
piān xīn zhóu
  • eccentric shaft
偏心轴[piān xīn zhóu]
  1. 基于CAD平台的偏心轴的加工分析及车削工艺的夹具设计

    Analysis of Processing of the Eccentric Shaft and Fixture Design of Turning Process Based CAD Platform

  2. 砂带磨削在破碎机偏心轴加工工艺上的应用

    Sand-belt grinding process applied to grinding the eccentric shaft of mining crusher

  3. 本文研究了一种新的激振器&基于KAM定理设计的三自由度的端面式混沌激振器,即在同一偏心轴上套装两个端面接触的偏心块。

    In this paper , a new exciter & three degrees chaos exciter based on KAM theorem , that is to fix two eccentric blocks contacted by end face on the same axis .

  4. 在Pro/E软件Mechanica模块中对颚式破碎机偏心轴进行有限元分析,最后利用Pro/E软件中的加工模块得出偏心轴加工的数控代码。

    In Pro / E software Mechanica module of crusher partiality axis by finite element analysis , finally , using the Pro / E processing module in the software that partiality axis CNC processing of the code .

  5. 浅析双偏心轴加工工艺及工装

    Shallow Analyze to process and frock of axis with double eccentricity

  6. 滚切式定尺剪偏心轴的磨削加工

    Abrasive Machining for Eccentric Shaft of Rolling Cut type Sizing Shear

  7. 基于小波变换的颚式破碎机偏心轴振动信号分析

    Analysis of vibration signal of eccentric crusher shaft based on wavelet transformation

  8. 振动给料机由双偏心轴激振器提供直线振动源。

    Double eccentric shaft vibration exciter is the source of linear vibration .

  9. 汽车上偏心轴类件的楔横轧工艺研究及应用

    Research and application of wedge rolling process of eccentric shaft of automobile

  10. 小型风力发电机偏心轴叶片设计与计算

    Design and calculation of small wind power machine Partial blades

  11. 浅谈天馈系统偏心轴腔体零件的加工方案

    Desing of Eccentric Axis Cavity Part Structure in Antenna System

  12. 他尝试过跳高数次。时计数器跳杆偏心轴

    He had several goes at the high jump . hour counter jumper eccentric

  13. 加工偏心轴的生产效率和精度与夹具有密切的关系。

    Forming process and dies of cold and warm extrusion for location eccentric shaft ;

  14. 偏心轴冷镦工艺研究及模具设计

    Study of the Cold Upsetting Technology for the Eccentric Shaft and Design of the Die

  15. 偏心轴楔横轧轧制区轧制力影响因素分析

    Analysis of factors affecting rolling force in rolling zone of eccentric shafts with cross wedge rolling

  16. 而天馈系统偏心轴腔体零件的电性能参数是主要依靠机械加工来保证的。

    Electric performance parameter of eccentric axis cavity parts in antenna system can depend on mechanical working .

  17. 时计数器跳杆偏心轴

    Hour counter jumper eccentric

  18. 用附加质量法确定发动机运动件的总转动惯量(多缸转子发动机用的)整体式偏心轴

    Additional Mass Method to Determine the Moment of Inertia of Total Moving Components in a Engine integral one-piece mainshaft

  19. 天馈系统偏心轴腔体零件的结构设计趋于此方向,且要求的尺寸、位置精度均较高,表面粗糙度低。

    The size and position must be in high accuracy while the roughness of surface must be very low .

  20. 收割机搅龙中拨杆座与偏心轴的磨损原因

    The wear cause of the poke rod bedplate and the eccentric shaft in the harvester ′ s agitating auger

  21. 本文讨论无力矩条件下带有质量偏心轴对称转子的非对称陀螺体的运动。

    In this paper the motion of a torque - free asymmetric gyrostat with a mass - eccentric rotor is discussed .

  22. 最后以半自动双偏心轴压力装配装置的创新设计方法为例加以说明。

    At last the creative design of a semiautomatic press assemblage device for binary-eccentric shaft is taken to illustrate the methods for MCD .

  23. 两轧辊在轧制区的轧制力不对称性是偏心轴类零件两辊楔横轧轧制成形的一个显著特征。

    In the rolling procedure of eccentric shafts by cross wedge rolling , the non-symmetry of rolling force in rolling zone is a significant characteristic .

  24. 22例患者肌肉病理有明确的肌间质纤维化,与出现肌无力的患者相比,无临床症状者病理上出现相对较多的多轴空及偏心轴空,肌肉组织纤维化较轻。

    Compared with those with muscle weakness , patients without any clinical symptom had more eccentric cores and / or multiple cores and less interstitial fibrosis .

  25. 研究偏心轴的失效机理,以保证连铸生产正常运行,具有重要的技术经济意义。

    Researching the eccentric shaft failure mechanism in order to ensure the normal operation of the continuous casting production lines , has important technical and economic significance .

  26. 由于重力作用,水平井的侵入带已不再是对称于井轴的圆柱体,将侵入带等效为圆柱体,仪器(井眼)位于偏心轴上来逼近实际模型。

    In order to approach the actual model , we regarded the invaded zone as a cylinder in which the tool is located in an eccentric position .

  27. 如将转子置于其偏心轴之中心回转则该转子即在定子内部一方面回转,一方面做上下运动。

    If the rotor is located in the central gyro-static position of the eccentric bush , it will be getting gyro-static while doing vertical movements inside the stator .

  28. 传动装置采用减速电机带动偏心轴传动,传动平稳、可靠、噪音小,安装维修方便;

    Power transmission is realized by means of a camshaft driven by a geared motor , featuring smooth driving , higher reliability , lower noise as well as easy installation and maintenance ;

  29. 因此,天馈系统偏心轴腔体零件中如何保证其装配关系及其内表面的粗糙度、位置和尺寸精度,直接影响天线电性能参数的调试和装配。

    Therefore , how to guarantee the quality of assembly , roughness of its internal surfaces , position and its size accuracy can directly affect adjust and assembly of electric performance parameter .

  30. 根据水压泵的磨损研究,设计了该泵的润滑方案:在高速重载的偏心轴和轴承上表面进行硬质化处理并涂抹润滑脂以解决磨损问题。

    According to the wear of the hydraulic pump , the lubrication program was designed . Lubricating oil was used to solve the wear problems on the high-speed heavy eccentric shaft and bearing .