
  1. 基于DSP技术的超声波无损检测研究

    Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing Based on DSP Technology

  2. 以声线跟踪法为基础,运用面向对象的编程语言Visualc++和三维场景开发工具OpenGL,按照面向对象的程序设计思想开发了超声波无损检测仿真软件。

    Using object-oriented programming language Visual C + + and 3D scene developing tool OpenGL as development tools and according to the object-oriented programming method , a simulation software for nondestructive ultrasonic inspection is developed based on ray-tracing principle .

  3. 在深入分析了PWM放大器对超声波无损检测系统的噪声干扰后,通过理论研究和仿真实验得出了抑制干扰的实际方法,并在应用中取得良好效果。

    The problem of noise disturbing produced by PWM amplifier in ultrasonic non destructive detecting system is thoroughly analyzed . Then a practical method is obtained through the theory research and simulating experiment , and it has good effects in use .

  4. 本文建立了一个基于MATLAB的集成化的超声波无损检测和无损评价系统,该系统集信号采集、分析、处理、评价于一体,还有典型缺陷库,用于超声波无损检测和评价时十分方便。

    An integrated ultrasonic nondestructive testing and evaluation system based on MATLAB is established in the present paper . Having multi-functions of signal sampling , analysis , processing and evaluation and having a defect base , the system is very convenient in ultrasonic nondestructive testing and evaluation works .

  5. Rayleigh面波法是一种新兴的地球物理勘探方法,具有能量大,信噪比高等特点,近些年来越来越多的被应用于浅层地球物理勘探,深层地震学研究,超声波无损检测等多个领域。

    Rayleigh-wave-method is a new method in geophysical prospecting . Rayleigh wave usually has more energy and higher signal to noise ratio than body waves , so there are more and more applications of Rayleigh wave in geophysical prospecting , seismology and ultrasonic nondestructive testing and so on recent years .

  6. 大钟寺博物馆钟架的超声波无损检测

    Ultrasonic Non-destructive Evaluation of the Wood Frame for the Great Bell

  7. 基于能量算法的中密度纤维板超声波无损检测

    Non-destructive test of MDF with ultrasonic based on energy arithmetic

  8. 超声波无损检测系统的噪声干扰分析与抑制

    Analyzing and Suppressing of the Noise Disturbing in Ultrasonic Non-destructive Detecting System

  9. 混凝土路面厚度的超声波无损检测研究

    Detection for thickness of concrete highway surface using ultrasonic non-damaging probe technique

  10. 超声波无损检测技术是现代工业重要的检测手段。

    Ultrasonic non-destructive inspection method is one of the most important inspection methods .

  11. 超声波无损检测方法识别复合材料性能的方法初探

    Study on Evaluating Composites Performance with Ultrasonic Nondestructive Detection

  12. 空气耦合式超声波无损检测技术的发展及展望

    Progress and Prospect of Air-coupled Ultrasonic Non-destructive Evaluation

  13. 钢结硬质合金的超声波无损检测

    Ultrasonic Nondestructive Test of Steel-bonded Cemented Carbide

  14. 论文介绍了一种数字式超声波无损检测和成像处理系统。

    A digital ultrasonic non-destructive detecting and imaging processing system is introduced in this paper .

  15. 混凝土结构强度与厚度的超声波无损检测关键在于准确识别直达波、反射波的起点。

    The key of supersonic non-destructive detection for concrete intensity and thickness was to identify the start of direct and reflected wave .

  16. 混凝土是目前最为普遍的建筑材料,超声波无损检测技术能够快捷、方便的诊断混凝土结构的质量。

    Concrete is the most common building materials , ultrasonic nondestructive testing technology can quickly and easily diagnose the quality of concrete structure .

  17. 超声波无损检测的理论依据,材料中的弹性波传播规律的研究越来越受到重视。

    The theoretical basis of ultrasonic nondestructive test , studies of the elastic wave propagation in the materials have drawn more and more attentions .

  18. 在相同龄期条件下,超声波无损检测得到的混凝土弹性模量跟利用压力加载试验所得到的混凝土静弹性模量相比,其值总是偏大;

    At the same age , the concrete elastic modulus through ultrasonic nondestructive examination is large than the static elastic modulus by pressure load test .

  19. 超声波无损检测中的层析成像技术,作为一种先进的检测技术被广泛应用于混凝土结构的内部质量检测中。

    As an advanced detection method , ultrasonic nondestructive testing computerized tomography ( CT ) technology is used to detect inner quality of concrete structure .

  20. 本文较系统地研究了低水灰比混凝土的水化程度,未水化胶凝材料后期继续水化对混凝土强度的影响,并采用超声波无损检测技术研究了后期水化对混凝土结构的损伤情况。

    Degree of hydration and harm of unhydrous cement on concrete are studied in this paper . The concrete structure is detected by the ultrasonic nondestructive detection instrument .

  21. 对66根提升短节的检测结果表明,超声波无损检测的精度较高,能满足提升短节安全使用的要求。

    The inspections of sixty-six lifting subs show that the accuracy of ultrasonic detection is high and it can meet the demand for the safe usage of lifting subs .

  22. 在分析提升短节结构及受力的基础上,指出超声波无损检测是保证其质量的一种有效检测方法。

    Based on the analysis of the structures and force of the lifting subs , this paper indicates that ultrasonic inspection is one kind of effective inspection for ensuring its quality .

  23. 利用超声波无损检测的方法来测定混凝土早龄期弹性模量方便快捷,而且还可以根据需要随时随地测定,具有广泛的应用前景。

    The use of Ultrasonic Non-destructive Examination ( UNE ) in detecting the the elastic modulus of early-age concrete has an extensive application prospect , thanks to its convenience and availability in any place at any time according to needs .

  24. 在常规超声波无损检测基础上,利用数字信号处理技术、小波变换方法,以及奇异性分析技术,从大的背景噪声中提取出了摩擦焊缺陷微弱信号。

    On the basis of normal ultrasonic NDT ( Non Destructive Testing ), the numerical signal analysis methods , the wavelet transformation , and the singularity analysis methods are used to characterize the weak signal reflected by friction welding defects from the large noise .

  25. 超声波无损检测具有适应范围广、使用方便、对人体无害、使用成本低等独特优点,在现代工业无损检测领域占有重要的地位和得到广泛的应用。

    Ultrasonic nondestructive testing has to adapt to a wide range of easy to use , harmless to human body , the use of the unique advantages of low cost . It is an very important method in non-destructive testing of the modern industry .

  26. 针对超声波无损压力检测技术,开发了一种采用回振法测量超声波传播时间的装置。

    In accordance with the technology of ultrasonic nondestructive pressure measurement , a sing-around device was developed for measuring the propagation time of ultrasonic wave .

  27. 采用了超声波无损探伤检测和破坏性试验相结合的试验方法,得到了一种鉴别陶瓷电容器可靠性的快速判别依据。

    A quick method to assess the reliability of ceramic capacitors were also got through the combination of supersonic wave aided nondestructive test and destructive test .

  28. 管道内缺陷检测分为漏磁缺陷无损检测和超声波缺陷无损检测,在我国,应用比较广泛的是漏磁缺陷检测。

    Magnetic flux leakage pipe inspection is divided inner surface flaw detection and surface flaw detection , in which magnetic flux leakage flaw detection applications is especially widespread in China .

  29. 超声波探伤是无损检测的重要手段之一。

    Ultrasonic testing is an important means of non-destructive testing .

  30. 根据电站锅炉水冷壁管的缺陷特征和运行环境,研究了管壁内外表面缺陷和壁厚减薄的磁性与超声波融合的无损检测方法。

    According to the service environment and defect characteristics of boiler water wall tubes , the nondestructive testing method using magnetic flux leakage and ultrasonic was used to inspect the corrosion and wall loss defects .