
  • 网络Trivial Matters;Por see yee
  1. 我们最终还是把这件破事儿理顺了。

    We have sorted out this wretched business at last

  2. 咱俩之间这点儿破事儿不好收场了。

    This thing between us is getting out of control .

  3. 我听够了你抱怨衣橱界的这些破事儿。

    I am tired of hearing you rant about the crazy closet world .

  4. 没有吸血鬼的时候你们就干这破事儿吗

    Is this what you do when there 's no , um , vampires ?

  5. 我无路可逃了,所有这些破事儿都让人愤怒。

    I ain 't got no way to run , all those shit manke me so mad .

  6. 我祖父的生意几年前就破产了,但他还是不依不饶地破事儿重提。

    My grandfather 's business went bankrupt years ago but he still rakes over the ashes from time to time .

  7. 当然,这也可能表示他还在为他跟前女友间一堆尚未解决的破事儿纠结不已,不论是愤怒、怨恨还是猜疑。

    But talking incessantly about prior relationships is tacky and might also imply that there are still some unresolved issues lingering in his head whether it 's rage resentment or doubt .