
  • 网络crushing ratio;Reduction ratio;size reduction ratio
  1. 能量消耗小、产量高、破碎比大。

    Low energy consumption , high output and big reduction ratio ;

  2. 高压辊磨机是一种新型粉碎设备,具有产量高、节能显著、破碎比大等特点,主要用于中碎细碎作业。

    High pressure grinding roll ( HPGR ) is a new type of crushing equipment . It has many advantages such as high yield , significant energy saving , high reduction ratio and so on . And it is mainly used for secondary crushing and fine crushing .

  3. 大破碎比颚式破碎机及对破碎工艺流程的变革

    Jaw Crusher With Large Reduction Ratio and the Modification of Crushing Technology

  4. 一种基于破碎比功的岩石破碎效率评价新方法

    A new evaluation method for rock-crushing efficiency based on crushing work ratio

  5. 河面冰破碎比功的研究

    Study on crushing specific work of the river ice

  6. 动、静载岩石破碎比功试验研究

    Testing Study on crushing work ratio of rock under dynamic and static load

  7. 岩石破碎比功表征钻井中破碎单位体积岩石的功耗量。

    The rock crushing work ratio denotes the work used to break rock of per volume in drilling .

  8. 破碎比大,产品粒度均匀,结构简单,性能可靠,维修简便,运营费用低。

    Characteristics : broken ratio , product size uniform , simple structure , performance , reliability , easy maintenance , low operating costs .

  9. 结果表明,弧形齿板使用寿命提高212.12%,破碎比提高到4.274~4.405。

    The result shown that its service life was increased by a factor of 212 . 12 % and ratio of reduction increased to 4 . 274 ~ 4 . 405 .

  10. 将所建立的模型进行适当简化,可得到经典岩石破碎比功三大学说表达式,说明该模型具有一定的普遍性。

    In addition , the three classical formulas of the crushing work ratio theory can be obtained by properly simplifying the model , hence , the general applycation of the model is proved .

  11. 破碎比能系数随着刀间距的增加有一个逐渐减小然后增加的过程,存在最优刀间距现象。

    When the cutter spacing increases continuously , the specific energy ratio of energy consumes to fracture area ( W / A ) decreases , and then has an increased . There exists an optimum disc cutters spacing .

  12. 试验结果表明,破碎活性炭比柱状活性炭对浊度、NH3N、CODMn、TOC的去除效果好,且水头损失与膨胀率也大。

    This study indicated that the cracked activated carbon removes the turbidity , NH_3-N , COD_ Mn , TOC more effectively , and its head loss and expansion rate are higher than the columnar one .

  13. 结果表明,用绕流绕流冲击法计算出的破碎波浪力比常规波浪力大约3倍,约为冲击绕流法的2倍。

    The results show that the maximum breaking wave force can be about three times larger than the regular wave force and is twice as large as that of the impact-diffraction method if the other conditions are equal .

  14. 新型螺杆对气泡破碎和分离作用比收敛流道更有效。

    New type screw is more effective for gas breaking up and separating .

  15. 从3个景观尺度的分类目标层中矢量化提取出绿地信息并计算6个景观指数多样性、优势度、均匀度和分维数、破碎度和内缘比。

    Green space information was extracted through vector form of object image layers of three scales landscape classification .

  16. 该系列颚式破碎机具有破碎比大、产品粒度均匀、结构简单、工作可靠、维修简便、运营费用经济等特点。

    The series Jaw Crusher features of great breaking ratio , uniform particle sizes , rational construction , reliable operation , easy maintenance and effective cost .

  17. 掘进机依靠转换机械能来破碎岩石,相对比之前人们通过钻爆法开挖隧道,掘进机具有经济、安全、快速、优质等一系列优点而被推广。

    Road headers break the huge rocks by converting mechanical energy , in contrast to the previous drilling and blasting method . Thus they are popularized for the advantages of economy , safety , high speed and good quality .

  18. 与偏心圆锥破碎机相比,具有破碎比大、产品粒度细而均匀、能破碎坚硬物料、在运转中可实现自我保护等特点。

    Comparing with the eccentric cone crusher , it is noted for high reduction ratio , tiny and even product size .

  19. 该系列反击式破碎机实现了以较少的破碎段数,获得较大的破碎比,降低了投资成本,节约了能源。

    This series of impact crushers enable to achieve a higher reduction with fewer crushing stages , lowering your capital costs and saving energy .

  20. 在钴结壳开采过程中,对钴结壳及其基岩的破碎是一个重要的环节,既要保证足够高的采集率,又要能降低破碎比能耗和废石混入率,这是相关研究的关键问题。

    In the process of mining cobalt crust , crushing of cobalt-rich and its bedrock is a very important step because it has to ensure high collective rate and reduce energy consumption ratio of crushing and waste in-ore rate .