
  • 网络broken glass;Shattered Glass
  1. 破碎的玻璃割伤了她的手。

    She cut her hand on some broken glass .

  2. 破碎的玻璃,下坠的水泥,还有其他杂物让雷茜不顾一切地冲向远处的亮光。

    Broken glass fallen plaster and other things that Lacey didn 't want to think about crunched17 under her feet as she made her way towards the distant light .

  3. 吹进来的绝缘体和破碎的玻璃进入到我们的头发和眼睛里。

    The blown-in insulation and broken glass filled our hair and eyes .

  4. 但是,几名消防队员在救火时被破碎的玻璃划伤。

    However , a few firemen were hurt by cracked glass when fighting with the fire .

  5. 当心破碎的玻璃

    Be careful of broken glass

  6. 像老鼠爬过破碎的玻璃

    Or rats'feet over broken glass

  7. 破碎的玻璃器皿我们已更换。另外,我们给客户百分之四的折扣。

    We have replaced the broken glassware . In addition , we offered the customer a4 % discount .

  8. 我的车子沿着环形路口缓慢地开着,车轮压在破碎的玻璃和铜作的弹壳上卜卜作响。

    My car circled around slowly , rubber tires crunching on broken glass and spent brass cartridge cases .

  9. 两层玻璃间有塑料板、树脂板或其他材料的板以防破碎的玻璃。

    Glass made with plates of plastic or resin or other material between two sheets of glass to prevent shattering .

  10. 官方立即向游客作出解释,称破碎的玻璃只是人行道的牺牲层。

    Officials at the attraction have rushed to reassure visitors , stating that the broken glass was just a ' sacrificial ' layer .

  11. 台风过去后,仍要注意破碎的玻璃、倾倒的树或断落的电线等可能造成危险的状况。

    After the storm is over , check for broken glass , fallen trees and downed power lines which may present safety hazards .

  12. 等到超音速运输机延绵五十英里的声爆降临整个地球的时候,恐怕只会剩下破碎的玻璃,陶器和人们早已崩溃的神经系统。

    Wait until the SSTs smash their fifty-mile corridors of sonic boom from coast to coast along with smashed windows , crockery , and nervous systems .

  13. 主体建筑周围的所有建筑已经全部毁坏,整个街道上都散落着破碎的玻璃,有很多人混乱地躺在那里,流血不止。

    All the buildings surrounding the main building were totally ruined , and glasses were all over streets , and there were people lying there , bleeding and chaos .

  14. 破碎的玻璃和其他物体会伤到脚,因此在床的附近要准备好手电筒和拖鞋,这样你就可以安全地活动了。

    You may injure your feet on broken glass and other objects . Prepare a flashlight and slippers near your bed so you will be able to move safely .

  15. 埋在沙子或鹅卵石底下的可能是尖利的岩石、破碎的玻璃、贝壳碎片或其他坚硬的物体,这些都可能划破你的双脚和脚踝。

    Buried under the sand or pebbles can be sharp rocks , broken glass , pieces of broken shell or other hard items that can cut your feet or ankles .

  16. 当他们不大的家里已经不存在任何秘密,满是破碎的玻璃和碎裂的木头。这两个人又被迫再次开始打对方。

    With all of their secrets scattered about their modest home , covered in broken glass and splintered wood , the two were forced to go back to beating themselves .

  17. 到处躺着的生锈的、空的啤酒罐、破碎的玻璃瓶子让我很难受,我担心地看到海鸥正在啃食被吃剩的不健康的小吃。

    Rusty , empty beer cans lay about and some broken glass bottles made me mad . I was worried to see unhealthy leftover snacks being eaten by sea gulls .

  18. 我们嗓音干燥,就像枯草遇风,我们低声交谈,死寂空洞,像老鼠爬过破碎的玻璃,在地窖里发出干瘪的响声。

    Alas ! Our dried voices , when We whisper together Are quiet and meaningless As wind in dry grass Or rats ' feet over broken glass In our dry cellar

  19. 除了替换破碎的玻璃,清理校园以后,学校还安置了一台电动环境监控器,每隔两天进行一次监测。

    In addition to replacing the broken windows and cleaning the campus , an environmental monitoring vehicle has been stationed on campus , and results are being released twice a day .

  20. 在那栋五层楼高的“加勒比海超市”——这里的进口商品最多样,且外国人大多喜欢选择在此与他人相会——男女老少被压在破碎的玻璃和砖块之下,搜救无望。

    Under the broken glass and bricks of the five-story Caribbean Supermarket - which carried the most varied imported products and where foreigners were most likely to meet one another - women , men , and children lie trapped , given up for dead .

  21. 人行道上满是破碎瓶子的玻璃渣。

    Glass from broken bottles litters the pavement .

  22. 具有三明治结构(如:玻璃/高分子中间膜/玻璃)的夹层玻璃是一种可防止普通玻璃因破碎而伤人的安全玻璃。

    Laminated glass with sandwich structure such as glass / polymer interlayer / glass is a kind of safety glass that can prevent ordinary glass from hurting people by the fragment .