forced uranium to be concentrated into the " rock origin activation " type uranium deposits in the fault depressed zone .

  14. 而其他时段为C3植物占优势地位的C3/C4混合植被,则与气候条件表现出较为复杂的关系,这可能与温度、降水对C4植物生长的反向影响有关。

    C3-dominated plants and C3 / C4-mixed vegetation appeared at other times , the relation of which and climate was rather complicated , which might be related to the negative effects of temperature , precipitation on the growth of C4plants .

  15. 北京山区落叶阔叶林优势种的水分利用效率(WUE)与其所在地的气候条件有很密切的关系,特别是大气相对湿度、太阳辐射强度、饱和水汽压亏缺(VPD)和温度。

    The long term water use efficiency ( WUE ), of key species in deciduous broad-leaved forest in Beijing Mountain area , is strongly related to relative humidity , solar radiation , vapor pressure deficit and temperature .

  16. 本论文结合祁临高速公路沥青路面设计与施工,根据工程所在地的地理位置、气候条件、道路等级、路面结构以及经济技术等多方面因素,来展开SBS改性沥青混合料工程应用研究的。

    The paper is based on the bitumen pavement 's design and construction of the Qi - Lin freeway , according to the project location , weather condition , road grade , pavement structure and economy technology and other factors , analyzes the application of the SBS modified asphalt mixture .

  17. 依据建立的3mm波段晴空亮温理论模型,对晴空3mm天空亮温进行了理论和实验研究,提出了根据地面气候条件来求取天空亮温的简单实用方法。

    Mm band , the theoretical and experimental research on 3 ? mm sky brightness temperature was carried out . According to the ground climatic conditions , a simple and practical method for obtaining sky brightness temperature was put forward .

  18. 按回风系统为CAV或VAV,新风系统为VAV+CAV或VAV+VAV等组合计算得出,与现有定风量系统相比,在这8种气候条件下的节能量可达10%~366%。

    When conditioned air subsystem is designed as CAV or VAV and outdoor air as combination of VAV + CAV or VAV + VAV , calculation shows that energy saving can be as high as from 10 % to 36.6 % in comparison with conventional CAV system .

  19. 北京地区气候条件下,旱稻全生育期的需水量在650~690mm之间,需水量最大时期出现在出苗~拔节阶段和抽穗~成熟阶段。

    Following results were obtained : In Beijing area , the crop water requirement of aerobic rice was 650 ~ 690mm mainly in two periods , Emergence ~ Jointing stage and Heading ~ Maturity stage .

  20. 韩国位于中温带,年降雨量1300mm,平均温度10~20℃,这种特异气候条件适于野生蘑菇的大量生长。

    Korea , located in the temperate zone , has 1 300 mm of annual rainfall and 10 ~ 20 ℃ of average temperature . This typical climate creates favorable conditions for many kinds of wild mushrooms and thus they grow abundantly .

  21. 新疆葡萄产品的优势及其生态气候条件评价

    Predominance and Evaluation of Ecoclimatic Condition of Grapy Production in Xinjiang

  22. 新疆棉花矮密早栽培技术的气候条件

    Climate Conditions of the Cultivation Technology for Short-dense-early Cotton in Xinjiang

  23. 地理位置及气候条件对大豆脂肪含量的影响

    Influence of soybean oil content caused by geographical location and climate

  24. 全省不利于旅游的气候条件主要是冬季的寒冷;

    The primary unfavorable factor for tourism is cold climate in winter .

  25. 郑州地区太阳能规模化供热气候条件分析

    Climate Conditions Analysis for a Large Scale Solar Energy Heating in Zhengzhou

  26. 福州市1997年甘蔗开花的气候条件分析

    Weather condition analysis of sugarcane florescence in Fuzhou in 1997

  27. 丘陵山地元帅系苹果品质与气候条件关系初探

    Delicious Apple Quality and Climate Factors in Taihang Mountain Area

  28. 本论文首先介绍了佛山的自然气候条件对本土建筑的影响。

    This thesis introduces the climate impact on Foshan city local architecture .

  29. 2005年运城地区苹果成花率低的气候条件分析

    Analysis of Climatic Conditions of Low abloom Rate of Apple in Yuncheng

  30. 淮安地区气候条件对小麦产量的影响

    Primary Study on Effect of Climate Condition on Wheat Yield