
  • 网络QLF
  1. 涡轮式气流分级机分级精度影响因素分析

    Influence of Some Factors on Classification Efficiency of Turbo Air classifier

  2. 涡轮式气流分级机分级效率数学模型研究

    Research on Mathematical Model for Classifying Efficiency of Turbo Ultrafine Classifier

  3. 离心涡轮式气流分级机分级区域研究

    Investigation for Effective Separation Aera of A Turbo Air Classifier

  4. 气流分级机操作参数对分级性能的影响

    Effects of the Operation Parameters on the Air Classifier Performance

  5. 涡轮式气流分级机分级粒径的试验研究

    Study to the Experiment for the Separation Size in the Turbo Cyclone Classifier

  6. 离心式气流分级机特性与效能的分析

    Analysis of Characteristics and Performance of the Centrifugal Classifier

  7. 面粉气流分级机的研制与应用

    Deveiopment and application of flour air flow classifier

  8. 新设计的气流分级机可达到对颗粒进行亚微米分级的要求。

    Such as new typed air classifier can meet the requirements of submicron classification .

  9. 叶片式气流分级机综述

    A Summary of blade - type stream classifier

  10. 气流分级机分级粒径的不稳定是造成精度下降的根本原因。

    The precision of cut of air classifier is decreased by the flunctuation of cut-size .

  11. LHB&K型气流分级机在锌粉生产中的应用转笼型气流分级机

    " LHB-K Pneumatic Grader " Used In Zinc Powder Production Airstream classifier with rotation cage

  12. 而涡轮式气流分级机是精密分级设备中非常重要的类型之一。

    Turbine air classifier is one of the most important types among many accurate classification facilities .

  13. 精密气流分级机的研究

    The Study of Precision Air Classifier

  14. 复合气流分级机的研究

    Study on a combined air classifier

  15. 介绍了气流分级机的面粉分离原理和研制过程,并通过在面粉厂应用中获得的数据论证了该设备的合理性。

    Classifying principle and developing process of the flour air flow classifier were introduced and its reasonableness was determined by experimental data in the paper .

  16. 提高分级精度,增加产量,缩小产品的粒度分布范围是CP系列超声速超微气流粉碎分级机一直以来面临的问题。

    For a long time , CP series of supersonic superfine air flow milling and grading machinery have faced up to such problems as improve high grading precision , increase output and reduce range of particle distribute .

  17. 蒸汽浴电气加热用具过热蒸汽气流粉碎分级机的数值模拟

    Electric sauna heating appliance Numerical Simulation of a Superheated Steam Comminution Classifier

  18. 过热蒸汽气流粉碎分级机的数值模拟该磨粉机是粉碎、筛选、超细粉分离回收的组合机组。

    Numerical Simulation of a Superheated Steam Comminution Classifier The grinder is designed with high speed grinding , air classifying , cyclone separating , sifting and extra fine powder collecting .

  19. 讨论了低温粉碎的必要性及发展趋势,分析了空气涡轮制冷机与流化床气流粉碎分级机组合的新型低温粉碎系统的性能特征。

    This paper discusses the necessity and developing tendency of hypothermia pulverizing , analyses the performance characteristic on a new style hypothermia pulverizing system , that the air turbine refrigerator is composite with fluid bed jet mill .