
pò bài
  • dilapidated;ruined;decay;disrepair;tumbledown;declined;lose;be defeated;breach and defeat
破败 [pò bài]
  • (1) [ruined]∶残破

  • 抬头一看,只见那好一座大庙,只是破败的不成个模样。--《儿女英雄传》

  • 这一带的古长城早已破败不堪

  • (2) [lose;be defeated]∶失败;破灭败亡

  • 国家破败

  • (3) [breach and defeat]∶攻破击败

  • 破败广军。--《史记》

  • (4) [lose]∶丧失

  • 天理、国法、人情破败

  • (5) [declined]∶破落衰败

  • 破败荒凉的家

破败[pò bài]
  1. 出现在照片中的这些建筑已经破败、衰落。

    The buildings in his pictures are ruined and dilapidated .

  2. 今天的恰克图,破败的教堂成了牧人的马厩。

    Today herders stable horses in the ruined church .

  3. 车站关闭后很快便破败不堪。

    The station quickly fell into disrepair after it was closed .

  4. 这座城市已变得破败不堪。

    The town has become very down at heel .

  5. 房子里空无一人,破败不堪。

    The house was unoccupied and in a bad state of disrepair

  6. 这幢房子死气沉沉、风格过时并且破败不堪。

    The house was dull , old-fashioned and in bad condition

  7. 这座建筑之前的业主将其从破败不堪的状况中挽救了出来。

    The previous owners had rescued the building from dereliction .

  8. 建筑物因人为的肆意破坏及日晒雨淋而日益破败。

    Buildings are left to decay at the mercy of vandals and the weather

  9. 就一所破败的房子而言,它的状况还算不错,就好像仍在使用中一样。

    For a ruin it was in good condition , as though the place was still being used .

  10. 它变成了一座破败的山间小屋。

    It became a shabby mountain cabin .

  11. 这些建筑被听任破败下去。

    These buildings were left to decay .

  12. 这楼已破败不堪。

    The building is now a ruin .

  13. 新购物中心的开张如同给这个破败的市郊地区打了一剂强心针。

    Opening a new shopping centre was a shot in the arm for the run-down city suburb1 .

  14. 葡萄酒中与蛋白破败有关的大部分蛋白,其前体属于葡萄PR蛋白。

    The precursor of most proteins related to protein haze is PR protein .

  15. 遇见她的时候,我正在名为pinluang的村子里一栋破败的木质建筑周围闲逛。

    I met her as I wandered around a dilapidated wooden building in the village of pin Luang .

  16. NBA的代理委员表示:即将过去的薪资条件创造了一个破败的模式,这个模式直接导致了职业篮球联赛的巨大财务亏空。

    " The expiring collective bargaining agreement created a broken system that produced huge financial losses for our teams ," said Adam Silver , the NBA deputy commissioner .

  17. 香港九龙重庆大厦(chungkingmansions)破败的外墙下,路过的行人步履迟疑,脸上透着既紧张又好奇的神色。

    A look of nervous curiosity clouds the faces of those who walk haltingly past the crumbling facade of Chungking Mansions in Kowloon district .

  18. 德鲁•格林布拉特(DrewGreenblatt)的小工厂位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩一个破败的地区,他正在视察工厂车间,两名工人正在操作一个大型的钢铁弯轧机器人。

    Drew Greenblatt surveys the shop floor of his small factory in a down-at-heel district of Baltimore , Maryland , where two workers are using a large steel-bending robot .

  19. 今天Dillon破败学校里小女孩的希望与LA大街上学习的男孩的梦想完全一样;

    Now the hopes of the little girl who goes to a crumbling school in Dillon are the same as the dreams of the boy who learns on the streets of LA ;

  20. 在今年6月《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)刊登的一篇文章中,美国前财长亨利保尔森(HenryPaulson)及罗伯特脠宾(RobertRubin)声称,美国应欢迎并协助中国投资于前者破败的基础设施。

    In an article in the June edition of The Atlantic magazine , former US Treasury Secretaries Henry Paulson and Robert Rubin argue that Chinese investment in America 's creaking infrastructure should be welcomed and facilitated .

  21. 2007年的1月3日,当布莱克接替鲍勃o纳尔德里(BobNardelli),出任家得宝首席执行官的时候,这家公司正陷于危局,销售额停滞不前,客户服务糟糕透顶,供应链破败不堪。

    When Blake succeeded Bob Nardelli as CEO on Jan. 3 , 2007 , the company was in crisis , with stagnant sales , poor customer service and an antiquated supply chain .

  22. 该市商会的会长温。哈勒特(WinHallett)说十年前市中心还破败不堪,有的时候他会担心游客被简陋的旅馆吓走。

    Ten years ago , says Win Hallett , the head of its Chamber of Commerce , the centre of Mobile was so ragged that he worried about visitors being frightened away by the hotels .

  23. 随后Svanstrom夫妇飞往了新西兰的基督城,他们到达的时候,当地刚刚经历了2月22日那场6.3级的强烈地震,破败不堪。

    The couple then flew to Christchurch , New Zealand , arriving just after a massive magnitude 6.3 earthquake devastated the city on February 22 .

  24. 在类似底特律西北部的Brightmoor,或者位于东北部的奥斯本地区,你可以看到在美国绝无仅有的场景&损毁的、破败的、被遗弃的房屋。

    In areas like Brightmoor in the north-west , or Osborn in the north-east , you can see scenes of vandalism , decay and abandonment unparalleled in America .

  25. 我出生在墨西哥的CiudadJuarez,这儿郊区有一个破败的公墓,那些付不起葬礼费用的人经常就把他们故去的亲朋埋在这里。

    The Cemetery Mimic 01 There 's a defiled cemetery in the outskirts of Ciudad Juarez , Mexico , the city I was born in . People who can 't afford to pay funerary services often bury their loved ones here .

  26. 看起来一点也不破败,只是有点旧有点神秘。

    It didn 't look shabby , just old and mysterious .

  27. 党派政治在对这些问题的处理上已彻底破败。

    Factional politics has failed utterly to deal with these problems .

  28. 异日萧条破败的景象荡然无存。

    The desolate scene in the former days has all gone .

  29. 没有创意、缺乏凝聚力、破败之至的自民党已经走向了尽头。

    The LDP has come to the end of the line .

  30. 看看你们这一代留给我们的这个破败的国家吧。

    Look at the run-down country your generation has bequeathed us .