
  • 网络Penetration;penetration method;Through Transmission
  1. 质构仪穿透法测定肉制品嫩度的研究

    Quantitative evaluation of meat tenderness by penetration method of Texture Analyzer

  2. 只有穿透法获得了较广泛的应用。

    Only the penetration method has been used to any appreciable extent .

  3. 基于STL的射线穿透法网格剖分的研究

    Research on Ray Piercing Method Based on STL in Mesh Division

  4. 实际运用结果表明,采用射线穿透法对记录实体信息的STL文件进行剖分是1种切实可行的办法。

    Applications show that the ray piercing method is an efficient way in mesh division .

  5. 通过动态柱穿透法测定空气中氮/氧吸附平衡数据,并应用于实验室规模的两床变压吸附(PSA)空分制氧过程的模拟;

    In the present work the data of N2 / O2 adsorption equilibrium were measured by the laboratory setup of dynamic adsorption and were applied on the simulation of two - bed pressure swing adsorption ( PSA ) process for O2 product from Air in lab scale .

  6. 应用动态柱穿透法测定的空气中氮-氧吸附平衡数据模拟两床真空变压吸附(VSA)空分制氧中等温与非等温过程;

    The data of N2-O2 adsorption equilibrium were measured by the laboratory setup of dynamic adsorption and were applied on the comparison of isothermal and non-isothermal two-bed vacuum swing adsorption ( VSA ) process for O2 product from Air .

  7. 用穿透法测量声速时初始点的选择问题

    Selection of first-break timing in using transmitting method for measuring sonic velocity

  8. 双能γ射线穿透法测量土壤密度和水含量

    Measurement of Soil Density and Water Content by Attenuation of Bi Energy γ Rays

  9. 大距离声波穿透法确定导水裂隙带范围

    Determination of range of the draw water fissure zone using the long distance sound transmission method

  10. 成分对双能γ射线穿透法测灰的影响

    The Effect of Constituent Variations on Measuring Ash Content in Coal by Dual Energy r-ray Transmission Techniques

  11. 该文分别采用γ射线穿透法和切片法测量了平板状土豆内部的水分分布,为物料内部水分分布的实验验证提供了实验基础。

    The γ rays transmission and slicing method were used to measure the moisture profile in slab shaped potato .

  12. 利用γ穿透法实验模拟装置,测定了5种介质(水、土、红砖、水泥和砂子)的线性减弱系数和质量减弱系数;

    The linear attenuation coefficient and mass attenuation coefficient of five environmental medium ( water , soil , red brick , concrete and sands ) have been measured with γ transmission method simulative equipment .

  13. 对岩石声频散进行了实验研究,用不同频率的声学探头使用超声波脉冲穿透法对砂岩和泥岩样品进行了测量,并分析了两者的频散现象。

    The acoustic dispersion of rocks is investigated with experimental method samples of sandstone and shale are measured at different frequencies with ultrasonic pulse penetration method , and then the acoustic dispersions are analyzed .

  14. 该方法经试验数据的检验,除个别点外,误差均在5%以内。最后通过穿透法水柱的对准及其误差分析,对机体外误差补偿方法进行了验证。

    The method was evaluated through experimental data , and the relative error was less than 5 % . The error compensation outside economy was validated through one water column aiming at another and its error analysis in ultrasonic test of transmission technique .

  15. 穿透几率法求解X-Y几何多群中子积分输运方程

    The numerical solution of multigroup integral neutron transport equation in X-Y geometry by transmission probability method

  16. 穿透散射法测定氮化钽薄膜的原子比

    Atomic ratio determination of tantalum nitride foil by transmissive scattering

  17. 穿透曲线法获取固定床吸附器的传质扩散系数

    To get mass transfer diffusion coefficients of fixed bed adsorber by breakthrough curve method

  18. 快速测定活性炭对环己烷吸附荷量的方法&迎头色谱穿透曲线法

    A new test method for cyclohexane loading of activated carbon & penetrating curve method of frontal chromatography

  19. 本文讨论了用穿透几率法计算二维轻水堆燃料组件中子通量的分布,提出了一种简易的计算模型。

    The transmission probability method is developed for solving neutron flux distribution in two-dimensional light water fuel assembly .

  20. 该组件中子空间能谱的计算采用穿透概率法与响应矩阵法相结合的方法,在六角形几何内求解中子积分输运方程。

    For calculation of neutron flux spatial energy distribution in PWR hexagonal fuel assembly , the integral neutron transport equation in hexagonal geometry is solved by the transmission probability method combining with the respond matrix method .

  21. 在国际上,采用用最易穿透粒径法替代其他各种传统的检测方法是大势所趋。

    In the near future , it will replace other testing methods in the world .

  22. 高效、超高效空气滤纸最易穿透粒径法实验性能研究根据实验结果,确定了最佳的过滤介质粒径、过滤层厚度和过滤速度。

    Study on Performance of HEPA ﹠ ULPA Filter Media Based on the MPPS Method ; The result gave the optimal filter particle diameter , layer thickness and filtration velocity .

  23. 变焦-临界穿透束流极值法测量电子束流动态焦点&一种焦点测量方法介绍

    Method of varying focus-extremum of critical penetrating current measuring electron beam dynamic focal spot