
pò huài jiān ɡuǎn zhì xù zuì
  • crime of disrupting the order of supervision
  1. 关于破坏监管秩序罪的认定

    On the Determination of Crime of Disrupting the Order of Supervision

  2. 破坏监管秩序罪,处3年以下有期徒刑。

    People who commit the crime of disrupting the order of supervision will be sentenced to fixed - term imprisonment no more than 3 years .

  3. 第四部分是破坏监管秩序罪的刑罚裁量。

    The fourth part is the crime of destruction of the Order of Supervision Penalty .

  4. 我国《刑法》第315条规定了破坏监管秩序罪的构成及其刑事责任。

    Article 315 in our country 's " Criminal Law " regulates the constitution and its criminal responsibility of crime of disrupting the order of supervision .

  5. 在以往的著作中,在分析破坏监管秩序罪是偏重于对被监管人犯罪行为的分析,忽视监管人员在本罪中可能存在的违法失职行为对于本罪严重危害结果发生的影响。

    The past book always do more analyze in the crime action of the offenders when they analyze this Crime of undermining supervision order , and ignored the regulators may exist in the crime of illegal misconduct results for this crime occurrence of serious harem .