
  • 网络Gas container;MEGCs;MEGC
  1. 填充气体容器由封闭透明主体形成,形成空腔。

    A gas-fill vessel is formed from a closed , transparent body , forming a cavity .

  2. 填充气体容器与电磁谐振器不邻接(相分离),并与场探头电容性耦合。

    The gas-fill vessel is not contiguous with ( detached from ) the electromagnetic resonator and is capacitively coupled with the field probes .

  3. 从液化压缩气体容器内提取产品有两种不同的方法:作为蒸气(气体)或作为液体(液化气体)。

    There are two different methods of product withdrawal from a liquefied compressed gas container : as a vapor ( gas ) or as a liquid ( liquefied gas ) .

  4. 本文结合具体工程实例,分析了汽油-空气混合气体容器爆炸时作用在结构上的爆炸荷载效应,包括正相压力、负相压力、冲量、作用时间等。

    Combined with the engineering practice , this paper analyses the effects of explosion load acting on the structure while the mixed gas of gasoline and air exploding ; the effects include the positive pressure , negtive pressure , impulse and acting time ;

  5. 盛装液化气体的容器的超压泄放;

    The supperpress venting of the vessel which is full of liquefied gas ;

  6. 不管盛放气体的容器体积有多大,气体都能把它完全充满。

    A gas completely fills the volume of any container , however large , in which it may placed .

  7. 当管道与充有压力气体的容器连接时,如果需要对任何管线进行操作,必须先将管线中的残余压力进行释放。

    Before intervening in any circuit which has a gas filled pressure vessel , the pressure must be discharged from the circuit .

  8. 干式气柜作为储存气体的容器,因它特有的结构,在施工中不同于一般的储罐施工。

    The construction of a dry gas holder , as a kind of gas storage vessel , differs from general storage tanks .

  9. 如果我把装气体的容器放在桌子上,一小时以后我再回来时,气体的压强应该是不变的,否则它就不是平衡的。

    If I place my container of gas on the table here , and I come back an hour later , the pressure needs to be the same when I come back Otherwise it 's not equilibrium .

  10. 这些结果对液化气体无损贮存容器的设计、使用和选择等均具有指导意义。

    All these results have instructing significance to the design , using and type choosing of cryogenic vessels .

  11. 气体会将容器完全填充满,粒子可自由移动。它们同其他粒子以及容器壁碰撞。

    A gas completely fills its container . The particles are free to move about . They collide with the walls and with other particles .

  12. 特别指用于贮藏液态气体的真空容器,有双层壁,壁间为真空,接触真空的表面镀银。

    An insulated container used especially to store liquefied gases , having a double wall with a vacuum between the walls and silvered surfaces facing the vacuum .

  13. 同时也兼顾满足了公共安全行业标准GA400-2002[8]中的关于气体灭火系统容器阀、选择阀、单向阀的相关要求。

    At the same time , referencing to correlative requirement of GA400 [ 8 ] about container valves , selector valves , check valves of gas extinguishing system .

  14. 如果把气体装进容器里,容器内各处气体的压强,应该是一样的,否则它就不是平衡的。

    If I 've got a gas in a container , the pressure of the gas has to be the same everywhere in the container , otherwise it 's not equilibrium .

  15. 液化气体通常采用压力容器储存,很多种类液化气体属于易燃、易爆、或有毒物质。

    Liquefied gases , many of which are inflammable , explosive or toxic substances , are usually contained in pressure vessels .

  16. 大容量储存容器能够或者从蒸气空间供应气体,或者从容器底部供应液体。

    The bulk storage tank can either supply gas from the vapor space or liquid from the bottom of the tank .

  17. 在建模过程中通过对容器壁内侧施加压力边界条件来模拟由于内充气体的作用在容器壁内产生的应力场,并通过与试验结果的比较验证了数值模拟方法的有效性。

    The static stress wall resulting from the inner pressure was simulated by applying a stress boundary along the inner wall . A better correlation between experimental and numerical results was obtained .

  18. 能流动并按容器形状成形的连续的无定型物质:液体或气体。(指容器或所盛之物)溢出

    A continuous amorphous substance that tends to flow and to conform to the outline of its container : a liquid or a gas . ( of a container or its contents ) overflo

  19. 根据气体状态方程和容器物料平衡,得到了沉降器、分馏塔、分馏塔顶油气分离罐和再生器顶等部分的压力动态响应方程。

    The pressure dynamic transient equations for separator at the top of the riser reactor , main fractionator , separator for gas and gasoline and regenerator were proposed on the basis of the equation of state for ideal gas and the change of molecular rates through the vessels .

  20. 调整器允许液体从容器的底部流动,通过一个蒸发器变成气体。接着气体聚集在容器的顶部。

    It is controlled by a regulator that opens to allow liquid to flow from the bottom of the container , through a vaporizer , where it becomes a gas .

  21. 装压缩气体或液化气体用的铝制容器。

    Aluminium containers for compressed or liquefied gas .

  22. 为了实现气体对液态金属的封堵约束,分别进行了喷吹气体封堵容器中水和水银侧向流出的实验。

    In order to explore the possibility of sealing liquid metal in a box by jetting gas , an experiment was carried out using water and mercury , respectively .