
  • 网络deviation signal;Error signal;No-Ne
  1. 设计了位置偏差信号的探测电路。

    A detecting circuit for error signal is presented .

  2. 为了在各种线性或线性化了的调节系统参数整定计算中这些准则都能适用,宜对任意系统、任何扰动下被调量偏差信号的拉氏变换式归纳成标准形。

    To make the the criteria usable in controllers ' parameters calculation for any disturbance for any channel and any system the laplace transfer formula of the error signal for such situation have been summed up some standard forms .

  3. 与空气舵控制方式进行比较,说明了喷流控制力系统的特征,利用MATLAB仿真模拟出两个通道的控制力系数和偏差信号之间的关系。

    Then the MATLAB was used to reveal the relation between the control force coefficient and the deviation of the missile .

  4. 在CO2气体保护焊中,采用摆动电弧传感器进行焊缝跟踪的困难在于如何提取准确的焊缝偏差信号。

    In CO2 gas metal arc welding , the difficulty hi seam tracking by pendular arc sensor is how to attain the tolerance signal of weld joint .

  5. 利用光电接收器件阵列组合接收光栅产生的莫尔条纹信号,得到x,y方向的对正偏差信号。

    The Moire signal generated by a pair of special slant gratings is detected by a set of photoelectric detectors then the detected signals are used to estimate the magnitudes of misalignment in x , y directions .

  6. 利用可靠的PID算法设计了电机控制器,利用采集的位置偏差信号作为速度参考信号,电机的速度信号作为反馈信号,形成单闭环速度控制系统。

    Robust PID algorithm design of the motor controller . acquisition of location deviation signal as speed reference signal , speed of the electrical signal as a feedback signal , form a single closed-loop speed control system .

  7. 以运行位置最大的液压缸作为基准缸,然后和其它三个缸的位置进行比较,产生的偏差信号作为控制器的输入,经过PID控制算法,调节液压缸的运动速度。

    The largest running position cylinder serves as reference cylinder , Then , the position of the other three cylinders were compared with reference cylinder , the errors are used as the input of PID controller , thereby the speed of hydraulic cylinders are regulated with PID control algorithm .

  8. 大型齿轮在机检测螺旋线偏差信号的采集和分析

    A gathering and analyzing software on spiral deviation signal in on-machine measurement

  9. 提出了一种改进的桨距角控制方案&将系统频率偏差信号引入桨距角控制系统。

    An improved pitch control scheme is presented by introducing a frequency deviation signal into the control system .

  10. 该偏差信号可用于驱动执行机构完成瞄准动作或直接作为方向指示信号。

    The output signals can be used as a direction indicator or drive the motor system to fulfill the collimation .

  11. 根据电弧电压偏差信号及电弧状态,设计了四个控制规则及其控制参数的计算方法。

    According to the signals of arc voltage errors and arc state , four control regulations and counting measure of control parameters are designed .

  12. 利用电流积分差值法作为焊缝控制算法,通过离线计算,准确地提取出了焊缝偏差信号。

    By using the current integral indifference method as seam tracking control algorithm and computing off line , the seam tolerance signals have been attained .

  13. 所研究的焊缝自动跟踪系统,是利用接触式微动开关传感器检查偏差信号,并使用单片微机控制系统的工作。

    Automatic Weld tracking system is the use of contact microdrive switch sensor to check deviation signal and operated by one piece computer control system .

  14. 在铅垂平面内通过俯仰角程序控制以间接控制航迹角,而在侧向平面内则由侧向位置偏差信号生成侧向过载控制指令。

    The pitch angle program control is formed to dominate the track angle indirectly in the vertical plane , while in the horizontal plane , the location deviation creates the side over loading control instruction .

  15. 传统视觉传感焊缝识别一般都是通过视觉传感器获取熔池前方焊缝图像来获取焊缝特征信息,并通过图像处理得到焊缝中心位置与电弧的偏差信号。

    In traditional seam tracking system based on vision sensors , the weld seam located in the front of weld pool was captured as characteristic information of weld seam . And the errors between the seam center and the arc was gained by image processing .

  16. 该系统将系统输出反馈与输入信号比较产生偏差信号,此信号经前向环节放大后调节反馈量直至偏差信号为零,其输出即为测得值。

    The deviation signal is produced by making the output feedback signal compare with the input signal . After the deviation signal is amplified by front link , the feedback quantity is regulated until the deviation signal is zero , and then the output is the measuring value .

  17. 结果表明,采样频率偏差会引起信号幅度衰减和子载波间干扰(Inter-carrierInterference,ICI),导致系统信噪比性能下降;

    It is shown that sampling frequency offset can lead to amplitude attenuation and Inter-Carrier Interference ( ICI ) due to the loss of orthogonality between the subcarriers .

  18. 在使用具有最大扫描距离偏差的最大信号边限时,转换门限应该设置在背景与标识信号的正中间?

    To make use of the maximum signal margin with the maximum scanning distance tolerance , the switching threshold should be set at the mid-way point between the background and mark signals .

  19. 抖动噪声的模型以指向系统设计为基础,用以描述信息发送过程中由于指向偏差引起的信号衰落和偏差的起伏引起的抖动噪声。

    Based on the design of PAT ( pointing , acquisition and tracking ) system , the model of the jitter noise focuses on the fading process caused by the jitter deviation on the information transmission .

  20. 同步偏差可能对接收信号产生数据相移、数据幅度衰减、数据循环移位、符号间干扰和信道间干扰等不利影响,所以同步技术是OFDM系统能否正常工作的关键因素。

    Synchronization errors will introduce some undesirable effects to the system , such as phase shifting , amplitude attenuation , data cyclic shifting , inter-symbol interference and inter-carrier interference , so synchronization technique plays a key role in OFDM system .

  21. 成分(偏差)变送器采样信号频率偏离设计值情况下离散傅立叶变换的误差分析

    Analysis on errors of discrete fourier transform ( DFT ) in case of signal frequency drifting from designed value

  22. 定量地分析了接收天线的指向和极化倾角出现偏差时对下行信号强度的影响,并介绍了借助于仪器对接收天线进行准确调整的方法。

    This paper analyses how the down-link signal strength is affected by non-properly adjustment of pointing and polarization angle of receiving antenna . This paper also introduces the method of accurate adjustment with the aid of indication of instruments .

  23. 其次本文分析了符号定时误差、采样时钟偏差、频率偏差对解调信号的影响。针对符号定时同步问题,阐述了利用OFDM帧头训练序列同步的方法;

    Secondly , the effects of carrier frequency offset , sampling clock offset , and symbol timing offset on OFDM signals are exploited .

  24. 通过自聚焦透镜和光电探测器耦合系统,研究、测试了自聚焦透镜装配引起的轴向距离、角度偏差和离轴偏差对信号传输系统耦合效率的影响。

    The effect of GRIN lend misalignment , end separation , lateral displacement and angular misalignment on coupling efficiency of optical signal transmitting system is tested and investigated by coupling between the GRIN lens and detector .

  25. 因此,在OFDM系统接收机中,定时的确定、载波频率偏差和采样频率偏差的纠正是信号恢复的关键。

    So , in an OFDM system , finding the symbol timing , the carrier frequency offset , and the sampling rate offset the receiver is important in the recovery of the signal .

  26. 介绍了一种模糊与神经网络相结合的控制方法,借以克服模糊控制存在稳态偏差的不足和神经网络对小偏差信号不敏感的缺陷。

    The fuzzy and neural networks combined control overcomes the stable state error of the fuzzy control and the poor-sensitivity of the neural networks to minor system error .

  27. 也就是说,被调量的偏差值与执行机构(如调压器,变阻器筹)的位置始终保持比例关系,对于偏差信号来说,比例控制器是一种放大系数可调的放大器。

    That is to say , the deviation value of being adjusted and the position of the performance organization keep the proportion for deviation signal , proportional controller is an amplifier the coefficient can be adjusted .