
  • 网络Clutch;overrunning clutch;overrun clutch
  1. 滚柱式超越离合器的故障诊断是国内外工程界的难题。

    Fault diagnosis of the roller overrunning clutches is a difficult problem home and abroad .

  2. 滚柱式超越离合器故障的脉冲诊断方法

    Fault vibration diagnosis of roller overrunning clutches

  3. 利用单向超越离合器实现Skyhook控制。

    The Skyhook control regulation is realized by one-way clutch .

  4. 建立了一种基于双超越离合器的不完全约束关节机构的模型和它的控制模型,对关节机构的被动约束特性和Cobot的轨迹跟踪特性进行了实验研究。

    The model for a non-holonomic constraint joint mechanism based on double over-running clutches and its control model were set up . The experimental study of the joint mechanism ′ s passivity and constraint characteristics and cobots ′ trajectory-tracking characteristics were carried out .

  5. 燃气涡轮起动机减速器用超越离合器研究

    Research on the Freewheel Clutches of Gas Turbine Starting Engine Reducer

  6. 一种双楔块低副单向超越离合器

    Unidirectional overrunning clutch with dual - wedge - block lower pair

  7. 四滚柱式超越离合器外环拉伸应力计算研究

    Study on Strain of External Ring of the Four Roller Clutch

  8. 起升机构超越离合器扭转刚度计算方法

    Calculation of torsion stiffness in overrunning clutch of hoisting mechanism

  9. 滚柱式超越离合器动、静态接触应力分析

    The Statical and Dynamical Contact Stress Analysis of the Roller-Type Overrunning Clutch

  10. 航空发动机用超越离合器动态载荷识别研究

    Study on the Dynamic Load in Overrunning Clutch of Aero-turbine Starting Engine

  11. 楔块式超越离合器接触应力有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Contact Stress of Sprag Over-running Clutch

  12. 航空发动机超越离合器轴承性能试验台测控系统

    Measure and Control System of Aviation Engine Clutch Bear Testbed

  13. 滚柱式超越离合器滚柱的运动及弹簧力

    Movement and spring force of the roller in roller typed overrunning clutch

  14. 链环式超越离合器高速超越特性研究

    Research on the high speed performance of chain-ring overrunning clutch

  15. 装载机变速器常用超越离合器的分析与比较

    Analysis and Comparison among Common Overdrive Clutches in Loader Transmission

  16. 超越离合器滚动接触状态的三维有限元分析

    3D FEA of Rolling Contact Model in the Overrunning Clutch

  17. 链环式超越离合器的数学模型和特性分析

    Mathematical model and feature analysis of chain ring overrunning clutch

  18. 稳健性设计思想在超越离合器设计中的应用

    Application of Robust Design Philosophy to Overrunning Clutch Design

  19. 链环式超越离合器的承载能力分析

    Bearing capacity analysis of chain - ring overrunning clutch

  20. 超越离合器星轮工作型面设计

    Design of Working Flank for Overrunning Clutch Planetary Gear

  21. 摩托车超越离合器本体的精密锻造工艺研究

    Study on precision forging process for the body of slip-jaw clutch in motorcycle

  22. 楔块式超越离合器与联轴器组件的结构及应用

    Structure and Application of Overrunning Clutch and Coupling Components

  23. 一种新型的扩环式单向超越离合器

    A New Model Enlarge Ring One Way Overrunning Clutch

  24. 链环式超越离合器的工作原理和物理本质

    Working Principle and Physical Essence of Chain-Ring Overrunning Clutch

  25. 应用载荷识别技术的超越离合器动态转矩测试研究

    Test and Research on Dynamic Torque of Overrunning Clutch Applying Load Identification Technique

  26. 传动式超越离合器寿命的研究

    A study on the life of roller-type overrunning clutch

  27. 链块倒角对链式超越离合器工作效率的影响

    Effeets of the Block Chamfer on the Working Efficiency of Chain Type Clutch

  28. 滚柱式超越离合器的多目标模糊优化设计

    The multi-objective fuzzy optimal design on roller overrunning clutch

  29. 对该超越离合器的结构及工作原理进行了分析说明;

    The structure and operational principle are explained ;

  30. 脉动无级变速器用超越离合器的动载荷分析

    The Dynamic Load Analysis of Overrunning Clutch of the Pulse-Mechanical Infinitely Variable Speed Device